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Puppet module for managing AWS resources to build out infrastructure


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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup
  1. Getting Started with aws
  2. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  1. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  1. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.


The aws module manages Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources to build out cloud infrastructure.


Amazon Web Services exposes a powerful API for creating and managing its Infrastructure as a Service platform. The aws module allows you to drive that API using Puppet code. In the simplest case, this allows you to create new EC2 instances from Puppet code. More importantly, it allows you to describe your entire AWS infrastructure and to model the relationships between different components.



  • Puppet 3.4 or greater
  • Ruby 1.9 or greater
  • Amazon AWS Ruby SDK (available as a gem)
  • Retries gem

###Installing the aws module

  1. Install the retries gem and the Amazon AWS Ruby SDK gem.

    • If you're using open source Puppet, the SDK gem should be installed into the same Ruby used by Puppet. Install the gems with these commands:

      gem install aws-sdk-core

      gem install retries

  • If you're running Puppet Enterprise, install both the gems with this command:

    /opt/puppet/bin/gem install aws-sdk-core retries

  • If you're running Puppet Enterprise 2015.2.0 or newer, install both the gems with this command:

    /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install aws-sdk-core retries

This allows the gems to be used by the Puppet Enterprise Ruby.

  • If you're running Puppet Server, you need to make both gems available to JRuby with:

    /opt/puppet/bin/puppetserver gem install aws-sdk-core retries

Once the gems are installed, restart Puppet Server.

  1. Set these environment variables for your AWS access credentials:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

Alternatively, you can place the credentials in a file at ~/.aws/credentials based on the following template:

aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key

If you have Puppet running on AWS, and you're running the module examples, you can instead use IAM. To do this, assign the correct role to the instance from which you're running the examples. For a sample profile with all the required permissions, see the IAM profile example.

  1. Finally, install the module with:
puppet module install puppetlabs-aws

A note on regions

By default the module looks through all regions in AWS when determining if something is available. This can be a little slow. If you know what you're doing you can speed things up by targeting a single region using an environment variable.

export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1

A note on proxies

By default the module accesses the AWS API directly, but if you're in an environment which doesn't have direct access you can provide a proxy setting for all traffic like so:

export PUPPET_AWS_PROXY=http://localhost:8888

Configuring the aws module using an ini file

The AWS region and HTTP proxy can be provided in a file called puppetlabs_aws_configuration.ini in the Puppet confdir ($settings::confdir) using this format:

  region = us-east-1
  http_proxy =

##Getting Started with aws

The aws module allows you to manage AWS using the Puppet DSL. To stand up an instance with AWS, use the ec2_instance type. The following code sets up a very basic instance:

ec2_instance { 'instance-name':
  ensure        => present,
  region        => 'us-west-1',
  image_id      => 'ami-123456', # you need to select your own AMI
  instance_type => 't1.micro',


###Creating resources

You can also set up more complex EC2 instances with a variety of AWS features, as well as load balancers and security groups.

Set up an instance:

ec2_instance { 'name-of-instance':
  ensure            => present,
  region            => 'us-east-1',
  availability_zone => 'us-east-1a',
  image_id          => 'ami-123456',
  instance_type     => 't1.micro',
  monitoring        => true,
  key_name          => 'name-of-existing-key',
  security_groups   => ['name-of-security-group'],
  user_data         => template('module/'),
  tags              => {
    tag_name => 'value',

Set up a security group:

ec2_securitygroup { 'name-of-group':
  ensure      => present,
  region      => 'us-east-1',
  description => 'a description of the group',
  ingress     => [{
    protocol  => 'tcp',
    port      => 80,
    cidr      => '',
    security_group => 'other-security-group',
  tags        => {
    tag_name  => 'value',

Set up a load balancer:

elb_loadbalancer { 'name-of-load-balancer':
  ensure                  => present,
  region                  => 'us-east-1',
  availability_zones      => ['us-east-1a', 'us-east-1b'],
  instances               => ['name-of-instance', 'another-instance'],
  security_groups         => ['name-of-security-group'],
  listeners               => [{
    protocol              => 'HTTP',
    load_balancer_port    => 80,
    instance_protocol     => 'HTTP',
    instance_port         => 80,
    protocol              => 'HTTPS',
    load_balancer_port    => 443,
    instance_protocol     => 'HTTPS',
    instance_port         => 8080,
    ssl_certificate_id    => 'arn:aws:iam::123456789000:server-certificate/',
  health_check            => {
    'healthy_threshold'   => '10',
    'interval'            => '30',
    'target'              => 'HTTP:80/health_check',
    'timeout'             => '5',
    'unhealthy_threshold' => '2'
  tags                    => {
    tag_name              => 'value',

To destroy any of these resources, set ensure => absent.

