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Testing elm web3

Coury Ditch edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Test Suite Design Thoughts

  • Traditional, fast, and fully automated unit testing will likely not be possible. Nearly everything is Elm tasks, and is interacting with a very asynchronous platform. The need for transactional currency complicates things as well (gas on sendTransaction calls). Also, the need to work with MetaMask further adds to the complexity.

  • Imagining a big html table where each row is a certain web3 function (unit test), and columns are Function Name, Pass/Fail (green/red text and small description). Accordion/expandable rows for test Description, parameter info, and descriptive error responses. Tooltips could be useful as well.

  • Will likely need separate tests for each network.

    • Mainnet will focus on reads with known responses. (e.g. Some popular ERC20 contract's Transfer events, known balance of account at certain block, etc.)
    • Ropsten tests will actually deploy contracts, engage in sendTransactions, etc.
    • TestRPC, similar to Ropsten, but faster with optional usage if MetaMask (since testrpc accounts are prefilled and unlocked)
  • One HTML file per test suite, or break things up?

  • Use a mixture of Task.sequence and Task.andThen chaining

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