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Brendan edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 7 revisions

Maps I would like to have:

  • counties ✔️
  • Local Electoral Areas (2015 & 2019) :heavy_check_mark:
  • administrative areas ✔️
  • NUTS2 regions, NUTS3 regions ✔️
  • Electoral Divisions - working on it.
  • small areas - Probably not possible.

Fundamental features

  • easy to use format like CSV ✔️ Using geojson instead, which is really handy.
  • code uploaded showing how source shapefiles were manipulated ✔️
  • region names compatible with CSO/Pobal HP ✔️ (done for LEAs)
  • Northern Ireland outline ✔️
  • compatible projections ✔️

Nice-to-have features

  • different maps are exactly nested :heavy_check_mark: (sort of)
  • Shannon estuary is present in all maps. :heavy_check_mark:

Lessons learned

  • geojson files work perfectly well
  • sf easier to handle than sp in terms of loading, changing projection, plotting (tmap or geom_sf).
  • st_union great for combining regions, negates need for separate production of maps of aggregated regions
  • ms_clip great for subtracting shapes from regions (Shannon Estuary)
  • EDs do not nest within LEAs

Questions arising

  • Do LEAs, Small Areas and EDs nest within admin counties? - Answer: LEAs nest within admin counties.
  • Are LAUs (local authority units, f.k.a. NUTS4) the same as admin counties? - Answer: No! They are Electoral Divisions!
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