Creating a stack

Let's create a simple stack, with a load balancer, instances, and security groups.

          |     +----------v-----------+     |
    lb-sg |     |         lb-1         |     |
          |     +----+------------+----+     |
          |     +----v----+  +----v----+     |
          |     |         |  |         |     |
   web-sg |     |  web-1  |  |  web-2  |     |
          |     |         |  |         |     |
          |     +----+----+  +----+----+     |
          |     +----v----+       |          |
          |     |         |       |          |
    db-sg |     |  db-1   <-------+          |
          |     |         |                  |
          |     +---------+                  |

We've supplied code for the creation of this stack in this module's tests directory. To run this code with Puppet apply, run:

puppet apply tests/create.pp --test

If you want to try this out from this directory without installing the module, run the following:

puppet apply tests/create.pp --modulepath ../ --test

To destroy the resources created by the above, run the following:

puppet apply tests/destroy.pp --test

Managing resources from the command line

The module has basic puppet resource support, so you can manage AWS resources from the command line.

For example, the following command lists all the security groups:

puppet resource ec2_securitygroup

You can also create new resources:

puppet resource ec2_securitygroup test-group ensure=present description="test description" region=us-east-1

and then destroy them, all from the command line:

puppet resource ec2_securitygroup test-group ensure=absent region=sa-east-1

Managing AWS infrastructure

You can use the aws module to audit AWS resources, launch autoscaling groups in VPC, perform unit testing, and more. The examples directory in the module contains a variety of usage examples that should give you an idea of what's possible:



  • ec2_instance: Sets up an EC2 instance.
  • ec2_securitygroup: Sets up an EC2 security group.
  • elb_loadbalancer: Sets up an ELB load balancer.
  • cloudwatch_alarm: Sets up a Cloudwatch Alarm.
  • ec2_autoscalinggroup: Sets up an EC2 auto scaling group.
  • ec2_elastic_ip: Sets up an Elastic IP and its association.
  • ec2_launchconfiguration: Sets up an EC2 launch configuration to provide autoscaling support.
  • ec2_scalingpolicy: Sets up an EC2 scaling policy.
  • ec2_vpc: Sets up an AWS VPC.
  • ec2_vpc_customer_gateway: Sets up an AWS VPC customer gateway.
  • ec2_vpc_dhcp_options: Sets a DHCP option AWS VPC.
  • ec2_vpc_internet_gateway: Sets up an EC2 VPC Internet Gateway.
  • ec2_vpc_routetable: Sets up a VPC route table.
  • ec2_vpc_subnet: Sets up a VPC subnet.
  • ec2_vpc_vpn: Sets up an AWS Virtual Private Network.
  • ec2_vpc_vpn_gateway: Sets up a VPN gateway.
  • ecs_cluster: Manage an Ec2 Container Service cluster.
  • ecs_service: Manage an Ec2 Container Service service.
  • ecs_task_definition: Manage an Ec2 Container Service task definition.
  • iam_group: Manage IAM groups and their membership.
  • iam_policy: Manage an IAM 'managed' policy.
  • iam_policy_attachment: Manage an IAM 'managed' policy attachments.
  • iam_user: Manage IAM users.
  • rds_db_parameter_group: Allows read access to DB Parameter Groups.
  • rds_db_securitygroup: Sets up an RDS DB Security Group.
  • rds_instance: Sets up an RDS Database instance.
  • route53_a_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS record.
  • route53_aaaa_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS AAAA record.
  • route53_cname_record: Sets up a Route53 CNAME record.
  • route53_mx_record: Sets up a Route53 MX record.
  • route53_ns_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS record.
  • route53_ptr_record: Sets up a Route53 PTR record.
  • route53_spf_record: Sets up a Route53 SPF record.
  • route53_srv_record: Sets up a Route53 SRV record.
  • route53_txt_record: Sets up a Route53 TXT record.
  • route53_zone: Sets up a Route53 DNS zone.
  • s3_bucket: Sets up an S3 bucket.
  • sqs_queue: Sets up an SQS queue.


