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Anthony Trummer edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 5 revisions

SANDBOX_JS_CHECK - Use sandbox for untrusted origins

While nodeIntegration tackles the problem of limiting access to Node.js primitives from a remote untrusted origin, it neither mitigates security flaws introduced by Electron’s “glorified” APIs, nor solves prototype pollution. Electron extends the default JavaScript APIs (e.g., returning an instance of BrowserWindowProxy) which leads to a larger attack surface.

Instead, sandboxed renderers expose default JavaScript APIs. Additionally, a sandboxed renderer does not have a Node.js environment running (with the exception of preload scripts) and the renderers can only make changes to the system by delegating tasks to the main process via IPC.

This option should be enabled whenever there is a need to load untrusted content in a browser window. Please note that at the time of writing, sandbox is still experimental and may introduce functional side-effects.


Even with nodeIntegration disabled, the current implementation of Electron does not completely mitigate all the risks introduced by loading untrusted resources. As such, it is recommended to enable sandbox.


For BrowserWindow, sandboxing needs to be explicitly enabled:

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    "webPreferences": {
        "sandbox": true

To enable sandboxing for all BrowserWindow instances, a command line argument is necessary:

$ electron --enable-sandbox app.js

Please note that programmatically adding the command line switch “enable-sandbox" is not sufficient, as the code responsible for appending arguments runs after it is possible to make changes to Chromium's sandbox settings. Electron needs to be executed from the beginning with the "enable-sandbox" argument.


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