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now editor


online IDE

There are many developers who are new to web3 and do not know how to start their first blockchain project. Although they are already very proficient in web2, this difficulty often comes from the objective environment. The most challenging part is setting up the environment, especially in countries where VPNs are needed. Beginners often do not know how to solve network issues, and public blockchains cannot provide direct help. Therefore, movelgo was born. We want to solve the "quick start" problem for developers and make writing code simpler.

We hope to provide developers with a simple and convenient development, testing, and deployment environment through an integrated web development environment. In the later stage, we hope to achieve the features in the Move compiler that are inaccessible for security reasons but extremely important for understanding the compiled code.

Thank you for your reading, thank you again!

🚀 Start

  • .env port and host configuration

    # port
    # host
  • ./ Initialize the project

    download Aptos CLI, Rust, TypeScript Node, Yarn, NVM, and install dependencies from package.json.

  • ./ Start the project

    check the package manager and start the complier server, file server, and editor UI.

  • ./ Check the running status

    check if there are any processes running on ports 3000, 3010, and 3020.

  • ./ Stop the running project

    stop the programs running on ports 3000, 3010, and 3020.

🚦 Shortcut Keys

  • Ctrl / Command => C
  • Shift => S
  • C-K Set Theme

  • C-P Search

  • C-S-L Set Language

💻 About the Project

🔧 Movelgo is built using Molecule IDE UI.

This is a Move language IDE, aimed at creating a Remix-like online development environment for Move.

This project is built with React, and Move code is compiled in the backend.

image language

🔮 Introduction:

  1. Users write code at http://localhost:3000/
  2. Users click the compile button, and the code is sent to the backend file server via http://localhost:3010/ to save the code
  3. The file server sends to the backend http://localhost:3020 to compile the code and returns the compilation result to the frontend
  4. The frontend displays the compilation result in the OUTPUT window

🚀 Goals

  1. Implement an online Move development environment

📜 Project Architecture


🏃 Start the Project

🌈 Prerequisites (option)

In the, we have provided a "one-click installation" script, which currently only has versions for Mac and Linux (Ubuntu).

  • Install Aptos CLI

    • MAC

      brew install aptos  # macOS
    • Linux

      curl -fsSL "" | python3
      # or
    • Windows

      iwr "" -useb | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | python3
  1. Install Rust
  1. Install Nodejs


    Recommended to use nvm

    curl -o- | bash
    # or
    wget -qO- | bash

Install Dependencies

[!TIP] Tip It is recommended to use

yarn or pnpm to install dependencies

npm install -g yarn
# or
npm install -g pnpm
# or
pnpm install
# or
npm install

🚗 Auto Run (Background)

  1. ./ Initialize the project (check configuration and download dependencies)

  2. ./ Run the project (start the editor, compilation service, file service)

  3. ./ Stop the project (stop the project according to the port)

💪 Manual Start (Foreground)

yarn start
# New terminal
cd rpc/server
cargo run
# New terminal
cd users-file
ts-node server.ts

🌲 Testing

Check Installation Status

cd rpc/move
aptos move init --name user
aptos init --network testnet
aptos move test

📁 rpc (rust)

In terminal

curl -X POST -d 'module 0x12::test{
  use std::debug::print;
  use std::string::utf8;
  fun test_server(){
    print(&utf8(b"server is running"));

📁 user_file

ts-node ./users-file/server.ts

Access in browser (default): http://localhost:3010

📁 react

yarn start

Access in browser (default): http://localhost:3000

🎉 Done

✈️ Future

In Development

  • Optimize UI
  • On-chain Interaction

Planned Development

  • Optimize client-side compilation experience
  • Debugging
  • Move Code Highlighting
  • Move Code Completion
  • Optimize File Service

⭐ Contribution

Issues and PRs are welcome

🔗 Links

♻️ Resources

molecule example

molevule doc



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