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Just a few jQueryUI Extensions

jQueryUI dialog-extras

  • jquery.ui.dialog-lazy Provides for dialog "lazy loading" functionality
  • jquery.ui.dialog-persona Provides for "Multiple-Personality" dialogs, or Personas

Defining the Need

There are a number of cases when a "lazy loading" functionality is useful in web applications, preventing uneeded content from hiding behind your web apps.

Unfortunately, jQueryUI does not provide a clean, straightforward way to do this with dialogs as it does with say tab content. You could define some widgets and tie some .load() events to be triggered on them, but you would have to write a lot of boilerplate to do that for a lot of dialogs.

Additionally, there are times when you can reuse most of the dialog conent, but might want to change it's behavior. CRUD operations are a good example of this. You might have an "Add New" dialog, but also want an "Edit" or "Update" dialog that follows the same basic template. I felt there should be an easier way to do this as well.

So, I decided to write the two widget extensions that you see here to help address this.

If you find them useful, that's great, if you don't that's fine to.

If you do use these modules and have any comments/suggestions improvements, I welcome you to fork the project and provide feedback or pull requests.

Example Uses

The following examples go into some of the possible use cases for these extended dialog widgets.

The following examples are demo'ing both widgets. The dialog-lazy widget largely implements only the 'href' option, so separate examples are not really needed.

Creating Manually

Example of some of the options you can specify and the objects that would be passed.

  // Create one more manually to show you some possibilities
	  href: "/fetch_dialog?dialog=widget", 
	      create: function(e,d) { console.log("Create fn Called"); },
	      autoOpen: false,
	      modal: true,
	      personas: { 
		          new: {buttons: 
			        {'New Widget': function(e) ($(this).find("form").submit()),
				'Cancel': function() {$(this).dialog('close');}}
			  update: {buttons:
			           {'Update Widget': function(e) ($(this).find("form").submit()),
				    'Cancel': function() {$(this).dialog('close');} 
				   open: function(e,d) { ... Fetch Data, populate form ... };
				   close: function(e,d) { console.log("Update Closed"); }}}
      } );

  $("<button persona='new'>New Widget</button>").appendTo("body").on('click', function(e) {

  $("<button persona='update'>Update Widget</button>").appendTo("body").on('click', function(e) {

Creating many dialogs with a little more finesse

These widgets are afterall being built for cases where you have a ton of dialogs and don't want to load/instantiate them all fully if the user might not use them all. So here's a little more sugar to do this en-masse.

  var newDialog = function(id) { 
    var d = $('#dialog-' + id);      // Std id prefix for all dialogs
      if (d.length) 
	  return d;
      else {
	  return $("<div id='dialog-" + id + "'></div>").appendTo("body").hide();
  var newPersona = function(title, attr) {
      var newobj = {title: title};
      newobj['buttons'] = {};
      newobj['buttons'][title] = function(e) ($(this).find("form").submit());
      newobj['buttons']['Cancel'] = function() {$(this).dialog('close');};
      newobj =  $.extend(newobj, attr);
      return newobj;

  var stdPersonas = function(type) {
      return {new: newPersona('New ' + type),
	      update: newPersona('Update ' + type)};

  var stdDialog = function(id, type) { 
      return newDialog(id).dialog({href: "/fetch_dialog?dialog=" + id,
				   autoOpen: false,
				   modal: true,
				   personas: stdPersonas(type)

  //  Just so we can have different id's and Names for our Dialogs
  var stdDialogs = {"field": "Baseball Field",
                    "player": "Player",
                    "bat": "Bat",
		    "ball": "Ball",
		    "glove": "Glove",

  // Create a batch of mostly "alike" dialogs
  $.each(stdDialogs, function(id,type) { stdDialog(id,type); });

  // Then you'd create your buttons, links, click actions somewhere to load a dialog.
  $("<button persona='new'>New Baseball Field</button>").appendTo("body").on('click', function(e) {

  $("<button persona='update>Update Field</button>").appendTo("body").on('click', function(e) {

Order of Use is Important

Ordering is important if you want to use both these javascript includes.

For example, the "title" of the "Loading" dialog could be switched by a persona, if you have the persona loaded first, the dialog-lazy won't get the persona switch until after it's opened. If you've defined callbacks via the option method to specific to personas, they also may not be called as you expect.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.ui.dialog-lazy.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.ui.dialog-persona.js"></script>


Nothing else to say.


A few of my jQuery ui Extensions






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