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Microsoft Graph SDK for PL/SQL

Integrate the Microsoft Graph API into your Oracle PL/SQL project!

Please leave us feedback or file issues if you run into any problems, and we will continue to improve the quality and scope of the package.

Getting Started

0. Preconditions

The package currently depends on APEX_WEB_SERVICE, making the availability of Oracle APEX a precondition for it's use.

Therefore also the ACLs need to be set accordingly for your installed version of APEX.


   DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL ( acl => 'msgraph_acl.xml', 
                                       description => 'MS Graph ACL', 
                                       principal => 'APEX_XXYYZZ', 
                                       is_grant => true, 
                                       privilege => 'connect' );
   DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ADD_PRIVILEGE ( acl => 'msgraph_acl.xml',
                                          principal => 'APEX_XXYYZZ', 
                                          is_grant => true, 
                                          privilege => 'resolve' );
   DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL ( acl => 'msgraph_acl.xml', 
                                       host => '', 
                                       lower_port => 443 );
   DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL ( acl => 'msgraph_acl.xml', 
                                       host => '', 
                                       lower_port => 443 );


1. Register your application

Register your application in Azure to use the Microsoft Graph API in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal.

2. Add a client secret

As the SDK is currently using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow for authentication to get access without a user, you need to add a client secret to your application and to configure API permissions.

3. Configure API permissions

For the currently implemented functionalities, you need the following permissions.

Permission Type Description
User.Read.All Application Read all users' full profiles
Group.Read.All Application Read all groups
Group.ReadWrite.All Application Read and write all groups
GroupMember.Read.All Application Read all group memberships
Contacts.ReadWrite Application Read and write contacts in all mailboxes
Calendar.ReadWrite Application Read and write calendars in all mailboxes
Notes.ReadWrite.All Application Read and write all OneNote notebooks
Files.ReadWrite.All Application Read and write files in all drives
Sites.Read.All Application Read items in all site collections
Mail.ReadWrite Application Read and write mails in all mailboxes
Mail.Send Application Send mail as any user

4. Adapt global constants

You need to adapt the global constants to your environment settings in the config package specification (msgraph_config.pks)

gc_wallet_path   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (255) := '<enter wallet path>';
gc_wallet_pwd    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (255) := '<enter wallet password>';

gc_tenant_id     CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (37)  := '<enter tenant id>';
gc_client_id     CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (37)  := '<enter client id>';
gc_client_secret CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (37)  := '<enter client secret>';

Package Structure

Package Description
msgraph_config Global constants, environment settings
msgraph_utils shared functionality, token handling
msgraph_users implementing Users
msgraph_contacts implementing Contacts
msgraph_calendar implementing Calendar and Events
msgraph_groups implementing Groups
msgraph_teams implementing Teams
msgraph_planner implementing Planner
msgraph_todo implementing Todo
msgraph_onenote implementing OneNote
msgraph_onedrive implementing OneDrive
msgraph_sharepoint implementing SharePoint
msgraph_mail implementing Mail
msgraph_me implementing functionality related to the signed in user


The following areas and functionalities are already covered by the SDK.

