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A Neo4j Desktop Graph App with Spatial Layout.

yWorks License for yFiles

This repo has moved to a private repo location due to the use of some commercial code from yWorks. If you want access to the code please contact Neo4j. If you have forks of the original repository, please delete the public copies, and maintain only your private repo, which you can connect to the new private repo if you would like to continue collaborating.

Graph Hack 2018

This app was build for the Graph Hack 2018 Bussword Bingo, and made use the following buzzwords:

  • Graph Apps
  • Neo4j Desktop
  • Spatial
  • React
  • APOC
  • Neo4j Javascript Driver
  • OpenStreetMap

Sample data

To demonstrate the capabilities of the app we have included a sample graph. This is a graph of intersections in New York City and a calculated routing graph between all intersections. There are known bugs in the routing graph and the desktop app will help visualize the graph in order to help find and identify the modeling mistakes.

To import the data copy the sample app to your database import directory and run LOAD CSV:

cp data/routingGraph.csv` $PATH_TO_NEO4J/import

Make an index to accelerate the MERGE commands in the import query:

CREATE INDEX ON :Routable(location);

Run the import query in a Neo4j client (browser or cypher-shell):

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///routingGraph.csv' AS line
MERGE (a:Routable {location:point({latitude:toFloat(line['p_lat']), longitude:toFloat(line['p_lon'])})})
MERGE (b:Routable {location:point({latitude:toFloat(line['x_lat']), longitude:toFloat(line['x_lon'])})})
CREATE (a)-[:ROUTE]->(b);


A Neo4j Desktop Graph App with Spatial Layout







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