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Spell Checking Oriented Word Lists Version 2 (SCOWLv2)

SCOWL (Spell Checker Oriented Word Lists) and Friends is a database of information on English words useful for creating high-quality word lists suitable for use in spell checkers of most dialects of English. The database primary contains information on how common a word is, differences in spelling between the dialects if English, spelling variant information, and (basic) part-of-speech and inflection information.

The original SCOWL (SCOWLv1) was a compilation of the information in the database into a set of simple word lists that can be combined to create speller dictionaries of various sizes and dialects (American, British (both -ise and -ize), Canadian and Australian).

SCOWLv2 instead combines all that information into a single text file and SQLite3 database. In order to keep the file size manageable and to avoid noise entries the minimum SCOWL size is now 35 and the 95 size is not included.

Unlike SCOWLv1, SCOWLv2 includes the proper spelling of abbreviations that included the trailing dot. It also includes words that were excluded from SCOWLv1 such as hyphenated and open (i.e. with space) compound words, and words with special symbols in them.

SCOWL is derived from many sources under a BSD compatible license. The combined work is freely available under a MIT-like license. See the file Copyright for details.

SCOWLv2 is still a work in progress. The 60 size should as of 2024-08-23 contain about the same set of words as SCOWLv1. The processing of the source data is completely different so the resulting wordlists are not the same. Most of the changes I regard as corrections for improper handling of derived forms or variants in SCOWLv1. The handling of possessive forms have been completely redone based partly on the noun category assigned by WordNet. For American English any new changes to non-possessive forms of words included in speller dictionary have been accounted for and noted in the file misc/comp-60.txt. The 70 size should also be about the same but no attempt has been made to verify this as of yet.

SCOWLv2 is generated from the the same sources that SCOWLv1 uses but via a far more complicated, and unreleased, process. At some point I will be be happy with the results and the resulting file (scowl.txt) will be directly editable. However for now, I want the freedom to update the source scrips to fix systematic errors so SCOWLv2 is distributed in a set of two files: the result of the automatic process (scowl-orig.txt), and a patch file (patch).


SCOWLv2 requires Python 3 and SQLite. It is currently tested with Python 3.7 and SQLite 3.27.2. Newer versions should work, older versions may work but are not supported.

A Unix like environment is also required for now.

Basic Usage

In order to use SCOWL scowl-orig.txt must be combined with the patch file (patch) to create scowl.txt and the a SQLite3 database file scowl.db. To do both via the provided makefile simply type:


To work with SCOWL use the scowl script provided in the root directory. This script is a very thin wrapper around the libscowl python module. The module is not available on PyPI, but instead included with SCOWL. This script is meant to be run from the root directory of the SCOWL distribution.

To extract wordlists from the database use:

./scowl word-list scowl.db > wl.txt

Which will create a word list that corresponds to the default dictionary size and variant level used when creating spell-checkers dictionaries, except that dialectic marks (i.e. accents) are preserved. To remove then marks use:

./scowl word-list scowl.db --deaccent > wl.txt

The default word filter strips the trailing dot from abbreviations, to instead keep them:

./scowl word-list scowl.db --dot True > wl.txt

To exclude abbreviations altogether (including unmarked ones):

./scowl word-list --poses-to-exclude=abbr > wl.txt

To disable the word filter and include all words:

./scowl word-list --no-word-filter > wl.txt

To create a British word list:

./scowl word-list scowl.db --spellings B > wl.txt

To create a British word list that include -ise, -ize, and other variant spellings:

./scowl word-list scowl.db --spellings B,Z --variant-level '~' > wl.txt

The default word list includes roman numerals and slang words only really used by computer programmers such as "grepped". To exclude these and any other special categories of words use:

./scowl word-list --categories '' > wl.txt

To create a larger wordlist:

./scowl word-list --size 70 > wl.txt

For additional options use:

./scowl word-list --help

Using the SQLite3 database directly is also supported. The main entry point is the scowl_v0 query.

As SCOWLv2 is still in an alpha/testing phase the command line utility and schema is subject to change. At some point the command line interface will stabilize. The schema may still be subject to change but a new scowl_v1 view will be provided that is guaranteed to always provide the same results. New columns may be added, but not in a way that will break existing queries. If is is necessary to break existing queries a new view will be provided.

