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Containers Resources

Marc Paquette edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

What's a container?

Thinking of containers as "lightweight virtual machines" can be misleading. This material helps understanding how containerisation works on Linux and how it compares to other (OS-level or hardware) virtualisation solutions.

"The greatest trick containers ever pulled was convincing the world they existed."

Building a container from scratch

It's actually not that hard! A Linux process can be isolated with a few system calls, even from the shell.

Digging deeper

More details on the technologies underlying Linux containers.





Other Linux resources

What does the landscape look like?

Practicing with the Garden Team Onboarding Tracker

The Onboarding Tracker is a way to practice what you have learned about Garden and containers. Use garden-onboarding-tracker to populate a Pivotal Tracker project with Garden onboarding stories.

Blog Posts from Garden Engineers