####Type: ec2_instance

#####ensure Specifies the basic state of the resource. Valid values are 'present', 'absent', 'running', 'stopped'.

#####name Required The name of the instance. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####security_groups Optional The security groups with which to associate the instance. Accepts an array of security group names.

#####tags Optional The tags for the instance. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####user_data Optional User data script to execute on new instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####key_name The name of the key pair associated with this instance. This must be an existing key pair already uploaded to the region in which you're launching the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####monitoring Optional Whether or not monitoring is enabled for this instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'true', 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the instance. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####image_id Required The image id to use for the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. For more information, see AWS documentation on finding your Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

#####availability_zone Optional The availability zone in which to place the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. For valid availability zone codes, see AWS Regions and Availability Zones.

#####instance_type Required The type to use for the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. See Amazon EC2 Instances for available types.

#####tenancy Optional Dedicated instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a virtual private cloud (VPC) on hardware that's dedicated to a single customer. Choices are 'dedicated' and 'default'. Defaults to shared (default) hardware.

#####private_ip_address Optional The private IP address for the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Must be a valid IPv4 address.

#####associate_public_ip_address Optional Whether to assign a public interface in a VPC. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'true', 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.

#####subnet Optional The VPC subnet to attach the instance to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts the name of the subnet; this is the value of the Name tag for the subnet. If you're describing the subnet in Puppet, then this value is the name of the resource.

#####ebs_optimized Optional Whether or not to use optimized storage for the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'true', 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.

#####instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior Optional Whether the instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'stop', 'terminate'. Defaults to 'stop'.

#####block_devices Optional A list of block devices to associate with the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of hashes with the device name and either the volume size or snapshot id specified:

block_devices => [
    device_name  => '/dev/sda1',
    volume_size  => 8,
block_devices => [
    device_name  => '/dev/sda1',
    snapshot_id => 'snap-29a6ca13',

#####instance_id The AWS generated id for the instance. Read-only.

#####hypervisor The type of hypervisor running the instance. Read-only.

#####virtualization_type The underlying virtualization of the instance. Read-only.

#####public_ip_address The public IP address for the instance. Read-only.

#####private_dns_name The internal DNS name for the instance. Read-only.

#####public_dns_name The publicly available DNS name for the instance. Read-only.

#####kernel_id The ID of the kernel in use by the instance. Read-only.

#####iam_instance_profile_name The user provided name for the IAM profile to associate with the instance.

#####iam_instance_profile_arn The Amazon Resource Name for the associated IAM profile.

#####interfaces The AWS generated interfaces hash for the instance. Read-only.

Type: ec2_securitygroup


Required The name of the security group. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.


Required The region in which to launch the security group. For valid values, see AWS Regions.


Optional Rules for ingress traffic. Accepts an array.


Read-only Unique string enumerated from existing resources uniquely identifying the security group.


Optional The tags for the security group. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.


Required A short description of the group. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.


Optional The VPC to which the group should be associated. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts the value of the Name tag for the VPC.

Type: elb_loadbalancer

#####name Required The name of the load balancer. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the load balancer. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####listeners Required The ports and protocols the load balancer listens to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of the following values:

  • protocol
  • load_balancer_port
  • instance_protocol
  • instance_port
  • ssl_certificate_id (optional if protocol is HTTPS )

#####health_check The configuration for an ELB health check used to determine the health of the back- end instances. Accepts a hash with the following keys:

  • healthy_threshold
  • interval
  • target
  • timeout
  • unhealthy_threshold

#####tags Optional The tags for the load balancer. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####subnets Optional The subnet in which the load balancer should be launched. Accepts an array of subnet names, i.e., the Name tags on the subnets. You can only set one of availability_zones or subnets.

#####security_groups Optional The security groups to associate with the load balancer (VPC only). Accepts an array of security group names, i.e., the Name tag on the security groups.

#####availability_zones Optional The availability zones in which to launch the load balancer. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array on availability zone codes. For valid availability zone codes, see AWS Regions and Availability Zones. You can only set one of availability_zones or subnets.

#####instances Optional The instances to associate with the load balancer. Accepts an array of names, i.e., the Name tag on the instances.

#####scheme Optional Whether the load balancer is internal or public facing. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'internal', 'internet-facing'. Default value is 'internet-facing' and makes the load balancer publicly available.

Type: cloudwatch_alarm


Required The name of the alarm. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.


Required The name of the metric to track.


Required The namespace of the metric to track.


Required The statistic to track for the metric.


Required The periodicity of the alarm check, i.e., how often the alarm check should run.


Required The number of checks to use to confirm the alarm.


Required The threshold used to trigger the alarm.


Required The operator to use to test the metric.


Required The region in which to launch the instances. For valid values, see AWS Regions.


Optional The dimensions by which to filter the alarm by. For more information about EC2 dimensions, see AWS Dimensions and Metrics documentation.


Optional The actions to trigger when the alarm triggers. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. This parameter currently supports only named scaling policies.

Type: ec2_autoscalinggroup


Required The name of the auto scaling group. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.


Required The minimum number of instances in the group.


Required The maximum number of instances in the group.


Optional The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the group. This number must be greater than or equal to the minimum size of the group and less than or equal to the maximum size of the group. Defaults to min_size.


Optional The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start.


Optional The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are 'EC2' and 'ELB'.


Optional The amount of time, in seconds, that Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service. During this time, any health check failures for the instance are ignored. The default is 300. This parameter is required if you are adding an ELB health check.


Optional Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by Auto Scaling when scaling in. Defaults to true.


Required The region in which to launch the instances. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####launch_configuration Required The name of the launch configuration to use for the group. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.


Required The availability zones in which to launch the instances. Accepts an array of availability zone codes. For valid availability zone codes, see AWS Regions and Availability Zones.


Optional A list of load balancer names that should be attached to this autoscaling group.


Optional The subnets to associate with the autoscaling group.

#####tags Optional The tags to assign to the autoscaling group. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags. The tags are not propagated to launched instances.

Type: ec2_elastic_ip

#####ensure Specifies that basic state of the resource. Valid values are 'attached', 'detached'.

#####name Required The IP address of the Elastic IP. Accepts a valid IPv4 address of an already existing elastic IP.

#####region Required The region in which the Elastic IP is found. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####instance Required The name of the instance associated with the Elastic IP. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

Type: ec2_launchconfiguration

#####name Required The name of the launch configuration. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####security_groups Required The security groups to associate with the instances. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of security group names, i.e., the Name tags on the security groups.

#####user_data Optional User data script to execute on new instances. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####key_name Optional The name of the key pair associated with this instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the instances. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####instance_type Required The type to use for the instances. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. See Amazon EC2 Instances for available types.

#####image_id Required The image id to use for the instances. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. For more information, see AWS documentation on finding your Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

#####block_device_mappings Optional A list of block devices to associate with the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of hashes with the device name and either the volume size or snapshot id specified:

block_devices => [
    device_name  => '/dev/sda1',
    volume_size  => 8,
block_devices => [
    device_name  => '/dev/sda1',
    volume_type => 'gp2',

#####vpc Optional A hint to specify the VPC. This is useful when detecting ambiguously named security groups that might exist in different VPCs, such as 'default'. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

Type: ec2_scalingpolicy

#####name Required The name of the scaling policy. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####scaling_adjustment Required The amount to adjust the size of the group by. Valid values depend on adjustment_type chosen. See AWS Dynamic Scaling documentation.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the policy. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####adjustment_type Required The type of policy. Accepts a string specifying the policy adjustment type. For valid values, see AWS Adjustment Type documentation.

#####auto_scaling_group Required The name of the auto scaling group to attach the policy to. This is the value of the AWS Name tag. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

Type: ec2_vpc

#####name Required The name of the VPC. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####region Optional The region in which to launch the VPC. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####cidr_block Optional The IP range for the VPC. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####dhcp_options Optional The name of DHCP option set to use for this VPC. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####instance_tenancy Optional The supported tenancy options for instances in this VPC. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'default', 'dedicated'. Defaults to 'default'.

#####tags Optional The tags to assign to the VPC. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

Type: ec2_vpc_customer_gateway

#####name Required The name of the customer gateway. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####ip_address Required The IPv4 address for the customer gateway. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts a valid IPv4 address.

