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Magnar Sveen edited this page Apr 3, 2015 · 1 revision

ml Move to let

Move the current form to the closest let.

Given this:

(defn handle-request
  (let [body (find-body abc)]
    {:status 200
     :body body}))

With the cursor in front of 200, I do cljr-move-to-let:

(defn handle-request
  (let [body (find-body abc)
        X 200]
    {:status X
     :body body}))

Now I have two cursors where the Xes are, so I type out the name, and press enter:

(defn handle-request
  (let [body (find-body abc)
        status 200]
    {:status status
     :body body}))

Pretty handy. And it works with if-let and when-let too.