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Fast Instagram Scraper

UPDATE 11/2023

As torpy is currently unmaintained and needs refactoring due to TOR changes from V2 to V3 fast-instagram-scraper won't work.

Important: Needs slight rework due to recent API changes! Not working at the moment, PRs welcome! Please read this issue for information on Instagram's API

v2.0.0 (beta) - licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Looking for quick data analysis? LBSN Dashboard will be the answer. Currently available as (frontend-only) prototype for Bonn and Waynesboro.

Downloads metadata and images fast over the Tor network. No login, no API-key needed.

A fast Instagram Scraper based on Torpy. Downloads post metadata and images for multiple hashtags and location ids sequentially, concurrently or combined. Multithreading supported.

Requirements: Torpy package installed but no login and no API-Key. Working for all OS.

Please use responsibly and respect Instagram's terms of use! This tool is exclusively thought for research purposes, not for commercial use! If you enjoy Fast Instagram Scraper consider giving a ⭐.

Update December 2020: Hashtags will be mined around 4-5 times faster due to larger batches even though Tor end nodes get blocked more often than for location IDs.

Update January 2021: Downloading images now supported - also in combination with multithreading!

Update April 2022: Fixed new graphql hashtag endpoint. Locations cannot be mined without login anymore. Test here and see this issue for an alternative workflow.

Update August 2022: Locations can be mined without login again.

For newbies: See the Helper_Functions.ipynb jupyter notebook to get a quick idea of how Fast Instagram Scraper works!

Command Line Version

Fast Instagram Scraper

Jupyter Version [deprecated]

Fast Instagram Scraper

For this scraper I had the same motivation as for Simple Instagram Scraper: Due to latest Instagram blocking policy changes Instagram Scraper is temporarily not performing well (as of November 2020). Particularly in comparison to this scraper it's too slow and struggles with getting blocked after a while.


Just clone the repo or simply download either the jupyter notebook or the command line version. Best create a virtual environment with conda first and install the necessary packages with:

conda create --name scrape python=3.9 
conda activate scrape
pip install func-timeout pandas tqdm requests
pip install git+git://

For the jupyter notebook version you need to install ipython as well:

pip install ipython

Afterwards clone the repo and you are good to go:

git clone

For jupyter start the notebook in your cloned repo:

jupyter notebook

For command line, you can call an example command.

Simple Instagram Scraper can mine all of a post's information - technically everything being displayed on the page or in the DOM including location and accessibility caption. As it's literally looking at each post and needs to bahave like a human in order not to get blocked it needs to be relatively slow (a couple of seconds per post, depending on your parameters). Fast Instagram Scraper aims at mining at scale but can only do so by accessing Instagram's JSON objects which come in batches of 50 (for hashtags) or ca. 150 (for locations) posts and unfortunately do not include some information such as location and accessibility caption.

Scraper Comparison

Scraper Pro Con
Simple Instagram Scraper + all post information - relatively slow
- login required
- max. 8-12k posts
Fast Instagram Scraper + fast
+ no login required
+ theoretically no maximum
- not all post information


Torpy makes use of the tor network to request pages. Install torpy with: pip3 install torpy or pip install torpy. If you like Torpy consider giving a ⭐ or donating to

The Torpy-logic applied here unfortunately doesn't work to scrape all post information as one needs to be logged in. The amount of requests will be associated with the account which gets blocked no matter where from. Hence Torpy cannot be used for Simple Instagram Scraper.


Use one tor end node to get as many requests as possible. Experience tells: a normal end node can do 15-40 requests (each one 50 posts) waiting around 10 seconds each time. Let's do some quick math: if you got a good node, you'll get 40x50 posts in 400 seconds which gives you a rate of 5 posts per second or even faster if you just want to scrape <500 posts.

Jupyter Version

You will find detailed information in the notebook. All future improvements will be available only for the command line version.

Command Line Version

Positional Arguments:

  object_id_or_string         Location id or hashtag like 12345678 or truckfonalddump. 
                              If --list, enter the item list here comma separated like    
  location_or_hashtag         "location" or "hashtag"

Optional Arguments:

  -h, --help                  Show this help message and exit
  --out_dir                   Path to store csv like scrape/ (default is working directory)
  --max_posts                 Limit posts to scrape 
  --max_requests              Limit requests
  --wait_between_requests     Waiting time between requests in seconds
  --max_tor_renew             Max number of new tor sessions
  --run_number                Additional file name part like "_v2" for "1234567_v2.csv"
  --location_or_hashtag_list  For heterogenous hashtag/location list scraping only: provide another list with hashtag,location,...
  --list                      Scrape for list
  --last_cursor               Continue from where you quit before (last_cursor)
  --tor_timeout               Set tor timeout when tor session gets blocked for some reason (default 600 seconds)
  --user_agent                Change user agent if needed
  --threads                   Number of concurrent threads
  --save_as                   csv | json

Example commands:

1. python byebyedonald hashtag 
2. python 123456789987 location --max_posts 10000 --max_tor_renew 100
3. python 123456789987 location --last_cursor --out_dir "/.../directory/folder/"
4. python byebyedonald,hellohereIam,georocks hashtag --list
5. python byebyedonald,123456789987,georocks hashtag --list --location_or_hashtag_list hashtag,location,hashtag --max_posts 100 

For the last command hashtag argument is a fallback in case the list passed after is not valid. If --location_or_hashtag_list is valid hashtag will be overwritten by the respective value.