#####bgp_asn Required The Autonomous System Numbers for the customer gateway. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####tags Optional The tags for the customer gateway. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####region Optional The region in which to launch the customer gateway. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####type The type of customer gateway. The only currently supported value --- and the default --- is 'ipsec.1'.

Type: ec2_vpc_dhcp_options

#####name Required The name of the DHCP options set. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####tags Optional Tags for the DHCP option set. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####region Optional The region in which to assign the DHCP option set. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####domain_name Optional The domain name for the DHCP options. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts any valid domain.

#####domain_name_servers Optional A list of domain name servers to use for the DHCP options set. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of domain server names.

#####ntp_servers Optional A list of NTP servers to use for the DHCP options set. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of NTP server names.

#####netbios_name_servers Optional A list of netbios name servers to use for the DHCP options set. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array.

#####netbios_node_type Optional The netbios node type. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are '1', '2', '4', '8'. Defaults to '2'.

Type: ec2_vpc_internet_gateway

#####name Required The name of the internet gateway. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####tags Optional Tags to assign to the internet gateway. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####region Optional The region in which to launch the internet gateway. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####vpc Optional The vpc to assign this internet gateway to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

Type: ec2_vpc_routetable

#####name Required The name of the route table. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####vpc Optional VPC to assign the route table to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Optional The region in which to launch the route table. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####routes Optional Individual routes for the routing table. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Accepts an array of 'destination_cidr_block' and 'gateway' values:

routes => [
      destination_cidr_block => '',
      gateway                => 'local'
      destination_cidr_block => '',
      gateway                => 'sample-igw'

#####tags Optional Tags to assign to the route table. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

Type: ec2_vpc_subnet

#####name Required The name of the subnet. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####vpc Optional VPC to assign the subnet to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the subnet. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####cidr_block Optional The IP address range for the subnet. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####availability_zone Optional The availability zone in which to launch the subnet. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####tags Optional Tags to assign to the subnet. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####route_table The route table to attach to the subnet. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Optional Region in which to launch the route table. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####routes Optional Individual routes for the routing table. Accepts an array of 'destination_cidr_block' and 'gateway' values:


Read-only Unique string enumerated from existing resources uniquely identifying the subnet.

routes => [
      destination_cidr_block => '',
      gateway                => 'local'
      destination_cidr_block => '',
      gateway                => 'sample-igw'

#####tags Optional Tags to assign to the route table. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

Type: ec2_vpc_vpn

#####name Required The name of the VPN. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####vpn_gateway Required The VPN gateway to attach to the VPN. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####customer_gateway Required The customer gateway to attach to the VPN. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####type Optional The type of VPN gateway. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. The only currently supported value --- and the default --- is 'ipsec.1'.

#####routes Optional The list of routes for the VPN. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are IP ranges like: routes => ['']

#####static_routes Optional Whether or not to use static routes. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. Valid values are 'true', 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.

#####region Optional The region in which to launch the VPN. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####tags Optional The tags for the VPN. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

Type: ec2_vpc_vpn_gateway

#####name Required The name of the VPN gateway. Accepts the value of the VPN gateway's Name tag.

#####tags Optional The tags to assign to the VPN gateway. Accepts a 'key => value' hash of tags.

#####vpc Required The VPN to attach the VPN gateway to. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the VPN gateway. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####availability_zone Optional The availability zone in which to launch the VPN gateway. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####type Optional The type of VPN gateway. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates. The only currently supported value --- and the default --- is 'ipsec.1'.

Type: ecs_cluster

Type representing ECS clusters.

ecs_cluster { 'medium':
  ensure => present,

Required The name of the cluster to manage.

Type: ecs_service

ecs_service { 'dockerdockerdockerdocker':
  ensure                   => present,
  desired_count            => 1,
  task_definition          => 'dockerdocker',
  cluster                  => 'medium',
  deployment_configuration => {
    'maximum_percent'         => 200,
    'minimum_healthy_percent' => 50
  load_balancers           => [
      'container_name'     => 'mycontainername',
      'container_port'     => '8080',
      'load_balancer_name' => 'name-of-loadbalancer-elb'

Required The name of the cluster to assign the service to


The deployment configuration of the service.

A hash with the keys of "maximum_percent" and "minimum_healthy_percent" with integer values represnting percent.'


A count of this service that should be running.


An array of hashes representing the load balancers to assign to a service.


Required The name of the cluster to manage.


