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fantasyni edited this page May 30, 2014 · 3 revisions

Bearcat-dao -- an O/R mapping dao framework

Bearcat-dao is an O/R mapping dao framework which provides O/R mapping, dao support for node.js.
It is written by POJOs and can be nicely used with Bearcat.


  • O/R mapping
  • cacheTemplate
  • sqlTemplate
  • transaction


Domain Definition

Domain is a POJO, express the relationship between table and object

var simpleDomain = function() { = 0; = null;

module.exports = {
	func: Domain,
	primary: [{
		name: "id",
		type: "Long"
	fields: ["name"],
	tableName: "test"

more in details:

  • func : constructor function for the domain object
  • primary : an array defines primary fields
  • fields : an array defines fields except primary fields
    • field can be defined by object with name, type properties, or simply by name string
  • tableName : the name of table to be mapped by the ORM object
  • key : the cached key for conjunctive query domain definition

Add to project

npm install bearcat-dao --save

modify context.json used by your project
placeholds can be nicely used to switch between contexts

"dependencies": {
	"bearcat-dao": "*"
"beans": [{
		"id": "mysqlConnectionManager",
		"func": "node_modules.bearcat-dao.lib.connection.sql.mysqlConnectionManager",
		"props": [{
			"name": "port",
			"value": "${mysql.port}"
		}, {
			"name": "host",
			"value": "${}"
		}, {
			"name": "user",
			"value": "${mysql.user}"
		}, {
			"name": "password",
			"value": "${mysql.password}"
		}, {
			"name": "database",
			"value": "${mysql.database}"
	}, {
		"id": "redisConnectionManager",
		"func": "node_modules.bearcat-dao.lib.connection.cache.redisConnectionManager",
		"props": [{
			"name": "port",
			"value": "${redis.port}"
		}, {
			"name": "host",
			"value": "${}"

if you do not use redis, you can remove redisConnectionManager definition

Write daos

Bearcat-dao provides domainDaoSupport wrapping basic sql and cache operations
add it with properties dependency injection, and init it by invoking initConfig method
then you can use domainDaoSupport convenient methods to wrap your own daos


var SimpleDomain = require('simpleDomain');
var SimpleDao = function() {
	this.domainDaoSupport = null;

SimpleDao.prototype.init = function() {
	// init with SimpleDomain to set up O/R mapping

// query list all
// callback return mapped SimpleDomain array results
SimpleDao.prototype.getList = function(cb) {
	var sql = ' 1 = 1';
	return this.domainDaoSupport.getListByWhere(sql, null, null, cb);

module.exports = {
	id: "simpleDao",
	func: SimpleDao,
	props: [{
		name: "domainDaoSupport",
		ref: "domainDaoSupport"
	"init": "init"

api reference for domainDaoSupport


Bearcat-dao provides transaction support based on Bearcat AOP. The aspect is transactionAspect which provides around advice, when target transaction method calls cb function with err, rollback will be emited, otherwise it will commit the operations.
The pointcut defined is:

"pointcut": "around:.*?Transaction$"

Therefore, any POJO method match this pointcut can a transcation method
Since transaction must be within the same connection, in Bearcat-dao it is transactionStatus, daos under the transaction method must hold the same transactionStatus

SimpleService.prototype.testMethodTransaction = function(cb, txStatus) {
	var self = this;
	this.simpleDao1.transaction(txStatus).addPerson(['aaa'], function(err, results) {
		if (err) {
			return cb(err); // if err occur, rollback will be emited
		self.simpleDao2.transaction(txStatus).getList([1, 2], function(err, results) {
			if (err) { 
				return cb(err); // if err occur, rollback will be emited
			cb(null, results); // commit the operations

Multi tables query

When doing querys, by default the mapping domain is what you pass into domainDaoSupport.initConfig method
In domainDaoSupport.getList and domainDaoSupport.getListByWhere method, you can pass mutli table specified domain to options to support O/R mapping when doing multi tables query.
This domain is almost the same as init domain, except for the key specified as the cache key for this domain, and without needing to specify the tableName

Using with pomelo-sync

In pomelo you can use pomelo-sync-plugin for convenience

update npm

npm install pomelo-sync-plugin --save

add with app.js

var sync = require('pomelo-sync-plugin');
app.use(sync, {sync: {path:__dirname + '/app/dao/mapping', dbclient: {}}});

we now use bearcat-dao to handle db operations therefore dbclient can an empty object to be compatible for pomelo-sync(in pomelo-sync dbclient must be passed)

then in your application app/dao/mapping directory, you can write mappings


var bearcat = require('bearcat');
var helloSync = {};

module.exports = helloSync;

helloSync.hello = function(dbclient, val, cb) {
	var helloService = bearcat.getBean('hello'); // get your service object from bearcat and just call the function
	return helloService.doHello(val, cb);

then add pomelo-sync exec

app.get('sync').exec('helloSync.hello',, helloObj);	


Enable Debug Mode

run with BEARCAT_DEBUG flag true

BEARCAT_DEBUG=true node xxx.js
