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A lot of this functionality is now built in to KEDA itself


This operator allows you to create github action runners which scale up and down in response to demand. There are a few other projects which allow you to do the same thing, however this is geared towards running platforms that support thousands of individual Github repositories with their own discrete sets of permissions, cost codes etc. The main problems that this was created to solve are:

  • Runners are created upfront during onboarding and then remain offline if unused. This means that we do not need to retain admin access to thousands of repositories.
  • Runners are scaled to 0 replicas when not used.
  • Runners are unique to each repository and can be associated with specific IAM roles, Azure Identities or even use a custom runner image.
  • A repository can be associated with multiple runners using runner labels and other metadata.


The operator creates an API server which interfaces with Github and exposes custom metrics, this is backed by a memcached instance. The operator is also responsible for translating ScaledActionRunner CRs in to StatefulSets and ScaledObjects.


Installation & Usage


Because this essentially just functions as an API server that exposes custom metrics it doesn't technically require KEDA or any other dependencies (you can just point a HPA at the custom metrics.) However KEDA allows HPAs to scale to zero which is important from a cost saving perspective. You can also get away with not using cert-manager and just create the certificates yourself if you really want to, and Prometheus is for monitoring (github-action-autoscaler exposes detailed metrics.)

These dependencies can be installed like this:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo add kedacore
helm repo update

helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring --create-namespace
helm install keda kedacore/keda -n keda --set prometheus.operator.enabled=true --set prometheus.metricServer.enabled=true --create-namespace
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -n cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true

We are going to create an API server called 'metrics' in the namespace 'github' before doing this we need to create the namespace and a certificate for it to use:

kubectl create ns github
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Issuer
  name: selfsigned-issuer
  namespace: cert-manager
  selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
  name: ca-certificate
  namespace: cert-manager
  secretName: ca-cert
  duration: 2880h # 120d
  renewBefore: 360h # 15d
  commonName: github-action-autoscaler-server-ca
  isCA: true
  keySize: 2048
    - digital signature
    - key encipherment
    name: selfsigned-issuer
    kind: Issuer
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: ca-issuer
    secretName: ca-cert
kind: Certificate
  name: github-action-autoscaler-server
  namespace: github
  secretName: tls-cert
  duration: 2160h
  renewBefore: 360h
  isCA: false
  keySize: 2048
  keyAlgorithm: rsa
  keyEncoding: pkcs1
    - digital signature
    - key encipherment
    - server auth
  commonName: metrics.github.svc.cluster.local
    - "metrics.github.svc.cluster.local"
    - "metrics.github.svc"
    - "metrics"
    name: ca-issuer
    kind: ClusterIssuer
kind: Certificate
  name: github-action-autoscaler-client
  namespace: keda
  secretName: tls-cert
  duration: 2160h # 90d
  renewBefore: 360h # 15d
  keySize: 2048
  keyAlgorithm: rsa
  keyEncoding: pkcs1
    - digital signature
    - key encipherment
    - client auth
  commonName: Keda
    name: ca-issuer
    kind: ClusterIssuer

This will create a self signed CA certificate in the cert-manager namespace and expose a cluster wide issuer. It then creates a certificate for the API server and a certificate for KEDA. These certificates aren't actually used for authentication, API servers are meant to use SecureServing and KEDA's external metrics scaler doesn't support self signed certificates, so we are really just using a ClusterTriggerAuthentication to shoehorn a CA cert in to KEDA.


We can then install the operator (this will track the latest tag):

helm repo add github-runner-autoscaler
helm repo update

helm install github-operator github-runner-autoscaler/github-runner-autoscaler -n github-operator --create-namespace

Now we can create the ScaledActionRunnerCore CR. Because this CR has to create a cluster wide APIService called "" there can only be one ScaledActionRunnerCore object in the cluster. To ensure this is the case ScaledActionRunnerCore is a cluster wide object and has to be named 'core', if it isn't named core then it will be ignored.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ScaledActionRunnerCore
  name: core
  apiServerName: metrics
  apiServerNamespace: github
  sslCertSecret: tls-cert
  apiServerImage: "joeshearn/github-runner-autoscaler-apiserver:latest"
  prometheusNamespace: monitoring

After a short while we should see some pods like this:

kubectl get po -n github
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
metrics-78cfb79876-cr9ft   1/1     Running   0          57s
metrics-78cfb79876-jgts5   1/1     Running   0          57s
metrics-cache-0            1/1     Running   0          56s
metrics-cache-1            1/1     Running   0          28s

We now need to onboard our first repo. We will create a very simple workflow and add it to a github repo.

cd `mktemp -d`
mkdir -p example-repo/.github/workflows
cd example-repo
git init
cat > .github/workflows/main.yml <<EOF
name: main
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - run: sleep 2m; echo Finished
hub create
git add .
git commit -m "this build will fail"
git push --set-upstream origin master

This will create a repository which will build on push, the build will fail. To fix this we need to create a ScaledActionRunner and some secrets. You will need two PAT tokens first. One PAT token will be for an account that has admin access to the repo, the other will be for an account that has read only access. (For testing purposes you can just use the same admin PAT token.)

There is a node application which will handle the creation of the secrets and ScaledActionRunner. Update owner, read_token and admin_token

node examples/add-runner.js -n "example-repo" -o "$owner" -r "example-repo" -m 4 -p "$read_token" -a "$admin_token" -g example-repo -f example-repo.yaml

This will have created a file called example-repo.yaml which will provision a runner called example-repo that can scale up to 4 replicas and deploy it:

kubectl create ns example-repo
kubectl apply -n example-repo -f example-repo.yaml

You should then see that several resources:

kubectl get statefulset,scaledobject,scaledactionrunner -n example-repo
NAME                            READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/example-repo   0/0     57s

NAME                                SCALETARGETKIND       SCALETARGETNAME   MIN   MAX   TRIGGERS      AUTHENTICATION   READY   ACTIVE    AGE   apps/v1.StatefulSet   example-repo      0     4     metrics-api   metrics          False   Unknown   58s

NAME                                                 AGE   58s

If you now re-trigger the build that failed you should see the metrics and the stateful set should scale up:

kubectl get --raw '/apis/*' | jq .
  "kind": "MetricValueList",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {
    "selfLink": "/apis/"
  "items": [
      "describedObject": {
        "kind": "ScaledActionRunner",
        "namespace": "example-repo",
        "name": "example-repo",
        "apiVersion": "v1alpha1"
      "metricName": "example-repo",
      "timestamp": "2021-04-13T10:14:35Z",
      "value": "2",
      "selector": {
        "matchLabels": {
          "cr_name": "example-repo",
          "cr_namespace": "example-repo",
          "cr_owner": "devjoes",
          "cr_repo": "example-repo",
          "wf_id": "7939907",
          "wf_name": "main",
          "wf_runs_on": "self-hosted",
          "wf_runs_on_self-hosted": "self-hosted"

When the StatefulSet is first scaled up it will have to create persistent volumes which may take a while. But eventually you should see pods created:

kubectl get statefulset -n example-repo
NAME           READY   AGE
example-repo   2/2     3m4s
kubectl logs example-repo-0 -n example-repo
Starting Runner listener with startup type: service
Started listener process, pid: 16
Started running service

√ Connected to GitHub

2021-04-13 10:38:43Z: Listening for Jobs
2021-04-13 10:38:47Z: Running job: main
2021-04-13 10:40:51Z: Job main completed with result: Succeeded


Configuration can be applied using the two CRs ScaledActionRunnerCore (for cluster wide config) and ScaledActionRunner (for individual runner config.)


kind: ScaledActionRunnerCore
  name: core
  apiServerImage:             # Optional. Default: joeshearn/github-runner-autoscaler-apiserver:latest
  apiServerReplicas:          # Optional. Default: 2
  apiServerExtraArgs:         # Optional. Default: []
  createApiServer:            # Optional. Default: true
  createMemcached:            # Optional. Default: true
  createAuthentication:       # Optional. Default: true
  prometheusNamespace:        # Optional. If missing then a ServiceMonitor will not be created
  memcachedReplicas:          # Optional. Default: 2
  memcachedImage:             # Optional. Default:
  kedaNamespace:              # Optional. Default: keda
  MemcachedAuth:              # Optional. Default: false - sasl auth can cause issues
  memcacheCredsSecret:        # Optional. Only required if createMemcached==false
  memcachedUser:              # Optional. Only required if createMemcached==false
  memcacheServers:            # Optional. Only required if createMemcached==false
  cacheWindow:                # Optional. Default: 1m
  cacheWindowWhenEmpty:       # Optional. Default: 2m
  resyncInterval:             # Optional. Default: 1m
  namespaces:                 # Optional. Default: []

Most of the fields are self explanatory except maybe:

