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commitlint checks if your commit messages meets the conventional commit format


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commitlint checks if your commit message meets the conventional commit format

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

Table of Contents



Download binary from releases and add it to your PATH

Using go

go install


  • Enable for a single git repository, cd to repository directory
commitlint init
  • Enable globally for all git repositories
commitlint init --global
  • to customize hooks destination pass --hookspath with desired location
commitlint init --hookspath /path/to/hooks
commitlint init --global --hookspath /path/to/hooks


  • run commitlint hook create to create .commitlint/hooks containing git hooks
    • pass --hookspath to customize the hooks output path
  • To enable in single repo
    • run git config core.hooksPath /path/to/.commitlint/hooks
  • To enable globally
    • run git config --global core.hooksPath /path/to/.commitlint/hooks

Quick Test

  • Valid commit message
echo "feat: good commit message" | commitlint lint
# ✔ commit message
  • Invalid commit message
echo "fear: do not fear for commit message" | commitlint lint
#   ❌ type-enum: type 'fear' is not allowed, you can use one of [build chore ci docs feat fix merge perf refactor revert style test]



  • To create config file, run commitlint config create this will create commitlint.yaml

  • To validate config file, run commitlint config check --config=/path/to/conf.yaml


To lint a message, you can use any one of the following

  • run commitlint lint --message=file
  • run echo "message" | commitlint lint
  • run commitlint lint < file


commitlint lint follows below order for config and message

  • config file passed to --config command-line argument
  • COMMITLINT_CONFIG env variable
  • config file in current directory or git repo root in the below order
    • .commitlint.yml
    • .commitlint.yaml
    • commitlint.yml
    • commitlint.yaml
  • default config
  • stdin pipe stream
  • commit message file passed to --message command-line argument
  • .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG in current directory


  • To create hook files, run commitlint hook create


To prints useful information for debugging commitlint

run commitlint debug

Default Config

version: v0.9.0
formatter: default
- header-min-length
- header-max-length
- body-max-line-length
- footer-max-line-length
- type-enum
  default: error
    argument: 72
    argument: 72
    argument: 10
    argument: 50
    - feat
    - fix
    - docs
    - style
    - refactor
    - perf
    - test
    - build
    - ci
    - chore
    - revert

Commit Types

Commonly used commit types from Conventional Commit Types

Type Description
feat A new feature
fix A bug fix
docs Documentation only changes
style Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting etc)
refactor A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
perf A code change that improves performance
test Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
build Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
ci Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
chore Other changes that don't modify src or test files
revert Reverts a previous commit

Available Rules

The list of available lint rules

name argument flags description
header-min-length int n/a checks the min length of header (first line)
header-max-length int n/a checks the max length of header (first line)
body-max-line-length int n/a checks the max length of each line in body
footer-max-line-length int n/a checks the max length of each line in footer
type-enum []string n/a restrict type to given list of string
scope-enum []string allow-empty: bool restrict scope to given list of string
footer-enum []string n/a restrict footer token to given list of string
type-min-length int n/a checks the min length of type
type-max-length int n/a checks the max length of type
scope-min-length int n/a checks the min length of scope
scope-max-length int n/a checks the max length of scope
description-min-length int n/a checks the min length of description
description-max-length int n/a checks the max length of description
body-min-length int n/a checks the min length of body
body-max-length int n/a checks the max length of body
footer-min-length int n/a checks the min length of footer
footer-max-length int n/a checks the max length of footer
type-charset string n/a restricts type to given charset
scope-charset string n/a restricts scope to given charset
footer-type-enum []{token, types, values} n/a enforces footer notes for given type

Available Formatters

  • default

→ input: "fear: do not fear for ..."

  ❌ type-enum: type 'fear' is not allowed, you can use one of [build chore ci docs feat fix perf refactor revert style test]

Total 1 errors, 0 warnings, 0 other severities
  • JSON
{"input":"fear: do not fear for commit message","issues":[{"description":"type 'fear' is not allowed, you can use one of [build chore ci docs feat fix perf refactor revert style test]","name":"type-enum","severity":"error"}]}



  • How to have custom config for each repository?

    Place .commitlint.yaml file in repo root directory. linter follows config precedence.

    To create a sample config, run commitlint config create

  • How can I skip lint check for a commit?

    use --no-verify flag with git commit which skips commit hooks


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