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Login Events

bfuzzy edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Login Events

Event Description
AUDIT_CRYPTO_KEY_USER Create delete negotiate crypto keys
AUDIT_CRYPTO_SESSION Record parameters set during TLS session establishment
AUDIT_USER_AUTH User system access authentication
AUDIT_LOGIN Define the login id and information
AUDIT_USER_ACCT User system access authorization
AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK User acct password or pin changed
AUDIT_USER_ERR User acct state error
AUDIT_CRED_ACQ User credential acquired
AUDIT_USER_ROLE_CHANGE User changed to a new role
AUDIT_USER_START User session start
AUDIT_USER_LOGIN User has logged in
AUDIT_CRED_REFR User credential refreshed
AUDIT_GRP_AUTH Authentication for group password
AUDIT_CHUSER_ID Changed user ID supplemental data
AUDIT_CHGRP_ID User space group ID changed
AUDIT_USER_LOGOUT User has logged out
AUDIT_USER_END User session end
AUDIT_CRED_DISP User credential disposed
AUDIT_ANOM_LOGIN_FAILURES Failed login limit reached
AUDIT_ANOM_LOGIN_TIME Login attempted at bad time
AUDIT_ANOM_LOGIN_SESSIONS Max concurrent sessions reached
AUDIT_ANOM_LOGIN_ACCT Login attempted to watched acct
AUDIT_ANOM_LOGIN_LOCATION Login from forbidden location
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