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=== Full width Background Gallery ===
Contributors: rahulbrilliant2004, tikendramaitry, Nishant Jain
Donate link:
Tags: Youtube background video, full with streched background, full width background slider, full width slider, full width background gallery
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: 1.1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

With the Full width background gallery wordpress plugin now you will be able to create any number of galleries and assign them to post or pages.

== Description ==

Here are some of the salient features of the Full width Background Gallery WordPress Plugin:

* Adds full page slider to use to your website.
* You can add  any number of images to the slider
* You can add a youtube video or upload your own video to the background.
* You can add single full page background image to your site.
* You can create any number of background galleries and assign them to the posts or pages.
* Easily manageable back-end.
* Comes with 6 Great Backgrounds ready to use
* Last but not the least its FREE
* You can choose from 14 different overlay effects available. 

Read more instructions about how to use here

This is a Plugin from <a rel="nofollow" href=""> WPFRUITS </a>

You can also try our Full Width Background Slider WordPress theme <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Analytical full Width Slider WordPress theme"> Analytical full Width Slider WordPress theme</a>

== Features ==
* Adds full page slider to use to your website.
* You can add  any number of images to the slider
* You can add a youtube video or upload your own video to the background.
* You can add single full page background image to your site.
* You can create any number of background galleries and assign them to the posts or pages.
* Easily manageable back-end.
* Comes with 6 Great Backgrounds ready to use
* Last but not the least its FREE
* You can choose from 14 different overlay effects available. 

== Installation ==

1. Upload `full-width-background-gallery` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Plugin settings are located in 'FBG Gallery Lite'.

For More Details please visit

== Frequently asked questions ==

= I will add them as I get them =

An answer to that question.

== Screenshots ==
1. Global Settings.
2. Gallery Settings.
3. Metabox Options.

== Changelog ==

=Version 1.1.0=

* Fixed few style issues in admin section.
* Updated gallery loader style.
* Compatible with WordPress latest Version (3.9).

=Version 1.0.0=

* Initial Release

== Upgrade notice ==
Please upgrade quickly.

== Arbitrary section 1 ==