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Email based authentication

Bruno Besson edited this page Dec 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

At several places in the application, emails are sent to the user for authentication.


When registering, an unvalidated user is created in the database and an email containing a validation link (using a nonce) is sent to the provided address. If the link is clicked before the expiration date, then the user account is validated. On the contrary, when the account is not confirmed during a certain timespan, the account is destroyed.

Forgotten password

A user may forget their password. In order to regain access to the application, they must request a password change. The legitimacy of the request is checked by sending them an email containing a validation link. Once the validation link is clicked, the password may be chosen freely.

Change a user's email

We currently have problems with adresses. To change the email used for an account:

  • Connect to the prod database
  • Retrieve the user id associated to the current email: select * from users.user where email = ''; => id=1234
  • Update the values in the DB:
    update users.user
    set email = '', validation_nonce = null, validation_nonce_expire = null
    where id = 1234;
    We reinitialize the validation_nonce and validation_expire fields that aren't useful anymore (they are filled when one's trying to reinit it's password or after the account creation and are there to validate the modifications).