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SwapLibrary is a Solidity library that provides functions for executing token swaps using different protocols. It currently supports Uniswap protocol.



Executes an exact input swap.


  • swapConfig: Swap configuration including the protocol to use for the swap.
  • tokenIn: The address of the token to be used as input for the swap.
  • tokenOut: The address of the token to be received as a result of the swap.
  • amount: The exact amount of input tokens to be swapped.
  • price: Approximate amount of units of tokenInrequired to acquire a unit oftokenOut. It will be validated against the swap rate considering the maxSlippage.


Executes an exact output swap.


  • swapConfig: Swap configuration including the protocol to use for the swap.
  • tokenIn: The address of the token to be used as input for the swap.
  • tokenOut: The address of the token to be received as a result of the swap.
  • amount: The desired amount of output tokens to be obtained from the swap.
  • price: Approximate amount of units of tokenInrequired to acquire a unit oftokenOut. It will be validated against the swap rate considering the maxSlippage.