Area Functionality Action Endpoint
Users get user GET /users/{id}
Users list users GET /users
Users get user manager GET /users/{id}/manager
Users list user direct reports GET /users/{id}/directReports
Contacts get user contact GET /users/{id}/contacts/{id}
Contacts list user contacts GET /users/{id}/contacts
Contacts list user contacts in folder GET /users/{id}/contactFolders/{id}/contacts
Contacts create user contact POST /users/{id}/contacts
Contacts create user contact in folder POST /users/{id}/contactFolders/{id}/contacts
Contacts update user contact PUT /users/{id}/contacts/{id}
Contacts delete user contact DELETE /users/{id}/contacts/{id}
Contacts list user contact folders GET /users/{id}/contactFolders
Contacts create user contact folder POST /users/{id}/contactFolders
Contacts delete user contact folder DELETE /users/{id}/contactFolders
Calendar get user calendar event GET /users/{id}/calendar/events/{id}
Calendar create user calendar event POST /users/{id}/calendar/events
Calendar update user calendar event PUT /users/{id}/calendar/events/{id}
Calendar delete user calendar event DELETE /users/{id}/calendar/events/{id}
Calendar list user calendar events GET /users/{id}/calendar/events
Calendar list user calendar event attendees GET /users/{id}/calendar/events/{id}
Groups list groups GET /groups
Groups list group members GET /groups/{id}/members
Groups add group member POST /groups/{id}/members
Groups delete group member DELETE /groups/{id}/members/{id}
Teams list team members GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/members
Teams add team member POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/members
Teams remove team member DELETE /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/members/{id}
Teams list team channels GET /teams/{id}/channels
Teams create team channel POST /teams/{id}/channels
Teams delete team channel DELETE /teams/{id}/channels/{id}
Teams list team channel messages GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages
Teams send team channel message POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages
Teams send team channel message reply POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages/{id}/replies
Teams update team channel message PUT /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages
Teams update team channel message reply PUT /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages/{id}/replies
Teams set team channel message reaction POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages/{id}/setReaction
Teams unset team channel message reaction POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages/{id}/unsetReaction
Planner list group plans GET /groups/{id}/planner/plans
Planner create group plan POST /planner/plans
Planner list plan buckets GET /planner/plans/{id}/buckets
Planner create plan bucket POST /planner/buckets
Planner list plan tasks GET /planner/plans/{id}/tasks
Planner create plan task POST /planner/tasks
Todo list todo lists GET /me/todo/lists
Todo create todo list POST /me/todo/lists
Todo create todo list task POST /me/todo/lists/{id}/tasks
OneNote list user notebooks GET /users/{id}/onenote/notebooks
OneNote list user notebook sections GET /users/{id}/onenote/notebooks/{id}/sections
OneNote list user section pages GET /users/{id}/onenote/sections/{id}/pages
OneNote create user notebook POST /users/{id}/onenote/notebooks
OneNote create user notebook section POST /users/{id}/onenote/notebooks/{id}/sections
OneNote create user section page POST /users/{id}/onenote/sections/{id}/pages
OneDrive get site drive GET /sites/{id}/drive
OneDrive get group drive GET /groups/{id}/drive
OneDrive get user drive GET /users/{id}/drive
OneDrive get folder children GET /drives/{id}/items/{id}/children
OneDrive create folder POST /drives/{id}/items/{id}/children
OneDrive copy item or folder POST /drives/{id}/items/{id}/copy
OneDrive rename item or folder PUT /drives/{id}/items/{id}
OneDrive delete item or folder DELETE /drives/{id}/items/{id}
OneDrive upload file PUT /drives/{id}/items/{id}/{fileName}/content
OneDrive download file GET /drives/{id}/items/{id}/content
SharePoint list sites GET /sites
SharePoint list site lists GET /sites/{id}/lists
Mail list user messages GET /users/{id}/messages
Mail list user folder messages GET /users/{id}/mailFolders/{id}/messages
Mail create forward message draft POST /users/{id}/messages/{id}/createForward
Mail create reply message draft POST /users/{id}/messages/{id}/createReply
Mail create reply all message draft POST /users/{id}/messages/{id}/createReplyAll
Mail update message draft PATCH /users/{id}/messages/{id}
Mail send message draft POST /users/{id}/messages/{id}/send
Mail delete message DELETE /users/{id}/messages/{id}
Mail get message GET /users/{id}/mailFolders/{id}/messages/{id}
Mail download message GET /users/{id}/mailFolders/{id}/messages/{id}/$value
Mail list attachments GET /users/{id}/messages/{id}/attachments
Mail add file attachment POST /users/{id}/messages/{id}/attachments
Mail delete attachment DELETE /users/{id}/messages/{id}/attachments/{id}
Mail download attachment GET /users/{id}/messages/{id}/attachments/{id}/$value
Activity Feed list user activities GET /me/activities
Activity Feed create user activity POST /me/activities


To view or log issues, see issues.


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