  • memcacheCredsSecret, memcachedUser, memcacheServers are only used when CreateMemcached is set to false - this would allow you to use an existing instance of Memcached.
  • cacheWindow, cacheWindowWhenEmpty define how often metrics should be retrieved from Github. Because each API request costs credits we want to minimize the number of requests. So if we assume that most projects are not going to be actively developed most of the time then we could set CacheWindowWhenEmpty to 2 minutes. This means that the initial scaling from 0 to 1 replicas might take up to 2 minutes, but we can configure the cooldown period to 12 hours so once a runner is running then at least 1 replica will stay running for the rest of the day.
  • resyncInterval is how often all of the ScaledActionRunner objects should be retrieved from the cluster (there is also a watch.)
  • namespaces is a list of namespaces to watch, if it is empty then all namespaces will be watched.
  • apiServerPatTokenNamespace is the namespace to find githubTokenSecret secrets in. If empty then they will be found in the same namespace as the ScaledActionRunner.


kind: ScaledActionRunner
  name: core
  namespace: default
  minRunners:                 # Optional. Default: 0
  runnerSecrets: []           # Populated by add-runner.js
  githubTokenSecret:          # Populated by add-runner.js
  scaling:                    # Optional
  scaleFactor:                # Optional. Default: "0.8"
  selector:                   # Optional. Default: "*"
  forceScaleUpWindow:     # Optional. Default: 20 mins
  forceScaleUpFrequency:  # Optional. Default: 20 days
  runner:                     # Optional
    image:                    # Optional. Default: myoung34/github-runner:latest
    runnerLabels:             # Optional. Default: ""
    env:                      # Optional. Default: []
    annotations:              # Optional. Default: []
    mountDockerSock:          # Optional. Default: true
    nodeSelectors:            # Optional. Default: []
    serviceAccountName        # Optional. Default: default
    tolerations:              # Optional. Default: []
    workVolumeClaimTemplate:  # Optional. Default is a 5Gi volume on default storage.
    limits:                   # Optional. Default: {cpu:2,memory:2000Mi}
    requests:                 # Optional. Default: {cpu:200m,memory:200Mi}
    patch                     # Optional. Default: ""

Again most of the fields are self explanatory except maybe:

  • ScaleFactor controls how the number of queued jobs relates to the number of runners. Setting it to 0 makes it scale linearly up to maxRunners any other factor gets passed to a simplified version of the logistic function which allows the number of runners to be scaled up eagerly in response to demand.
  • MetricsSelector allows you to specify which metrics will be used. For instance if you wanted to target a specific workflow then you could specify "wf_name=main" or if you wanted to scale on workflows which target runners with the runner label "deploy" then you could specify "wf_runs_on_deploy".
  • Runner allows you to modify the StatefulSet that is produced, you can specify the image, labels, requests, limits and persistentVolumeClaim
  • Runner.Patch accepts a RFC6092 JSON patch which gets applied to the stateful set spec. This is essentially just a way of shoehorning in other changes. Be mindful that the operator is constantly reconciling. So favor replace over add operations (if you add an item to an array then it will add it over and over.)
  • Scaling allows you to modify the ScaledObject that is created
  • ForceScaleUpFrequency is the time between forcibly scaling a ScaledActionRunner up to MaxRunners. We have to do this because the Github runner registration tokens eventually expire if not used. A random delay of up to 24 hours is added on to this to prevent every single runner from scaling up at the same time if lots of them are registered at once.
  • ForceScaleUpWindow is how long to scale the runners up for, if your cluster autoscales then this should be enough time for new nodes to be provisioned and for the runners to come online. Setting this to 0 disables the forced scaling up.

Rate limits

A PAT token can make 5000 requests per hour. This limit is per account not per token. The Secret referenced by githubTokenSecret usually looks like this:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example
  namespace: default
  token: bm8gSSdtIG5vdCB0aGF0IHN0dXBpZCEhISEhCg==

Additional tokens can be added like this though (a token will be picked at random):

  token: bm8gSSdtIG5vdCB0aGF0IHN0dXBpZCEhISEhCg==
  token1: bm8gSSdtIG5vdCB0aGF0IHN0dXBpZCEhISEhCg==
  tokenfoo: bm8gSSdtIG5vdCB0aGF0IHN0dXBpZCEhISEhCg==


The following prometheus metrics are exposed:

Name Description Labels
workflow_queue_length Number of jobs in queue when queried name, cache_hit, failed
workflow_queue_queries Number of times a workflow queue is queried name, cache_hit, failed
workflow_queue_length_filtered The number of queued jobs filtered by labels name, selector, wf_id, wf_name, wf_runs_on
workflow_queue_length_filtered_scaled The number of queued jobs filtered by labels name, selector, wf_id, wf_name, wf_runs_on
github_credits Remaining rate limit creds by token token_id, token_name


Path Description
./apiserver API Server that returns metrics
./operator Operator that sets everything up
./runner Runner docker image that allows configuration to be passed in
./add-runner Node script that registers runners (requires docker in docker)
./GithubRunnerRegistration Service that registers runners