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cottrela edited this page Jan 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Searchmonkey

There are three active versions of Searchmonkey:-

Searchmonkey GTK v0.8.2 is the original native application for Linux Gnome distributions. Searchmonkey QT v2.0.1 is the native application for Linux KDE based distributions. Searchmonkey JAVA v3.x is the latest application for any operating system.

The software version number is used to tell you which version you are downloading. For Linux/Gnome fans stick to the 0.8 (and hopefully 1.x) release path. For KDE fans, stick to the v2.x path, and finally everyone else please switch to the v3.x path once the software when you are ready to upgrade.

The GTK and QT versions will remain updated with bug fixes as and when time allows, however, the plan is to take Searchmonkey forward using the JAVA platform as this gives access to many more libraries and packages and makes cross-platform support significantly easier to maintain.

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