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Alexander Maassen edited this page May 22, 2023 · 1 revision

Unlike persistent messages, ephemeral messages are sent directly to the user and the Bot who sent the message rather than through the guild channel. Because of this, ephemeral messages are tied to the Intents::DIRECT_MESSAGES, and the message object won't include guild_id or member.

Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES intent for guild or Intents::DIRECT_MESSAGES for direct messages.

Message Create

Called with a Message object when a message is sent in a guild or private channel.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Message Update

Called with two Message objects when a message is updated in a guild or private channel. The old message may be null if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the Bot was started. Discord does not provide a way to get message update history.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_UPDATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord, ?Message $oldMessage) {
    // ...

Message Delete

Called with an old Message object or the raw payload when a message is deleted. The Message object may be the raw payload if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the Bot was started. Discord does not provide a way to get deleted messages.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_DELETE, function (object $message, Discord $discord) {
    if ($message instanceof Message) {
        // $message was cached
    // $message was not in cache:
    else {
        // {
        //     "id": "", // deleted message ID,
        //     "channel_id": "", // message channel ID,
        //     "guild_id": "" // channel guild ID
        // }

Message Delete Bulk

Called with a Collection of old Message objects or the raw payload when bulk messages are deleted. The Message object may be the raw payload if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the Bot was started. Discord does not provide a way to get deleted messages.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK, function (Collection $messages, Discord $discord) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        if ($message instanceof Message) {
            // $message was cached
        // $message was not in cache:
        else {
            // {
            //     "id": "", // deleted message ID,
            //     "channel_id": "", // message channel ID,
            //     "guild_id": "" // channel guild ID
            // }

Message Reactions

Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intent for guild or Intents::DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS for direct messages.

Message Reaction Add

Called with a MessageReaction object when a user added a reaction to a message.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove

Called with a MessageReaction object when a user removes a reaction from a message.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove All

Called with a MessageReaction object when all reactions are removed from a message. Note that only the fields relating to the message, channel and guild will be filled.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove Emoji

Called with an object when all reactions of an emoji are removed from a message. Unlike Message Reaction Remove, this event contains no users or members.

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Discord $discord) {
    // ...
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