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Getting Started

Can Cellek edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 41 revisions

How To Use

There are multiple ways of using Excalith Start Page, allowing you to chose the ones suit your needs best.

This is an example of how I prefer to use it:

  • Docker Version for computers, which runs in a local container.
  • Online Version (aka. Online Version) for mobile devices (such as iPad) and remote devices (such as remote VMs). Please refer to Online Version for some warnings.

Here are major differences between each method

Preview Version Fork Docker
No techie setup needed. However, it always uses latest version, so it can break your local configurations time to time due to new features. Uses the version you forked until you want to update with upstream. Will not break anything automatically. Uses the version of the image until you want to update. Will not break anything automatically.
You need to be online to use the page. This is just the source, you will need to build or deploy in order to use. Docker will host locally using the optimized build just like you would do with a fork.
Loading resources depends on your connection speed. You will have total freedom: create docker images, deploy to server or serve locally. It will use your computer as a server, faster than online method.

Please refer to wiki sidebar for detailed instructions on how to use.

Setting Up As A Start Page

After chosing a method to start, you should assign your browsers new tab page with this projects URL (either local or remote). This will override the browsers default new tab page with your new start page!

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