Note that saving as json will be memory expensive as Instagram provides lots of different (unnecessary) image thumbnail URLs. Saving as csv is around 1 kb/post; json 10 kb/post.

Multithreading 🐙

Fast Instagram Scraper supports multithreading. Each thread has a different tor end node. Don't use the --list flag when multithreading. A basic example for 3 threads would look like this:

python byebyedonald,hellohereIam,georocks hashtag --threads 3

All hashtags will be mined concurrently. The shell output will get quite messy as the threads' outputs will be printed in just one shell.🦥

If you would like to have 3 concurrent threads with each 4 sequential commands pass lists. Each list runs on one thread with the parameters provided:

python byebyedonald,hellohereIam,[hereiam,goodlife,geography] hashtag --threads 3

You can use all arguments as definded above like --last_cursor.

If you want to monitor how many files per second are downloaded use New Files Monitor that I just created for this purpose. It gives you a live files/s rate and a total file count.

 6.62 files/s
 1795 files total
 2021-01-16 19:23:55.067400 start count
 2021-01-16 19:24:11.363195 end count
 16 seconds delta
 106 files delta

Note that on Ubuntu at the moment you should add shell=True argument to, shell=True) in scrape_subprocess() function in source code. It's a minor issue on Ubuntu but working fine on Windows.

Parallelizing 👷‍♀️ 👷‍♂️

The above method is the preferred way to mine simultanously for several hashtags/locations. If however you would like to monitor every process in a shell, do as follows. You can run several parallel tor sessions and hence run multiple instances of Fast Instagram Scraper. Let's say you have a list of location IDs and want to get few posts of every location. When running the script sequentially, it will mine one location after another. You can easily parallelize it by spawning multiple shells. For Powershell you could generate your commands in Python:

location_list = [1234567,1234564567,1234578765432]
for i in location_list:
    print("start powershell {python " + str(i) + " location --max_posts 500};")
# Result
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500};

Copy paste these commands in a new Powershell window and execute. The locations will be mined and the Powershell windows closed when finished. Note: Could be also done with jobs running in the background.

Of course you shouldn't spawn an infinite amount of new processes. For a longer list of locations (i.e. 1000) the recommended method is to chunk your list so you can parallel processes sequential commands. The following example is a list of 60 location IDs chunked into 15 processes of each 4 locations to scrape.

location_list = [1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432,1234567,1234564567,1234578765432]

# chunking function - also works with uneven numbers
def chunks(lst, n): #
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
    for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
        yield lst[i:i + n]
location_chunks = list(chunks(location_list,4))

# Result is a list of 15 lists with each 4 locations
[[1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567],
 [1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567],
 [1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432],
 [1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567],
 [1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567],
 [1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432],
 [1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567],
 [1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567],
 [1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432],
 [1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567],
 [1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567],
 [1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432],
 [1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567],
 [1234564567, 1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567],
 [1234578765432, 1234567, 1234564567, 1234578765432]]

Each list of 4 locations will now be put into a Fast Instagram Scraper sequential command which will be executed in a new Powershell window.

for i in location_chunks:
    outcmd = ""
    outcmd = "start powershell {"
    pyth= ""
    for loc in i:
        pyth = pyth +"python " + str(loc) + " location --max_posts 500;"
    outcmd = outcmd + pyth + "};"
# Result
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;};
start powershell {python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;python 1234567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234564567 location --max_posts 500;python 1234578765432 location --max_posts 500;};

Same as above: Copy paste these commands in a new Powershell window and execute. The locations will be mined and the Powershell windows closed when finished.

You can raise the chunk size according to your system but be polite and don't exaggerate as it might affect the tor network.

However, if for example you would like to visualize the approximately 1000 location IDs Instagram is displaying for each city of a country under you could do this quite fast by first mining the location IDs as described in my blog post in two simple steps with javascript and after chunking the locations i.e. to 20 chunks of 50 locations. Limit the max_posts parameter to a low number (technically anything between 1 and 50 will have the same effect) i.e. 20 and go for it! Depending on your luck with good tor connections you'll be done in around 10-20 minutes!

Recommendation for mining all posts from one location ID or hashtag

When mining for locations or hashtags with a vast amount of posts it might be better to scrape with multiple commands by using --last_cursor instead of mining everything in one go. At the moment the saving logic append all JSON data to a list, converts it to csv and saves the entire file which becomes quite in for big files. However mining in smaller chunks has more advantages so just go i.e. for maximum 20000 - 50000 posts resulting in 16 - 38 mb files each. In my case one iteration (including the costly saving process) was still executed in a reasonable amount of time (<15 seconds). For the very first iteration mine normally. After don't forget the --last_cursor flag. A timeout of 600 seconds per iteration (default) proved to work well. Chaining commands with a semicolon for Powershell and bash helps to keep the process going i.e.:

python 123456789987 location --max_posts 20000;
python 123456789987 location --max_posts 20000 --last_cursor;
python 123456789987 location --max_posts 20000 --last_cursor;
# and so on ...

CSV concatination

Use a simple Powershell command to concat all your freshly mined csv files. Manually create a folder "merged" first and execute this command:

Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Import-Csv  -Encoding UTF8| Export-Csv .\merged\merged.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding UTF8

Data preprocessing

See the jupyter notebook in this repo to preprocess all the post data with pandas and create a geodataframe with geopandas for visualizing in ordinary GIS programs such as QGIS. Hashtag extraction, reprojetion in web mercator (EPSG:3857) and unique points filter included.

To Do



Star this repo if you enjoy! ⭐


A fast Instagram Scraper based on Torpy.






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