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Merge pull request #194 from ba-st/hypermedia_refactor
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Refactor hypermedia support to allow library users to use a different…
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gcotelli committed Jun 15, 2024
2 parents 22860d4 + 3249be3 commit cab16c7
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Showing 5 changed files with 140 additions and 86 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -137,15 +137,22 @@ SouthAmericanCurrenciesRESTfulController >> initializeBanknotesByCurrency [
{ #category : 'initialization' }
SouthAmericanCurrenciesRESTfulController >> initializeBanknotesRequestHandler [

banknotesRequestHandler := RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder new
handling: 'banknotes'
extractingIdentifierWith: [ :httpRequest | self identifierIn: httpRequest ]
locatingParentResourceWith: currenciesRequestHandler resourceLocator;
whenResponding: ZnMimeType applicationJson
encodeToJsonApplying: [ :resource :requestContext :writer | ];
createEntityTagHashing: [ :hasher :banknote :requestContext | hasher include: banknote ];
directCachingWith: [ :caching | caching doNotExpire ];
banknotesRequestHandler := RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder new
handling: 'banknotes'
extractingIdentifierWith: [ :httpRequest |
self identifierIn: httpRequest ]
locatingParentResourceWith: currenciesRequestHandler resourceLocator;
whenResponding: ZnMimeType applicationJson
encodeToJsonApplying: [ :resource :requestContext :writer |
for: #Banknotes
customDo: [ :mapping |
mapping encoder: [ :banknotes | banknotes ] ] ]
as: #Banknotes;
createEntityTagHashing: [ :hasher :banknote :requestContext |
hasher include: banknote ];
directCachingWith: [ :caching | caching doNotExpire ];

{ #category : 'initialization' }
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,35 @@ Class {
#tag : 'HATEOAS'

{ #category : 'encoding' }
HypermediaDrivenRESTfulRequestHandler class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer as: schema within: requestContext [

for: ResourceCollection do: [ :mapping |
( mapping mapInstVar: #items ) valueSchema: #ResourceCollectionItems.
mapping mapAsHypermediaControls: [ :collection |
requestContext hypermediaControlsFor: collection items ]
for: #ResourceCollectionItems customDo: [ :mapping | mapping listOfElementSchema: schema ].

[ writer nextPut: resource as: schema ]
unless: ( resource isA: ResourceCollection )
inWhichCase: [ writer nextPut: resource ]

{ #category : 'encoding' }
HypermediaDrivenRESTfulRequestHandler class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer within: requestContext [

writer for: ResourceCollection do: [ :mapping |
mapInstVar: #items;
mapAsHypermediaControls: [ :collection |
requestContext hypermediaControlsFor: collection items ]

writer nextPut: resource

{ #category : 'instance creation' }
HypermediaDrivenRESTfulRequestHandler class >> resourceLocator: aResouceLocator paginationPolicy: aPaginationPolicy decodingRules: theDecodingRules encodingRules: theEncodingRules calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagCalculator cachingDirectives: theCachingDirectives allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags drivenBy: aMediaControlsFactory handleErrorsWith: anExceptionHandler [

Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions source/Stargate-Model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ Class {
#tag : 'Controllers'

{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandler class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer as: schema within: requestContext [

writer nextPut: resource as: schema

{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandler class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer within: requestContext [

writer nextPut: resource

{ #category : 'instance creation' }
RESTfulRequestHandler class >> resourceLocator: aResouceLocator paginationPolicy: aPaginationPolicy decodingRules: theDecodingRules encodingRules: theEncodingRules calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagCalculator cachingDirectives: theCachingDirectives allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags handleErrorsWith: anExceptionHandler [

Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions source/Stargate-Model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,18 @@ Class {
#tag : 'Controllers'

{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBehavior class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer as: schema within: requestContext [

self subclassResponsibility

{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBehavior class >> encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer within: requestContext [

self subclassResponsibility

{ #category : 'private' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBehavior >> applyCachingDirectivesFor: aResource to: response within: requestContext [

