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Media Services Application Mapper (MSAM)

MSAM is installed into an AWS account using several CloudFormation templates.

Requirements for MSAM

  • Amazon Web Services account with root or Administrator permissions
  • Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or another current browser with JavaScript enabled

CloudFormation Stack Creation

The order in which to create the stacks are as follows:

  1. Create DynamoDB stack
  2. Create Core stack
  3. Create Event Handler stack
  4. Create MSAM Web stack

Install the DynamoDB, Core and Web stacks in your main, or most accessed region only. The Event Handler stack is installed in each region Media Services are configured.

During the installation of the different CloudFormation stacks you may be prompted to acknowledge creation of IAM resources, as seen in the sample screenshot below. Click the check-box next to each entry. Finally, click the "Create Change Set" button where applicable, then press the Execute button.

Image of IAM Ackowlegement

  • Login to CloudFormation using the account used for creating / managing the MediaServices.
  • Click on Create Stack

For each of the four stacks listed below, from Choose a Template select "Specify an Amazon S3 template URL" and paste in the URLs below exactly as provided for any MSAM-supported region.

After installing the DynamoDB stack (Template 1), you can install the remaining stacks (Templates 2, 3, and 4) concurrently. There is no need to wait for each to finish before starting the next.

Template 1: CloudFormation for the DynamoDB Tables

This template will create a stack for the tables, indices, and capacity autoscaling rules. The first time a stack is created from this template, defaults are added to scan and display cloud resources in the current region only. These settings can be updated in the tool to expand the inventory coverage to other regions.

Input Parameters

  1. Provide a stack name


Go to the Outputs section of the stack and copy the six table names to a notepad. You will need these as input parameters for the next templates. See the following image.

DynamoDB Tables

Template 2: CloudFormation for the Core API of MSAM

This template will create a stack for the MSAM REST API, and periodic tasks used to refresh the content cache and discover logical resource connections.

Input Parameters

  1. Provide a stack name
  2. Paste each of the table names that were generated from the previous stack
  3. Specify a content cache maximum age; content not refreshed before this time will be removed from the cache


Go to the Outputs section after the stack if created and copy the EndpointUrl to a notepad. See the following image for the location of the URL.

Core API Endpoint

Template 3: CloudFormation for the Event Handler

This template is used to create a stack with the Lambda responsible for receiving events from Media Services resources, such as MediaLive pipeline alerts. Create a stack for this template in every region you will be creating Media Services resources.

Input Parameters

  1. Provide a stack name
  2. Paste the Events table name that was generated from the DynamoDB stack
  3. Specify the region of the Events table (such as us-west-2, us-east-1, or eu-west-1, for example)
  4. Specify the time-to-live in seconds all events; see the examples next to the input



Template 4: CloudFormation for the Browser Application

This template will install a copy of the MSAM browser application into an S3 bucket. Files added by the CloudFormation template will have their ACL set to public-read to allow access over HTTPS.

Input Parameters

  1. Provide a stack name


Go to the Outputs section of the created stack and copy the MSAMBrowserURL to a notepad. This is the URL to start the application on your workstation. See the following image for the location of the URL.

Browser URL

Retrieve the Authentication Key for the REST API

The MSAM back-end requires an API key to access any of the REST endpoints. The Core API CloudFormation template creates a default API key automatically. The key is not displayed in Outputs section of the created stack. You can retrieve the key from the AWS console. By default, no access is possible until the following steps are performed.

  1. Take note of the APIKeyID in the Outputs section of the Core API stack
  2. Go to the API Gateway console
  3. In the left-hand tree view, click on API Keys
  4. Find the API key matching the ID of the key in the CloudFormation stack
  5. Click on the API Key and click the Show link to see the actual API Key
  6. Copy the API Key and keep it with the Endpoint URL

API Key Value

Multiple Users and Access Control

You can create multiple API keys, each with different names that are provided to separate groups.

Note that if you want to share the UI with a colleague you can do so easily by providing the browser application URL, core endpoint URL and an API key. If an API key is stolen or lost, create a new API key and delete the previous one. All users that require access can be sent the updated API key that they will have to update in the browser application. MSAM will prompt the user to update the endpoint and key if the previously used settings are unable to access the back-end.

Start the MSAM UI

Wait about 5-10 minutes for the first data gathering of the services to complete. This is needed only the first time after creation of the MSAM instance.

Continue to the Usage guide to start using the tool.

DynamoDB Considerations

There are six DynamoDB tables used by MSAM. They are:

  • [StackName]-Alarms-[ID]
  • [StackName]-Channels-[ID]
  • [StackName]-Content-[ID]
  • [StackName]-Events-[ID]
  • [StackName]-Layout-[ID]
  • [StackName]-Settings-[ID]

Each table is configured for auto scaling by the CloudFormation template. The default DynamoDB read and write capacity set by the CloudFormation template is 5. Each table is set to scale out when recent operations exceed 50% of its R/W capacity. Each table is limited to scale out to 5,000 R/W capacity units if needed. Each table will automatically scale in when R/W capacity needs reduce.

Consider setting alarms and notify via email or text message if any throttling events occur on any table, if any of these tables breach the 75% level of their current capacity, or if any table exceeds a certain R/W capacity unit level.

Versions and Updates

Each template includes a timestamp that indicates it's revision level. The timestamp is shown in the description of each template.

Media Services Application Mapper (MSAM) browser application (ID: 1537396573)
Media Services Application Mapper (MSAM) cloud API (ID: 1537396573)

You can also view the build timestamp in the tool by selecting the Tools menu and MSAM Build Numbers menu item. A dialog box will show the timestamps of each component and show a warning if they are seven or more days apart.

Any updates provided will be done via updates to the CloudFormation template files. In the CloudFormation console, click on the specific stack to be updated. From the top-right select Update Stack and point it to the stack link, check the IAM resource check boxes (if they are applicable to this specific update), and update the stack.

Raw Web Content

The MSAM browser application in zipped form is available from the following URL.

This file can be extracted into a web server or another type of hosting environment. Take this approach if you prefer not to use the CloudFormation template to host the application in an S3 bucket.


Navigate to README | Workshop | Install | Usage | Uninstall