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Argo Hello World with JaCaMo

Nilson Lazarin edited this page Sep 29, 2024 · 2 revisions
Examples Tools Wiki

In this tutorial you will learn how to import the Argo BDI-agent Architecture in a JaCaMo project and execute a Blink Project (hello world).


  1. JaCaMo Framework already installed.

  2. An IoT device using a serial communication channel, programmed using the Javino Blink Example.

    Arduino SimulIDE
    Blink tutorial with Arduino Board Blink tutorial with SimulIDE


  1. In a terminal command, create a Multiagent System Project, using the command below:

    jacamo app create jacamoWithArgo --console
  2. Include the Argo Package in the JaCaMo Project. Edit the project file jacamoWithArgo/jacamoWithArgo.jcm as follows:

    mas jacamoWithArgo {
    	agent bob: sample_agent.asl {
    	ag-arch: jason.Argo
    	uses package: argo "com.github.chon-group:Argo:+"
  3. Change the file jacamoWithArgo/src/agt/sample_agent.asl including the content below:

    /* Initial beliefs and rules */
    serialPort(ttyACM0).            /* physical Arduino Board in /dev/ttyACM0  */
    //serialPort(ttyUSB0).          /* physical Arduino Board in /dev/ttyUSB0  */
    //serialPort(ttyEmulatedPort0). /* simulated arduino with simulIDE         */
    /* Initial goals */
    /* Plans */
    serialPort(Port) <- 
    	.print("Ah, Mr. Anderson, I see you are as predictable in this world as you are in the other.");
    +ledStatus(on) <-
    	.print("Turning ON  the Led in Arduino!");
    +ledStatus(off) <-
    	.print("Turning OFF the Led in Arduino!");
    Status = off | Status = timeout <-
    	.print("It's not over, Mr. Anderson! It's not over!").
  4. Execute the Multiagent System

    jacamo jacamoWithArgo/jacamoWithArgo.mas2j

The expected output: