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Financial Indexer with Kafka Streams

This app provides an API, for the clients to query real-time price statistics of financial instruments received within the last 60 seconds (tumbling time interval), using Kafka Streams and Spring Cloud Streams Framework.

The reason I wanted to provide a Kafka Streams based solution is obvious (besides personal curiosity). That's because, at a larger scale the characteristics of the problem calls for using such a scalable streaming framework. ( Apache Flink would've also been a great candidate) .

Unfortunately the Kafka SlidingWindow feature was not officially coupled with the version of the Spring Cloud Stream framework that came with the starter parent ( 2.3.4.RELEASE) .

According to this here ( apache/kafka#9039 ), the SlidingWindow feature has been accepted into the codebase .

And this one here ( mentions that it has been included in release 2.7 of Apache Kafka .

But it took me a while to find out the latest version of Spring Cloud Stream hasn't packaged it yet, That wasn't clearly reflected in the official documentation . Perhaps a little bit of more time was needed tweaking it

I had to contend with TumblingWindows, instead of SlidingWindows as I would've liked to.

There are three API endpoints:

• POST /ticks : This one is called by the clients to register a Tick. It is also the sole input of this rest API

• GET /statistics : This one returns the statistics based on the ticks of all instruments of the last 60 seconds (tumbling time interval)

• GET /statistics/{instrument_id} : This one returns the statistics based on the ticks of the given instrument of the last 60 seconds (tumbling time interval)

Configuring the Tumbling Time Window Period:

The application has been configured with a default value of 60 seconds for the sliding time interval. In order to change it to another value, please update the constant value TUMBLING_WINDOWS_SECS defined in

Development Assumptions

I assumed ;

  1. The /ticks endpoint can get called several times a second.
  2. The application will not be running behind a load balancer. This implementation is a single node application, that can't know what statistics another instance has accumulated.

Possible Improvements To The Application

The application could possible be improved upon under following topics:

  1. Making it ready to work behind a load balancer, by using a distributed key-value store instead of the local map data structures.
  2. Giving the ability to scale even more, by providing a sharding mechanism at the core, to distribute the load based on a certain key.


You need Maven, Git and Java SE Runtime Environment 9 (minimum), docker, docker-compose to run this project.

Installing and Running the Tests:

Clone repository to your local machine

git clone

Go to project folder

cd indexer-kafka

Bring up the kafka and zookeper in your local environment

docker-compose up -d

Run maven to create jar ( Without the last parameter to run the tests at this point)

mvn clean install package -DskipTests

Running the app:

java -jar target/kafka-streams-ticker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Interacting with the App:

The following will be carried using the curl tool.

Sending data with curl

curl http://localhost:8080/ticks --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --request POST  --data '{ "instrument": "IBM", "timestamp": 1617473494140, "price": 130.1 }'

If the Tick's timestamp is older than 1 second, it will be rejected by the endpoint with Http NoContent response.

Querying the Statistics of all instruments:

curl http://localhost:8080/statistics

Querying the Statistics of a Specific instrument:

curl http://localhost:8080/statistics/{instrument_id}

Built With

  • SpringBoot - The web framework used for creating APIs
  • Spring Cloud Stream - The cloud stream framework that provides the binder for Kafka and others
  • Maven - Dependency Management
