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[migrated to] Logic toolkit, designed primarily for first-order automated reasoning. It aims at providing basic types and algorithms (terms, unification, orderings, indexing, etc.) that can be factored out of several applications.


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NOTE: newer versions of Logtk now belong in the repository (and will be packaged on opam from there on).

Logic toolkit, designed primarily for first-order automated reasoning. It aims at providing basic types and algorithms (terms, unification, orderings, indexing, etc.) that can be factored out of several applications.


This project is licensed under the BSD2 license. See the LICENSE file.


Via opam

We recommand using opam. Once you installed it, type

$ opam repository add deducteam \
$ opam install logtk

If you want to try the development (unstable) version, try:

$ opam pin add logtk -k git

From sources

You will need OCaml >= 4.00.1 or higher with ocamlbuild , zarith , ocaml-containers , sequence and the standard library.

Additional sub-libraries can be built if their respective dependencies are met, and the appropriate ./configure --enable-foobar flag was set. For instance, to build the meta-prover library (used to detect axiomatic theories), you should run

$ ./configure --enable-meta

If menhir is installed, the parsers library Logtk_parsers can be built with

$ ./configure --enable-parsers

If you have installed qcheck, for instance via opam install qcheck, you can enable the property-based testing and random term generators with

$ ./configure --enable-qcheck --enable-tests
$ make tests

Several tools are shipped with Logtk, including a CNF converter, a type-checker, etc. They are built if the flag --enable-tools is set. Documentation will be built provided --enable-docs is set.

After the configuration is done, to build the library, documentation and tools (given the appropriate flags are set), type in a terminal located in the root directory of the project:

$ make

If you use ocamlfind (which is strongly recommended), installation/uninstallation are just:

$ make install
$ make uninstall


Logtk provides several useful parts for logic-related implementations:

  • a library packed in a module Logtk, with terms, formulas, etc.;
  • small tools (see directory src/tools/) to illustrate how to use the library and provide basic services (type-checking, reduction to CNF, etc.);
  • an optional library in a module Logtk_meta, to provide reasoning at the problem level, about the presence of axiomatic theories. A small file describing a few theories can be found in data/builtin.theory and one of the tools, detect_theories, can be used straightforwardly.


See this page.

There are some examples of how to use the code in src/tools/ and src/demo/.

List of modules

  • Logtk
    • Symbol: representation of logical constants, including text symbols and numeric symbols (using Zarith).
    • ScopedTerm: common internal representation for terms, formulas, etc. that handles De Bruijn indices, substitutions, and hashconsing.
    • PrologTerm: the dual of ScopedTerm, an untyped AST with locations but no hashconsing nor scoping.
    • FOTerm: first-order typed terms (built on top of ScopedTerm)
    • HOTerm: higher-order typed terms
    • Formula: formulas parametrized by the terms at their leaves.
      • Formula.FO: first-order formulas (with typed terms).
    • Type: polymorphic types with explicit quantification, built on top of ScopedTerm, used by FOTerm and HOTerm.
    • Unif: unification algorithms, both unary and n-ary.
      • Unif.FO: specialization for FOTerm
      • similar sub-modules.
    • Substs: substitutions on free variables for types and terms.
    • DBEnv: De Bruijn environments for bound variables.
    • Signature: map from symbols to types
    • TypeInference: Hindley-Milner-like type inference algorithm, that converts PrologTerms to typed terms and formulas.
    • Precedence: total ordering on symbols.
    • Ordering: orderings on terms, including LPO and KBO (parametrized by Precedence).
    • Position: positions in terms (paths in trees)
    • Cnf: transformation of formulas into Clause Normal Form
    • Index: definition of term index signatures. Related modules:
      • Dtree: perfect discrimination tree, for rewriting
      • NPDtree: non-perfect discrimination tree, for rewriting and term indexing
      • Fingerprint: fingerprint term indexing
      • FastFingerprint: attempt (failed for now) to make Fingerprint faster
      • FeatureVector: feature-vector indexing for subsumption
    • Rewriting: rewriting on terms, ordered rewriting, formula rewriting.
    • FormulaShape: detection of some specific formulas (definitions...).
    • Skolem: skolemization and definitional CNF.
    • Lambda: lambda-calculus (beta reduction) on higher-order terms.
    • Transform: computation of fixpoints over transformations of formulas
    • Multiset: low level multiset of elements, with multiset ordering
    • Congruence: simple congruence closure on terms (decides ground equality)
    • and many helpers modules that can be found in src/base/lib/, including locations, iterators, hashconsing, combinators, etc.
  • Logtk_parsers (optional)
    • TPTP:
      • Trace_tstp: proof traces from TSTP provers.
      • CallProver: call a TSTP prover on a problem.
      • Parse_tptp: TPTP parser
      • Lex_tptp: TPTP lexer
      • Ast_tptp: AST yielded by the parser
      • Util_tptp: higher-level interface to the TPTP parser (the one to use)
    • HO:
      • Parse_ho: parser for a simple Higher-Order format
      • Lex_ho: lexer for a simple Higher-Order format
      • Ast_ho: AST yielded by Parse_ho
  • Logtk_meta (Meta-prover, optional):
    • Encoding: encoding of formulas and terms into HO terms.
    • Reasoner: forward-chaining reasoner on meta-level facts.
    • Plugin: bridge between HO terms and their proof-level meaning.
    • Prover: general interface to the meta-prover.
  • Logtk_arbitrary (random generators for qcheck random-testing, optional)
    • ArTerm: generation of random terms
    • ArForm: random first order formulas
    • ArType: random types
    • ArSignature: random signatures
    • ArSymbol: random symbols
    • ArPattern: random meta-patterns


  • FOTerm:

    • constructor HVar for hidden, possibly non hashconsed, vars that are only used to generate fresh variables (AC/HO unif) and disappear during renaming
    • AC-normalize terms when head symbol is AC, at hashconsing time
  • HOTerm:

    • same as FOTerm: constructor Ty, constructor HVar
  • AC-RPO

  • tool to print a trace as DOT

  • handle existential type var

  • handle ite/let in TPTP

  • consider moving the proof-checking part of tools/ to trace_tstp (can be used for embedded proof checking)

  • more functors (unif, but also CNF? rewriting? ordering? indexes)

  • substitution trees

  • path indexing? (better for merges)


[migrated to] Logic toolkit, designed primarily for first-order automated reasoning. It aims at providing basic types and algorithms (terms, unification, orderings, indexing, etc.) that can be factored out of several applications.







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