Searching the Database

To search for an entry in scowl use:

./scowl search [--db scowl.db] [--by-cluster] WORD [WORD ...]

where WORD is one or more words to search. By default search will return the groups with any of the supplied words. To instead return the entire cluster use --by-cluster. Note that the search is case sensitive.

Filtering the Database

You can also filter the database to only show the information you are interested in and avoid noise. This works by creating a new database file that then needs to be reexported with ./scowl export-db.

For example, to filter the database to only include sizes 70 or lower:

./scowl filter --size 70 by-line scowl.db scowl-filtered.db
./scowl export-db scowl-filtered.db > scowl-filtered.txt

There are three ways to filter the database by-line, by-group and by-cluster. by-line will only keep the lines that match the filter arguments. by-group will instead keep the entire group, which is useful if you want to then edit the groups and reintegrate into the larger scowl database. by-cluster will instead keep the entire cluster, which is useful to provide additional context. If you use the by-cluster option the --show-clusters option might be useful when exporting the database. For example:

./scowl filter --size 70 by-cluster scowl.db scowl-filtered.db
./scowl export-db --show-clusters scowl-filtered.db > scowl-filtered.txt

When filtering by line you can also remove some information, which can help simplify complex entries. The available filters are size to remove the size and instead use the size specified in the --size argument, category to remove all categories, region to remove all regions and tag to remove all tags. If you filter by a single spelling then the spelling information will automatically be removed. For example, to get a simplified view of what will be included for the default word list in American English:

./scowl filter --size 60 --spellings A --variant-level 1 --simplify size,tag by-line scowl.db scowl-filtered.db
./scowl export-db --show-clusters scowl-filtered.db > scowl-filtered.txt

See ./scowl filter --help for additional usage.

Using the libscowl package directly

As previously mentioned the scowl script is a very thin wrapper around the libscowl package. As such, you can instead use python3 -m libscowl instead of going through the script. Use of the python module directly instead of through the command line interface is also supported but the API may change without notice. The best documentation to the API is via

File Format

Most everything is stored in a single file (scowl.txt) with the following format:


           [CLUSTER-COMMENT] ...


LINE := SIZE [' ' REGION] [' ' CATEGORY] [' ' TAG] ': '
        [VARIANT-INFO ' ' ... ': ']
        LEMMA [' <' POS ['/' POS-CLASS ] '>'] [' {' DEFN-NOTE '}'] [' (' USAGE-NOTE ')']
        [': ' ENTRY ', ' ...]
        ['#!' WARNING] ...
        ['#' COMMENT] ...

REGION := 'US' | 'GB' | 'CA' | 'AU'

TAG := '[' TAG-TEXT ']'



SPELLING := 'A' | 'B' | 'Z' | 'C' | 'D' | '_'

VARIANT-INFO := '.' | '=' | '?' | 'v' | '~' | 'V' | '-' | 'x'

ANNOTATION := '*' | '-' | '@' | '~' | '!' | '†'

ENTRY := DERIVED | '(' [DERIVED-VARIANT-INFO ' ' ... ': '] DERIVED '|' ... ')'




                    ('## ' COMMENT-TEXT '\n') ...

FOOTNOTES := ('#: ' FOOTNOTE-TEXT '\n') ...

Anything between single quotes is a literal. Space is only present if it is within single quotes. Within a literal the \n means a new line. Anything between square brackets ([]) is optional. The Bar (|) means a choice between one or the other. The ellipsis (...) means to optionally repeat the previous element(s). If the ellipsis is after a literal, it means to repeat, but use the preceding literal as a separator.

A CLUSTER is a very loose groupings of groups in order to keep related words together. There is no indication within the file itself what the clusters are.

A GROUP represents one sense of a word. Groups are separated by empty lines.

SIZE is the SCOWL size with larger numbers meaning less common words. The sizes have the following approximate meanings:

35: small
50: medium
60: medium-large (size used for default spell checking dictionary)
70: large (size used for large spell checking dictionary)
80: a valid word

A TAG is sometimes use to provide information on what source list the word came from.

