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provides tools for cross-camera tracking and fusion/reconstruction of sparse monocular pose detectors

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mc_reconstruction is part of the mc_dev set of repositories. The main aim of this repository is to enable cross-camera person association, tracking, and 3D reconstruction of sparse human pose detection (things like OpenPose, AlphaPose etc). The main functionality consists of:

  • Occupancy maps: Used for cross-camera person/object association
  • Occupancy tracking: Used to track objects through an occupancy map.
  • sparse pose fusion:
  • rendering tools:
    • sparse pose detections
    • project .c3d files of markers or fused poses.
    • visually compare .c3d files of markers or fused poses.

The mc_base repository's README, or the CAMERA internal wiki, provide an overview of the various other parts of mc_dev.


Easy mode - docker etc.

mc_reconstruction is normally used as part of the markerless motion capture pipeline developed in parallel with the BioCV dataset. If this is your intended use case, you may benefit from the use-case specific instructions, docker containers and build helpers provided

Manual mode

Getting the source

The source is mostly developed by Murray Evans as part of the University of Bath's CAMERA research group. The source is publicly available through CAMERA's GitHub organisation or through the CAMERA git server, rivendell

mc_reconstruction depends on the mc_core and mc_sds repositories. If mc_reconstruction is pulled to /devPath/mc_reconstruction then it expects /devPath/mc_core and /devPath/mc_sds.

It is recommended to use the mc_base repository so that all relevant things can be built in one dependency tree. As such, pull the source as:

  $ cd ~/where/you/keep/your/code
  $ git clone mc_dev
  $ cd mc_dev
  $ git clone
  $ git clone
  $ git clone


The mc_base and mc_core repositories contain instructions relevant to all mc_dev repositories. Refer to those for basic project layout and the SCons based build system. Extra dependencies specific to mc_reconstructon are explained in the following section.

Put simply, once all dependencies are installed, and assuming you used the mc_base repository, you will just do:

cd /path/to/mc_dev
scons -j6

Or to install to /opt/mc_bin:

cd /path/to/mc_dev
scons -j6 install=True installDir=/opt/mc_bin


mc_reconstruction depends on everything mc_core and mc_sds depend upon. It also depends upon:

  • EZC3D: Small library for loading and saving .c3d files, which are a format for motion capture data.
    • This as an easy to install library that can be acquired from github and compiled and installed as per the intructions.
  • OpenSim (optional): OpenSim is a beastly creation used for doing physical simulations of bodies, particularly human bodies, and is popular among the biomechanics community. The output of mc_reconstruction can be used with mc_opensim to perform IK fits of an OpenSim body model to the 3D poses - as such, we provide a tool to visualise the opensim fit over the video data.
    • This can be a PITA installation.
    • This is an optional dependency
    • Relatively recent versions of OpenSim introduced a new build script which reduces the pain. We cloned and modified that script and put it under mc_reconstruction/scripts. The main advantage of our version is the ability to control where OpenSim gets built and installed.


As per mc_core this is handled by a small config script, in this case mc_core/, which will be picked up when you run SCons. The format should be pretty obvious but refer to the documentation in mc_core for some hints.

The script will look for EZ3CD in /usr/local which is the default install location.

For OpenSim, you will either need to modify the specified paths from their default /opt/opensim/install or comment out the whole section and replace it with pass like so to disable use of the library:

def FindOpensim(env):
    #                    "/opt/opensim/install/sdk/include/OpenSim/",
    #                    "/opt/opensim/install/sdk/spdlog/include/",
    #                    "/opt/opensim/install/sdk/Simbody/include/simbody" ])
    #                    "/opt/opensim/install/sdk/Simbody/lib/"])
    #env.Append(LIBS=["fmt", "osimAnalyses", "osimActuators", "osimSimulation", "osimTools", "osimCommon", "SimTKsimbody", "SimTKcommon"])


mc_reconstruction supplies the following tools:

  • occTrack: Given a set of calibrated image sources, where each source supplies binary mask images, this is a demonstration tool for how to make use of the occupancy map and occupancy tracker classes. The tool will perform basic tracking of the masked out objects in the scene on a ground plane.
  • trackSparsePoses: Given Sparse keypoint human (or object) detections from the likes of OpenPose, this uses an OccupancyMap and an OccupancyTracker to resolve the cross-camera person/object associations and track detected people through a scene
  • trackPoses: More generic version of trackSparsePoses designed for use with sparse poses but also dense pose / segmentation sources.
  • fuseSparsePoses: Once you have resolved the cross-camera associations and tracked people through a scene using trackSparsePoses, this will perform 3D pose fusion of the individual people in each frame.
  • timeAlign: This special tool was used to time align marker based motion capture data with video for CAMERA's BioCV dataset (Coming Soon!) based on a flashing LED. (frames were already synched by hardware but alignment was not quite resolved by that hardware)
  • rendering tools:
    • renderSparsePose: Draws sparse pose detections over the images.
    • projectMocap: Tool to project .c3d motion capture data into calibrated camera images. The tool can handle multiple files, but there must be only one track with any given name.
    • compareMocap: Tool to project multiple .c3d motion capture files into calibrated camera images. Can handle multiple files that have the tracks with the same names, will colour each individual differently
    • renderOpenSim: Tool to project an opensim model onto image data. Particularly useful in conjunction with mc_opensim

Full documentation of each tool, including algorithmic insights, are available.

Common use cases

3D reconstruction of OpenPose detections.

First, capture calibrated and synchronised multi-camera video of your scene. For example, see the BioCV dataset. mc_core provides tools for calibrating a network of cameras.

Next, run OpenPose (or other sparse keypoint pose detector) over the individual videos.

![OpenPose on BioCV P28 data](imgs/opdet-bcv28.mp4){style="width: 90%; margin: auto;"}

Now, run the occupancy map based trackSparsePoses to resolve cross-camera person identities between camera views.

![Occupancy map tracking (raw occupancy on left, resulting track on right)](imgs/occTrk-bcv28.mp4){style="width: 90%; margin: auto;"}

Get the 3D reconstruction of the poses using fuseSparsePoses, and render the output as needed (e.g. using compareMocap as here)

![Fused OpenPose on BioCV P28 data](imgs/recon-bcv28.mp4){style="width: 90%; margin: auto;"}

Use the mc_opensim tools to process the fused poses with OpenSim, and if wanted, render the OpenSim model back over the images.

![OpenSim render on BioCV P28 data](imgs/osim-bcv28.mp4){style="width: 90%; margin: auto;"}


You can find more documentation, such as how to configure and use the tools, structure of the library, and algorithm details, under the docs/ folder in the repository. You can either directly read the markdown files, or 'compile' that into an html book.

To make the html book of the documentation:

  • install pandoc: sudo apt install pandoc
  • enter the docs directory: cd docs/
  • run the .book file: ./
    • the .book file is actually a python script which wraps up calls to pandoc for making a nice html book from the markdown files.


provides tools for cross-camera tracking and fusion/reconstruction of sparse monocular pose detectors






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