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CryptoBib Web Application (for web2py)

WARNING: This is probably not the repository your are interested in. This repository is only for cryptobib developers. The repositories containing the public bib files are cryptobib/export and cryptobib/export_crossref.

WARNING: This project shall only be used as a subfolder of the main project cryptobib/cryptobib. Please read the documentation of the main project.

Getting started

This is a web2py ( application. You need to use it only if you wan to create a mirror of the cryptobib website.


  • python >= 3.5

  • pip (if you want to install python libraries below)

  • httplib2, ...

  • ipython (not necessary bu recommended for shell)

      pip install ipython

Download web2py and install the application

  1. Download web2py 2.20.4 source code from

  2. Unzip it under the root folder cryptobib

  3. Create a link from webapp to the subfolder web2py/applications/cryptobib:

     cd web2py/applications
     ln -s ../../webapp cryptobib
  4. For a production server, you may want to remove all the other applications, or at least to restrict access to the admin application to local ips.

In the sequel we suppose that you are in the web2py folder.

Configure the application

  1. create folders in applications/cryptobib

     mkdir applications/cryptobib/cache applications/cryptobib/databases applications/cryptobib/errors applications/cryptobib/sessions applications/cryptobib/uploads
  2. cp applications/cryptobib/ and change it

  3. cp applications/cryptobib/models/ applications/cryptobib/models/ and change it to connect to the correct database

You may want to update applications/cryptobib/models/ too.

Run the application


In development, just run



For production, we recommend you to run it as a wsgi script on an Apache server:

  1. copy handlers/ to

  2. set the admin password

     sudo -u www-data python -c "from gluon.main import save_password; save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"

and restrict access to admin (in apache with Location directive) to DI IP addresses. 2. set up the wsgi server as explained in

Configuration example (in virtual host):

WSGIDaemonProcess web2py-ssl user=www-data group=www-data display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup web2py-ssl
WSGIScriptAlias /web2py /var/www/web2py/

<Location /web2py>
    WSGIProcessGroup web2py-ssl
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

<Location /web2py/admin>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
    Allow from

<Directory /var/www/web2py>
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
        Allow from all

AliasMatch ^/web2py/([^/]+)/static/(?:_[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+/)?(.*) \

<Directory /var/www/web2py/applications/*/static/>
    Options -Indexes
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 hour"
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
    Allow from

It is highly recommended to serve the website via https.

Remark: if you use multiple web2py servers (e.g., one for development and one for production), please take care of web2py/web2py#834 (comment)

Reload page:

curl -k https://localhost/web2py-dev/crypto/admin/reload > /dev/null

Update database


make web

in the root folder.

This operation has to be done after any modification of the database.

Reload application

Reload application:

  • in production (wsgi), reload everything (except maybe cache):

  • in development: normally, if applications/crypto/ is setup correctly modules are reloaded automatically, however routes may not. If you want to reload routes (very rare), you may need them (either via restarting the server or using the admin console)

Cache can be reloaded by:

curl -k https://localhost/crypto/admin/reload > /dev/null

This can only be done from localhost.

Practical update script

It is practical to create the following script

set -e
(cd export && git reset --hard HEAD)
(cd export_crossref && git reset --hard HEAD)
mr update
make web
touch web2py/
curl -k https://localhost/crypto/admin/reload > /dev/null

Administration / Backup


python2 -S crypto -M

WARNING: never forget to commit the database after doing any modification:


Export/import database

In web2py/applications/crypto:

python2 tools/export_db > db.csv
python2 tools/import_db < db.csv

You may need to truncate all tables before doing the import. You can do it via:

python2 tools/truncate_db

You can also manually remove all tables:

  • with sqllite 3:

      rm -rf databases/*
  • with mysql:

      rm -rf datatases/*

AND manually remove tables, e.g. using PhpMyAdmin.

This may be necessary in case of changes in attributes of tables (such as ondelete).


You may want to backup:

  • databases: see above
  • uploads folder (uploads to database)
  • static/uploads folder (uploads from forms, such as the job contact form)
  • models/0_settings

The other folders are normally either automatically generated or in the git repository.

If you want to test the website locally, you just need to import the databases and uploads folder.

Known Issues

  • In dev mode, if a module a imports a module b, and if b is changed, it will not be reloaded in a (but it will still be reloaded in controllers and models.

Long term TODO

  • Needs to check that

    • static/uploads does not grow too much
    • sessions either

    cf deployment recipes on web2py website

  • Minify properly everything (using grunt?)

Day to day maintenance

  • Check tickets regularly (in admin interface)
  • Update of the server
  • Check SSL security (e.g., ssl labs)

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