The source for the majority of words is from lists Alan Beale has a large part in creating, which provides a level of consistency. These lists are then supplemented from a number of signature lists. Most of these words are unmarked. Finally, some additional sources where used that Alan had no part in and are often of British origin, words from these lists are tagged as the fact they are from an alternative source provides useful information.

Words from a few special lists are also tagged.

Anything that starts with #! or #: is generated by the database export code and is ignored when parsing. Similarly the annotation is generated by the export code and ignored when parsing.

The '#:' lines at the end of the file contain dumps of various information from the database. If there is any disagreement between the documentation and this information, the information at the end the file takes precedence.

The LEMMA is the base form of the word.

The part of speeches (POS) or as follows:

n: noun
v: verb
m: noun/verb
aj: adjective
av: adverb
a: adjective/adverb
pn: pronoun
c: conjunction
pp: preposition
d: determiner
i: interjection
abbr: abbreviation
s: contraction
pre: prefix
suf: suffix
wp: multi-word part
we: multi-word ending
x: non word (for example a roman numeral)
n_v: noun and verb
aj_av: adjective and adverb

The m and a are special POS'es that should not used for new entries. The m is assigned when all the word forms for a verb where found in a word list, but no POS info was found for that word. It is probably a verb and could also be a noun. Similarly, The a means it could be an adjective or adverb.

The n_v and aj_av are special combined POS'es.

Within a line the derived forms of a word are in a specific order. A single dash (-) is used if a particular word form is missing. The order is one of:

n: n0
n: n0 [ns] [np]
n: n0 ns np nsp

v: v0
v: v0 vd [vn] vg vs
v: v0 vd vd2 vn vg vs vs2 vs3 vs4

n_v: m0
n_v: m0 vd [vn] vg ms [np]
n_v: m0 vd [vn] vg ms np nsp

m: m0
m: m0 vd [vn] vg ms

pn: p0
pn: p0 pn1 pns pnd pnp pnr0 pnrs

d: d
d: d ds
d: d d1 d2

a*: a*0
a*: a*0 a*1 a*2

we: we [wes] [wep]
we: we wes wep weps

Entries marked by square brackets are optional and can be excluded without the use of a dash placeholder. Trailing entries for pronouns (pn) can also be excluded without the use of a dash placeholder.

The derived forms are as follows:

n0: noun
ns: noun: plural
nss: noun: plural of plural
np: noun: possessive
nsp: noun: plural possessive
nssp: noun: plural of plural possessive
v0: verb
vd: verb: past tense (-ed)
vd2: verb: past tense plural (were)
vn: verb: past participle (-en)
vg: verb: present participle (-ing)
vs: verb: present tense (-s)
vs2: verb: present tense second-person singular (are)
vs3: verb: present tense third-person singular (is)
vs4: verb: present tense plural (are)
m0: noun/verb
ms: noun/verb: (-s)
aj0: adjective
aj1: adjective: comparative (-er)
aj2: adjective: superlative (-est)
av0: adverb
av1: adverb: comparative (-er)
av2: adverb: superlative (-est)
a0: adjective/adverb
a1: adjective/adverb: comparative (-er)
a2: adjective/adverb: superlative (-est)
pn0: pronoun
pn1: pronoun: objective (you/him/her/...)
pns: pronoun: plural
pnd: pronoun: determiner (your/his/her/...)
pnp: pronoun: possessive (yours/his/hers/...)
pnr0: pronoun: reflexive singular (yourself/...)
pnrs: pronoun: reflexive plural (yourselves/...)
c: conjunction
pp: preposition
d: determiner
ds: determiner: plural
d1: determiner: comparative
d2: determiner: superlative
i: interjection
abbr: abbreviation
s: contraction
pre: prefix
suf: suffix
wp: multi-word part
we: multi-word ending
wes: multi-word ending: plural
wep: multi-word ending: possessive
weps: multi-word ending: plural possessive
x: non word

The POS-CLASS is a string to qualify the POS, for example place. The current tags are experimental and at the moment can't be used to reliably filter out proper nouns.

The DEFN-NOTE is used to distinguish two different senses of the same lemma.

