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cahirwpz edited this page Jul 6, 2021 · 1 revision

Test infrastructure

Running tests

If you just want to run all available tests please use ./ This is the command that is used by continuous integration. Some useful arguments are listed below:

  • --infinite - keep testing until some error is found.
  • --non-interactive - do not run interactive GDB session if tests fail.
  • --thorough - generate much more test seeds. Testing will take much more time.

For greater control you can pass kernel arguments that control test runs. That includes passing seed which is used to generate tests permutation, which proved to be useful. Some useful kernel parameters for test run control are listed below:

  • test=TEST - Requests the kernel to run the specified test. test=user_{name} to run single user test, test={name} to run single kernel test. You can specify multiple tests by separating their names with commas (without spaces), e.g. test=test1,test2,test3
  • test=all - Runs a number of tests one after another, and reports success only when all of them passed.
  • seed=UINT - Sets the RNG seed for shuffling the list of test when using test=all.
  • repeat=UINT - Specifies the number of (shuffled) repetitions of each test when using test=all. When running user-specified tests (i.e. when test is not equal to all), repeat specifies the number of times each test will be run. For example, test=test1,test2 repeat=4 will run test1 4 times and then run test2 4 times.

Tests implementation

Kernel tests

Located in /sys/tests. Test function signature looks like this: {name}(void) or sometimes {name}(unsigned int) but needs to be coerced to (int (*)(void)).

Macros to register tests:

  • KTEST_ADD(name, func, flags)
  • KTEST_ADD_RANDINT(name, func, flags, max) - need to cast function pointer to (int (*)(void))

Where name is test name, func is pointer to test function, flags as mentioned below, and max is maximum random argument fed to the test.

User tests

Located in /bin/utest. User-space test function signature looks like this: int test_{name}(void) and should be defined in /bin/utest/utest.h. In order to make the test runnable one has to add one of these lines to /sys/tests/utest.c file:

  • UTEST_ADD_SIMPLE({name}) - test fails on assertion or non-zero return value.
  • UTEST_ADD_SIGNAL({name}, {SIGNUMBER}) - test passes when terminated with {SIGNUMBER}.
  • UTEST_ADD({name}, {exit status}, flags) - test passes when exited with status {exit status}.

One also needs to add a line

  • CHECKRUN_TEST({name}) in /bin/utest/main.c,
  • int test_{name}(void); in /bin/utest/utest.h,
  • ${filename}.c in bin/utest/Makefile.

Creating tests

Tests are supposed to return 0 or create kernel panic during execution, that can be achieved by the usage of assert. That implies that the test shouldn't look like the code bellow

pid_t child_pid;
switch (child_pid = fork())
case -1: /* error */

case 0:               
    /* child */

    /* parent */

but more like this one

pid_t child_pid = fork();
assert(child_pid >= 0);
if (child_pid == 0) {
  /* child */
/* parent */

The same goes with usage of every function that may not execute successfully.

Also watch out for assert, it's a macro which means that expression inside may be executed more than once. Hence, version of fork below is absolutely unacceptable.

pid_t child_pid;
assert(child_pid = fork() >= 0);
if (child_pid == 0) {
  /* child */
/* parent */


  • KTEST_FLAG_NORETURN - signifies that a test does not return.
  • KTEST_FLAG_DIRTY - signifies that a test irreversibly breaks internal kernel state, and any further test done without restarting the kernel will be inconclusive.
  • KTEST_FLAG_USERMODE - indicates that a test enters user mode.
  • KTEST_FLAG_BROKEN - excludes the test from being run in auto mode. This flag is only useful for temporarily marking some tests while debugging the testing framework.
  • KTEST_FLAG_RANDINT - marks that the test wishes to receive a random integer as an argument.
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