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Docker containers for a small server environment.

This project aims to provide Docker configurations for a small server environment. It's primarily a personal documentation effort and may not be production-ready. It is maintained on an as-needed basis, meaning updates might be infrequent. However, it's open to anyone who wants a starting point or to learn more about creating a Docker-based server environment.

deployment diagram

Supported Services

  • gitlab
  • nextcloud
  • traefik
  • whoami - A simple container that responds with its container ID, useful for testing load balancing and proxying.
  • kanidm - A modern, secure and fast identity management platform.
  • vaultwarden - An unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust.
  • vpn - WireGuard VPN for secure networking.
  • plantuml - A tool for creating UML diagrams from a plain text language.
  • openldap - OpenLDAP software for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

The users will be managed using ldap.

Installing Portainer

Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your Docker host or Swarm cluster. It is particularly useful when setting up a home server environment as it provides a visual interface to manage Docker containers.

To install Portainer, you can use the following Docker command:

docker volume create portainer_data
docker run -d -p 9443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:2.19.3

This will pull the latest Portainer image from Docker Hub, create a new volume for storing data, and start a new container. The Portainer UI can then be accessed by navigating to http://:9443.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the official Portainer documentation.

Quick Start

Clone repository:

git clone

Change into source directory:

cd home-server

Create your own branch:

git checkout -b configbranch

Edit compose for your needs:

cp example.env .env

vim .env

vim docker-compose.yml

Commit your changes:

git commit -m 'updated docker-compose.yml'

Build and download docker images:

docker-compose build

Start portainer only:

docker-compose up -d --profile portainer portainer

Run docker compose:

docker-compose up -d

Stop docker compose:

docker-compose stop

restart server

After a reboot you have to restart the services manually. Start them in following order.

docker-compose restart openldap
docker-compose restart ldapaccountmanager
docker-compose restart gitlab
docker-compose restart nextcloud-db
docker-compose restart nextcloud
docker-compose restart traefik

update git repo

git pull
git merge master

Upgrade services


docker-compose stop SERVICE

Remove old SERVICE:

docker-compose rm SERVICE

Change to subfolder of SERVICE. Edit the Dockerfile. Change version number. Start new SERVICE:

docker-compose up -d SERVICE


To test locally change localhost jenkins.localhost lam.localhost gitlab.localhost in your /etc/hosts file.


Use a btrfs filesystem. Create a subvolume for data persistence.

cd /
sudo btrfs subvolume create srv

renew your certificates

Add --expand to certbot command in docker-compose.yml file.

docker-compose stop
docker-compose run --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 certbot
docker-compose start ...

upgrade gitlab

If you have problems upgrading gitlab, try this:

docker run -P -ti -v /srv/data/var/lib/gitlab:/var/opt/gitlab -v /srv/data/etc/gitlab:/etc/gitlab -v /srv/data/var/log/gitlab:/var/log/gitlab --rm gitlab/gitlab-ce bash

Inside container run:

/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start & sleep 10 && gitlab-ctl reconfigure

lam (ldap account manager)

Open ldap account manager in browser: http://lam.localhost

Open Gitlab in browser: http://gitlab.localhost

Open Nextcloud in browser: http://nextcloud.localhost

Web server here used as proxy to the services.

Argo tunnel as alternative to nginx proxy.