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Vector Symbolic Architectures

Fabio Cumbo edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

A Vector-Symbolic Architecture is composed of a set of vectors in a high-dimensional space (also called hypervectors) and a set of arithmetic functions to operate and combine vectors for representing complex structures.

Hyperdimensional Vectors and Space

The package provides two classes, Vector and Space, implemented in the module for building random binary and bipolar vectors and for organising them into a hyperdimensional space.

The Vector class

Vector objects in hdlib can be created through the Vector class whose constructor requires the following parameters:

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
name Name of the vector. It is automatically generated in case it is not specified
size 10000 Vector dimensionality usually in the order of 10,000
vector numpy.ndarray object. If specified, size and vtype are automatically inferred from the vector itself
vtype bipolar Vector type: bipolar or binary
tags List of tags used to characterize vectors. Useful to easily retrieve vector with specific tags
seed Seed for reproducibility purposes
warning False Print warning messages if True
from_file Path to a pickle file to load a precomputed Vector

There are three different ways to initialize Vector objects:

from import Vector

# With no specific parameters
# This creates a random bipolar vector with size 10,000 by default
vector = Vector()

# By creating a numpy.ndarray object first
# A binary vector in this case
import numpy as np
ndarray = np.random.randint(2, size=size)
vector = Vector(vector=ndarray)

# By loading a precomputed Vector object
vector = Vector(from_file="~/vector.pkl")

Note In this last example, a Vector object is built by loading the content of a pickle file. Vector objects can be saved to pickle files with the dump() method as in the following example: vector.dump(to_file="~/vector.pkl")

Here is the list of Vector class methods:

Method Signature Description
dist vector: Vector, method: str Compute the cosine, hamming, or euclidean distance with another Vector object
normalize Normalize the vector content according to its vtype after a bind or bundle operation
bind vector: Vector Bind the vector with another Vector object and apply the resulting vector inplace
bundle vector: Vector Bundle the vector with another Vector object and apply the resulting vector inplace
permute rotate_by: int Rotate the vector by rotate_by positions
dump to_file: str Dump the Vector object to a pickle file

Please have a look at the Arithmetic operations section for additional information about the bind, bundle, and permute operations.

The Space class

Vectors are stored into a so called hyperdimensional space that can be defined through the Space constructor that requires the following parameters:

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
size 10000 Used to create vectors of the same length that all share the same hyperdimensional space
vtype bipolar Vectors in the space must have all the same type: bipolar or binary
from_file Path to a pickle file to load a precomputed Space

There are two ways to initialize Space objects:

from import Space

# With no specific parameters
# This creates a space that can host random bipolar vectors with size 10,000 by default
space = Space()

# By loading a precomputed Space object
space = Space(from_file="~/space.pkl")

Note In this last example, similarly to Vector objects, a Space object is built by loading the content of a pickle file. Space objects can be saved to pickle files with the dump() method as in the following example: space.dump(to_file="~/space.pkl")

Here is the list of Space class methods:

Method Signature Description
memory Return a list with Vector IDs
get names: list, tags: list Return a list of Vector objects based on a list of Vector IDs or tags
insert vector: Vector Insert a Vector object into the Space
bulk_insert names: list, tags: list Automatically create a Vector object for each of the ID in the input names list and finally insert them into the Space. Also tag vectors based on tags in the tags list of lists. Tags in position i are assigned to the Vector object whose name is in position i of the vectors list
remove name: str Remove a Vector object from the Space based on its ID
add_tag name: str, tag: str Assign a tag to a Vector object in the Space
remove_tag name: str, tag: str Remove a tag to a Vector object in the Space
link name1: str, name2: str Link two vectors in the Space. Note that links are directed
set_root name: str Vector links can be used to define a tree structure. Set a specific vector as root
find vector: Vector, threshold: float, method: str Given a specific Vector object, search for the closest Vector in the Space according to a specific distance metric: cosine, hamming, or euclidean
find_all vector: Vector, threshold: float, method: str Report the distance between the input Vector object and all the other Vectors in the Space
dump to_file: str Dump the Space object to a pickle file

Arithmetic operations

A Vector Symbolic Architecture (a.k.a. Hyperdimensional Computing) is composed of vectors in the hyperdimensional space and a series of arithmetic operations to manipulate vectors.

The hdlib library provides three operators under the hdlib.arithmetic module: bundle, bind, and permute.

Here are the characteristics of these operators:

Operator Properties
bundle (i) The resulting vector is similar to the input vectors, (ii) the more vectors are involved in bundling, the harder it is to determine the component vectors, and (iii) if several copies of any vector are included in bundling, the resulting vector is closer to the dominant vector than to the other components
bind (i) Invertible (unbind), (ii) it distributes over bundling, (iii) it preserves the distance, and (iv) the resulting vector is dissimilar to the input vectors
permute (i) Invertible, (ii) it distributes over bundling and any element-wise operation, (iii) it preserves the distance, and (iv) the resulting vector is dissimilar to the input vectors