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PIEC - Image Gallery

Android Image Gallery application - Share your world!

Gif of the App

Table of Contents


The application was made as a course project. The purpose of the project was to learn developing cross-platform applications using React Native.

The application also utilizes a backend to store data such as images, comments, users etc. The backend is implemented in Kotlin with Spring Boot framework. The backend implementation can be found here.


  • User can discover images that other users have uploaded
  • User can upload images
  • User can comment on images
  • User can upvote/downvote on images
  • User has own profile to view user's own images and comments


  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Expo


The built .apk for Android devices can be downloaded from releases. To run the app in development mode:


  1. Node.js (and npm or yarn)
  2. Expo
  3. Android device or emulator

To run:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. cd into the cloned project folder via command line or terminal
  3. Run yarn or npm ci in command line or terminal
  4. Run yarn start or npm start in command line or terminal
  5. Run the application on emulator or on a real device via Expo