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Meeting: 09 16 2022

Shahzeb Siddiqui edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 7 revisions

Buildtest Meeting Sep 16 2022


  • Shahzeb Siddiqui
  • Wyatt Spear
  • Sijie Xiang
  • Prathmesh Sambrekar

Possible Agenda

buildtest bc -h
(buildtest)  ~/Documents/github/buildtest/ [devel] buildtest bc -h          
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] buildspec [-h]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

  Buildspec Interface subcommands

    edit-file (ef)
                   Edit buildspec file based on filename
    edit-test (et)
                   Edit buildspec file based on test name
    find (f)       Query information from buildspecs cache
    maintainers (m)
                   Query maintainers from buildspecs cache
    show (s)       Show content of buildspec file
    show-fail (sf)
                   Show content of buildspec file for all failed tests
    summary (sm)   Print summary of buildspec cache
    validate (val)
                   Validate buildspecs with JSON Schema
buildtest rt -h
(buildtest)  ~/Documents/github/buildtest/ [devel] buildtest rt -h               
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] report [-h] [--filter FILTER]
                                             [--format FORMAT] [--helpfilter]
                                             [--helpformat] [-f | -p]
                                             [-s START] [-e END] [--latest]
                                             [--oldest] [-c COUNT] [-n] [-t]
                                             [--color COLOR] [--pager]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filter FILTER       Filter report by filter fields. The filter fields must
                        be a key=value pair and multiple fields can be comma
                        separated in the following format: --filter
                        key1=val1,key2=val2 . For list of filter fields run:
  --format FORMAT       format field for printing purposes. For more details
                        see --helpformat for list of available fields. Fields
                        must be separated by comma (usage: --format
  --helpfilter          List available filter fields to be used with --filter
  --helpformat          List of available format fields
  -f, --fail            Retrieve all FAIL tests
  -p, --pass            Retrieve all PASS tests
  -s START, --start START
                        Retrieve tests by starttime
  -e END, --end END     Retrieve tests by endtime
  --latest              Retrieve latest record of particular test
  --oldest              Retrieve oldest record of particular test
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        Retrieve limited number of rows that get printed
  -n, --no-header       Don't print headers column used with terse option
  -t, --terse           Print output in machine readable format
  --color COLOR         Print output of report table with the selected color.
  --pager               Enable PAGING when viewing result

  Fetch test results from report file and print them in table format

    clear (c)           Remove all report file
    list (l)            List all report files
    summary (sm)        Summarize test report

buildtest cg -h
(buildtest)  ~/Documents/github/buildtest/ [devel] buildtest cg -h
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] config [-h]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

  Query information from buildtest configuration file

    compilers (co)
                  Search compilers
    edit (e)      Open configuration file in editor
    executors (ex)
                  Query executors from buildtest configuration
    path (p)      Show path to configuration file
    systems       List all available systems
    validate      Validate buildtest settings file with schema.
    view (v)      View configuration file

buildtest it -h
(buildtest)  ~/Documents/github/buildtest/ [devel] buildtest it -h                                                   
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] inspect [-h]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

  Inspect Test result based on Test ID or Test Name

    buildspec (b)
                 Inspect a test based on buildspec
    name (n)     Specify name of test
    query (q)    Query fields from record
    list (l)     List all test names, ids, and corresponding buildspecs

def greeting(name: str) -> str:
    return 'Hello ' + name

In order to use mypy we should look at running this tool for a subset of source code. See

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