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Ridiculously fast and exceedingly scalable framework that you can use it as multipurpose framework.


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Firefly mixin PHP Framework

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Ridiculously fast and exceedingly scalable framework that you can use it as multipurpose framework.

What is Firefly?

Firefly is a mixin framework, this means every part of framework, work with strong library, I have configured and assemble projects to work with each other.

  • Slim is a micro framework that just handle http requests and it's amazing for make a fast rest api.

  • Eloquent is one of the greatest ORM in php, I used it without Laravel in this project.

  • Twig Absolutely flexible fast and secure template engine that has been developed by Symfony,i love it.

  • Pimple a dependency injector, thanks for Fabien Potencier

  • Respect/Validation is one hundred percent most power full php validator.

  • Stapler used for database models that contain attachments, this library will connect to ORM and handle model attachments.

  • Faker will produce Fake data to seed database.

  • Authentication and Authorization, I've made a simple Authentication and Authorization solution.


This framework need php5.6 or later and composer. Please before use prepare this requirements.


Clone or download from github repository:

git clone [your-project-name]
cd [your-project-name]

This directory contain composer.json, this file contain project requirements.

If you are looking in composer.json maybe ask why some versions seems old? I have made this project on March 2016 and be sure all of projects are stable and you can fork framework and upgrade with some changes. This will create vendor directory and install required libraries:

composer install

Project Structure

  • app: Your code should place here, I will describe it.

  • bin: phpmig for migrations and seeder for database seeding is here.

  • library: Main codes of Firefly is here be careful.

  • web: You should place your assets, views, and your uploads and attachments should be here.


app/configs/Bootstrap.php will config whole project, twig, stapler, eloquent. Your job is done with this.

app/configs/Config.php this file contain views, controllers and other parts directory address and other firefly configurations. In most cases you don't need this.

app/configs/Database.php Set your database configurations here.


We should call controllers from slim request handler. Please create your application controllers under app/controllers


Put your languages array key=>value separate by files, in app/languages


Create validation rules in app/rules, name of file will use in your application.

Models, Migrations and Seeding

Migration files will generate in app/migrations

Create your application model files in app/models



You can serve this project with apache or every web server you want. Starting point is index.php in root directory. You can simply run php dev server:

php -S localhost:8000

Request and Response

By default Response configured to respond json you can change it in app/config/config.php and change this line: self::$app['view'] = new \JsonView(); to every View class you want, another possible view instance for this framework is TwigView.

Open index.php and create your slim request handler. Example:

$slim->group('/users', 'Auth::check', function () use ($slim) {
    $slim->POST('/login', function () use ($slim) {
        Controller::call('UsersController', 'login', 'Validation', 'Translator');
        $slim->render([]); #it's necessary for jsonView.
$slim->group('/books', 'Auth::check', function () use ($slim) {
    $slim->GET('/search', 'Auth::check', function () use ($slim) {
        Controller::call('BooksController', 'searchBook');
        $slim->view(new TwigView()); # create TwigView instance.
        # $slim->responseBody has been setted in controller.
        $slim->render('search.twig', $slim->responseBody);

Please see UsersController in app/Controllers and trace codes.

Login and Registration


When user authentication done on users/login, server will send an api-key in headers, in all other requests you should send this api-key to server,(for routes that guarded with Auth::check middleware.) in header same key name.


Registration will done after user input validation was successful. check app/rules/addUsers.php to see input validation rules.

Generate and run Migrations

To create migration file, run this command:

./bin/phpmig generate # generate new migration file under app/migrations path
./bin/phpmig migrate


You should create your application models in app/modes directory. See app/models/Model.php.dist to find out how to create Model class.


seed your database with this command:

./bin seeder all
# you can enter your seed file instead of `all`

Seeding has some difference:

# app/seeds/all.php
return [
    'model' => null,
    'dependencies' => ['User','Authorization'], // Just put your seeders filename right here.
    'seeds' => function() {
        return [];
  • model: for which model do you want to seed.

  • dependencies: seed files that should called before this seed call.

  • seed: this will return array of data that will insert.

Authorization seeder is like this:

return [
    'model' => 'Authorization',
    'dependencies' => [], // Authorization seeder is not depend on any models.
    'seeds' => function () {
        // You can make your foreign keys here. like app/seeds/all.php
        $seeds = [];
        $seeds[] = ['group' => 'books', 'uri_pattern' => '/books/search|GET'];
        $seeds[] = ['group' => 'books', 'uri_pattern' => '/books/report|POST'];
        return $seeds;

note: you can make foreign keys and other staff in seeds function.


Most respect/validators works for your project but if you need to create your own validator, make it like Avatar in library/Validation/Avatar/


Sorry there is no unit test for this library but I have postman_collection json requests to just test functionality.


this project is under MIT license


Ridiculously fast and exceedingly scalable framework that you can use it as multipurpose framework.








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