The short name of the role to assign to the cluster upon creation.


Required The name of the task definition to run.

Type: ecs_task_definition

Type representing ECS clusters.

ECS task definitions can be a bit fussy. To discover the existing containers we use the 'name' option within a container definition to calculate the differences between what is, and what should be. Omitting the 'name' option may be done, but it would result in a new container being generated each Puppet run, and thus a new task definition. For this reason it is recommended that the 'name' option be defined in each container definition and that the name chosen be unique within an ecs_task_definition resource.

ecs_task_definition { 'dockerdocker':
  container_definitions => [
      'name'          => 'zleslietesting',
      'cpu'           => '1024',
      'environment'   => {
        'one' => '1',
        'two' => '2',
      'essential'     => 'true',
      'image'         => 'debian:jessie',
      'memory'        => '512',
      'port_mappings' => [
          'container_port' => '8081',
          'host_port'      => '8082',
          'protocol'       => 'tcp',

Please note, it's important to take into consideration the behavior of the provider in the case of missing container options.

If the task for an ecs_task_definition has been discovered to exist, then the discovered container options are merged with the requested options. This results in the following behavior: Container options not defined in the puppet resource, but are found to exist in the discovered running container are copied from the running container.

In the case where a user wishes to remove an option from the container, one of the following can be applied.

  • Name the container something else. This results in a failure to match the existing container against the desired container, and replaces the container entirely.

  • Set an empty value for the option. This results in the option specified by the user replacing the value defined in the existing container. For string options, simply setting the value to '', or as an array value [], etc.

It's a small kludge, I know.


An array of hashes representing the container definition. See the example above.


Required The name of the task to manage.


An array of hashes to handle for the task.


A boolean to turn off the replacement of container images. This enables Puppet to create, but not modify the image of a container once created.

This is useful in environments where external CI tooling is responsible for modifying the image of a container, allowing a dualistic approach for managing ECS.

Type: iam_group

iam_group { 'root':
  ensure  => present,
  members => [ 'alice', 'bob' ]

#####members Required An array of user names to include in the group. Users not specified in this array will be removed.

Type: iam_policy

IAM Policies manage access to AWS resources. The iam_policy type only manages the document content of the policy, and not which entities have the policy attached. See the iam_policy_attachment type for managing the application of the policy created with the iam_policy type.

iam_policy { 'root':
  ensure      => present,
  document    => '{
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "*",
          "Resource": "*"

It is worth noting here that the iam_policy type will allow the creation of an IAM policy who's name is identical to the built-in policies. In such a case when two policies exist with the same name, one built-in and one user-defined, the user-defined is selected for management.

#####document Required A string containing the IAM policy in JSON format.

Type: iam_policy_attachment

The iam_policy_attachment resource manages which entities are attached to the named policy. See the note in the iam_policy above about duplicate policy name selection.

You only need to set the users, groups or roles parameters to manage the policy attachments for those resources. Leaving one of those parameters undefined ignores the attachment for those entities. Defining attachment for an entity as an empty array will detach all entities of that flavor from the named policy.

iam_policy_attachment { 'root':
  groups => ['root'],
  users  => [],

#####groups Optional An array of group names to attach to the policy. Group names not mentioned in this array will be detached from the policy.

#####users Optional An array of user names to attach to the policy. User names not mentioned in this array will be detached from the policy.

#####roles Optional An array of role names to attach to the policy. Role names not mentioned in this array will be detached from the policy.

Type: iam_user

The iam_user type manages user accounts in IAM. Only the user's name is required as the title of the resource.

iam_user { 'alice':
  ensure => present,

iam_user { 'bob':
  ensure => present,

Type: rds_db_parameter_group

Note that currently, this type can only be listed via puppet resource, but cannot be created by Puppet.

#####name The name of the parameter group.

#####region The region in the parameter group is present. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####description The description of the parameter group. Should be a string.

#####family The name of the database family with which the parameter group is compatible; for instance, 'mysql5.1'.

Type: rds_db_securitygroup

#####name Required The name of the RDS DB security group.

#####description A description of the RDS DB security group. Should be a string. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the parameter group. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####owner_id The internal AWS id of the owner of the security group. Read-only.

#####security_groups Details of any EC2 security groups attached to the RDS security group. Read-only.