The USAGE-NOTE is currently used to mark offensive and vulgar words and might also be used in the future to mark slang, informal, and non-standard words.

The SPELLING and REGION codes are as follows:

A: US: American
B: GB: British "ise" spelling
Z: GB: British "ize" or Oxford spelling
C: CA: Canadian
D: AU: Australian
_:     Other (Never used with any of the above).

If there are no tags with the Z spelling category within a group then B implies Z. Similarly if there are no C tags then Z implies C. If there are no D tags then B implies D.

The VARIANT-LEVELs are as follows:

.: 1: include
=: 2: equal
?: 3: disagreement
v: 4: common
~: 5: variant
V: 6: acceptable
-: 7: uncommon
@: 8: archaic
x: 9: invalid

The v indicator is used for most words marked as variants in the dictionary. However, some variants will be demoted to a V. For example, if the variant is marked as "also" by Merriam-Webster, or if only some dictionaries acknowledge the existence of the variant. - is used when the variant is generally not listed is the dictionary but there is some evidence of its usage. The @ is used for an archaic spelling of the word. The x is used when the spelling is generally considered a misspelling, and is only included for completeness.

The ., =, and ? are special cases for when there is little agreement on the preferred form. The . is used when both forms are considered equal and should be included in the default word list; it is generally used when the spellings is different enough that is unlikely one will be confused with the other. The = means they are still equal but only the non-variant should be included by default. The ? is used when there is some disagreement but there one form is generally preferred over the other.

The ~ indicator means the word is a variant but no information is available on the level, it should not be used for new entries.

An annotation is one of the following:

*: usage dependent
-: uncommon
@: archaic
~: inapplicable
!: infrequent
†: ambiguous lemma

The * annotation is used for nouns when, depending on usage, the plural is sometimes same as the singular form. This is generally used for certain animals (especially fish) and cardinal numbers.

The is added by the database export code to indicate that the spelling of the derived form is also used for a separate unrelated lemma.

The - is used to mark a significantly less common form of a word. ~ is used to mark plurals nouns that are generally not used, for one reason or another, except in very specific circumstances. ! is used for forms of a word that are nearly non-existent. @ is used to mark archaic forms a word.

Combined POS Handling

The POS pairs noun/verb and adjective/adverb are normally combined into a single group when doing so will not introduce additional noise. The POS pairs can be split by using:

./scowl split-pos scowl.db

And can then be combined using:

./scowl combine-pos scowl.db

Both these commands modify the database in place and are reversible.

Variant Translation

SCOWL contains all the information in VarCon but the resulting file format does not lead to easy translation. The underlying database does.

Within the database any words with the same group_id and pos are considered variants of each other. To get information on the variants join the words table with variant_info using word_id. For example:

select group_id, pos, spelling, variant_level, word from words join variant_info using (word_id)

Note that there are still some variants that are unmarked and will be excluded as they are not in variant_info. If these unmarked variants are important, there are different ways to extract that from the database. How this is done will be left as an exercise to the reader.


The eventual intent is to allow editing scowl.txt directly, however this is not supported yet. Instead any changes should be made to the patch file patch. If you make changes to this file simply type make to rebuild scowl.txt and scowl.db.

Compatibility with SCOWLv1

SCOWLv2 is a complete overhaul of SCOWL and nearly everything changed. However, there is limited backward compatibility support via the mk-list script. If you used mk-list in SCOWLv1 is should still produce the same results, but please sanity check the output by comparing the results to the the last version of SCOWLv1. If you created word lists by combining files in the final/ directory your scripts will need to be rewritten. Please use the word-list command of the scowl script to get the wordslists you want.

If you are using the word-list command please note that the variant levels has changed. The original 0 level is now levels 0-1, the original 1 variant level is now 2-4, level 2 is now 5-6, level 3 is now 7-8, and level 4 is 9. This mapping is also available in the varinats_levels table in the database.

Creating Hunspell and Aspell Dictionaries

The speller/ directory of SCOWLv1 has been ported over. Creating the Aspell and Hunspell dictionaries should work the same as they did with SCOWLv1, but again please sanity check the results. Official dictionaries will continue to be created.