#####ip_ranges Details of any ip_ranges attached to the RDS security group and their current state. Read-only.

Type: rds_instance

#####name Required The name of the RDS Instance.

#####db_name Generally the name of database to be created. For Oracle this is the SID. Should not be set for MSSQL.

#####region Required The region in which to launch the parameter group. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####db_instance_class Required The size of the database instance. See the AWS documentation for the list of sizes.

#####availability_zone Optional The availability zone in which to place the instance. For valid availability zone codes, see AWS Regions and Availability Zones.

#####engine Required The type of database to use. Current options can be found using the rds-describe-db-engine-versions command from the AWS CLI. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####engine_version The version of the database to use. Current options can be found using the rds-describe-db-engine-versions command from the AWS CLI. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####allocated_storage The size of the database in gigabytes. Note that minimum size constraints exist, which vary depending on the database engine selected. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####license_model The nature of the license for commercial database products. Currently supported values are license-included, bring-your-own-license or general-public-license. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####storage_type The type of storage to back the database with. Currently supported values are standard, gp2 or io1. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####iops The number of provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####master_username The name of the master user for the database instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####master_user_password The password for the master user. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####multi_az Boolean. Required if you intend to run the instance across multiple availability zones. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####db_subnet The name of an existing DB Subnet, for launching RDS instances in VPC. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####db_security_groups Names of the database security groups to associate with the instance. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####vpc_security_groups IDs of the database security groups within a VPC to associate the instance with. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####endpoint The DNS address of the database. Read-only.

#####port The port that the database is listening on. Read-only.

#####skip_final_snapshot Determines whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted. Defaults to false.

#####db_parameter_group The name of an associated DB parameter group. Should be a string. This parameter is set at creation only; it is not affected by updates.

#####final_db_snapshot_identifier The name of the snapshot created when the instance is terminated. Note that skip_final_snapshot must be set to false.

#####backup_retention_period The number of days to retain backups. Defaults to 30 days.

Type: route53

The route53 types set up various types of Route53 records:

  • route53_a_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS record.

  • route53_aaaa_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS AAAA record.

  • route53_cname_record: Sets up a Route53 CNAME record.

  • route53_mx_record: Sets up a Route53 MX record.

  • route53_ns_record: Sets up a Route53 DNS record.

  • route53_ptr_record: Sets up a Route53 PTR record.

  • route53_spf_record: Sets up a Route53 SPF record.

  • route53_srv_record: Sets up a Route53 SRV record.

  • route53_txt_record: Sets up a Route53 TXT record.

  • route53_zone: Sets up a Route53 DNS zone.

All Route53 record types use the same parameters:

#####zone Required The zone associated with this record.

#####name Required The name of DNS record.

#####ttl Optional The time to live for the record. Accepts an integer.

#####values Required when not using alias_target The values of the record. Accepts an array. Conflicts with alias_target

#####name Required The name of DNS zone group. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

#####alias_target Required when not using values The name of the alias resource to target. Conflicts with values

#####alias_target_zone Required when using alias_target The ID of the zone in which the alias_target resides.

Type: route53_zone

#####name Required The name of DNS zone group. This is the value of the AWS Name tag.

Type: s3_bucket

#####name Required The name of the bucket to managed.

#####policy A JSON parsable string of the policy to apply to the bucket.

Type: sqs_queue

#####name Required The name of the SQS queue.

#####region Required The region in which to create the SQS Queue. For valid values, see AWS Regions.

#####delay_seconds Optional The time in seconds that the delivery of all messages in the queue will be delayed. Default value: 0

#####message_retention_period Optional The number of seconds Amazon SQS retains a message. Default value: 345600

#####maximum_message_size Optional The limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it.

#####visibility_timeout Optional The number of seconds during which Amazon SQS prevents other consuming components from receiving and processing a message. Default value: 30


This module requires Ruby 1.9 or later and is only tested on Puppet versions 3.4 and later.

At the moment this module only supports a few of the resources in the AWS API. These resources also exist a bit outside the normal host level resources like package, file, user, etc. We're really interested to see how people use these new resources, and what else you would like to be able to do with the module.

Note that this module also requires at least Ruby 1.9 and is only tested on Puppet versions from 3.4. If this is too limiting please let us know.


Puppet module for managing AWS resources to build out infrastructure







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  • Ruby 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%