Expand Down
148 changes: 71 additions & 77 deletions source/Stargate-Model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ Class {
#category : 'Stargate-Model-Controllers',
#package : 'Stargate-Model',
Expand All @@ -35,34 +36,37 @@ RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> beHypermediaDriven [
{ #category : 'configuring' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> beHypermediaDrivenBy: aMediaControlsFactoryBlock [

enforce: [ resourceLocator canLookupResources ]
because: 'Missing location resolution.'.
handlerFactory := [ HypermediaDrivenRESTfulRequestHandler
resourceLocator: resourceLocator
paginationPolicy: paginationPolicyFactory
decodingRules: decodingRules
encodingRules: encodingRules
calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagFactoryBinding content
cachingDirectives: cachingDirectives
allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags
drivenBy: [ :builder :resource :requestContext :resourceLocation |
builder addAsSelfLink: resourceLocation.
cull: builder
cull: resource
cull: requestContext
cull: resourceLocation.
builder build
handleErrorsWith: exceptionHandler
enforce: [ resourceLocator canLookupResources ] because: 'Missing location resolution.';
enforce: [ encodingRules isEmpty ]
because: 'Encoding rules needs to be configured after hypermedia'.
requestHandlerClass := HypermediaDrivenRESTfulRequestHandler.
requestHandlerFactory := [
resourceLocator: resourceLocator
paginationPolicy: paginationPolicyFactory
decodingRules: decodingRules
encodingRules: encodingRules
calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagFactoryBinding content
cachingDirectives: cachingDirectives
allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags
drivenBy: [ :builder :resource :requestContext :resourceLocation |
builder addAsSelfLink: resourceLocation.
cull: builder
cull: resource
cull: requestContext
cull: resourceLocation.
builder build
handleErrorsWith: exceptionHandler

{ #category : 'building' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> build [

^ handlerFactory value
^ requestHandlerFactory value

{ #category : 'configuring' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,24 +163,27 @@ RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> handling: anEndpoint locatingSubresourcesWith: a
{ #category : 'initialization' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> initialize [

super initialize.
decodingRules := Dictionary new.
encodingRules := Dictionary new.
entityTagFactoryBinding := Binding undefinedExplainedBy: 'Missing ETag calculation'.
cachingDirectives := #().
allowedLanguageTags := OrderedCollection new.
paginationPolicyFactory := [ :requestHandler | RESTfulControllerDoNotPaginateCollectionsPolicy for: requestHandler ].
exceptionHandler := RESTfulRequestExceptionHandler new.
handlerFactory := [ RESTfulRequestHandler
resourceLocator: resourceLocator
paginationPolicy: paginationPolicyFactory
decodingRules: decodingRules
encodingRules: encodingRules
calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagFactoryBinding content
cachingDirectives: cachingDirectives
allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags
handleErrorsWith: exceptionHandler
super initialize.
decodingRules := Dictionary new.
encodingRules := Dictionary new.
entityTagFactoryBinding := Binding undefinedExplainedBy: 'Missing ETag calculation'.
cachingDirectives := #( ).
allowedLanguageTags := OrderedCollection new.
paginationPolicyFactory := [ :requestHandler |
RESTfulControllerDoNotPaginateCollectionsPolicy for: requestHandler ].
exceptionHandler := RESTfulRequestExceptionHandler new.
requestHandlerClass := RESTfulRequestHandler.
requestHandlerFactory := [
resourceLocator: resourceLocator
paginationPolicy: paginationPolicyFactory
decodingRules: decodingRules
encodingRules: encodingRules
calculateEntityTagsWith: entityTagFactoryBinding content
cachingDirectives: cachingDirectives
allowedLanguageTags: allowedLanguageTags
handleErrorsWith: exceptionHandler

{ #category : 'private' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,43 +234,30 @@ RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> whenResponding: aMediaType encodeApplying: anEnc
{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> whenResponding: aMediaType encodeToJsonApplying: aBlock [

self whenResponding: aMediaType encodeApplying: [ :resource :requestContext |
jsonFor: resource
within: requestContext
applying: aBlock
writingResourceWith: [ :writer |
writer for: ResourceCollection do: [ :mapping |
mapInstVar: #items;
mapAsHypermediaControls: [ :collection |
requestContext hypermediaControlsFor: collection items ]
writer nextPut: resource
self whenResponding: aMediaType encodeApplying: [ :resource :requestContext |
jsonFor: resource
within: requestContext
applying: aBlock
writingResourceWith: [ :writer |
requestHandlerClass encode: resource toJsonUsing: writer within: requestContext ]

{ #category : 'encoding' }
RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder >> whenResponding: aMediaType encodeToJsonApplying: aBlock as: schema [

self whenResponding: aMediaType encodeApplying: [ :resource :requestContext |
jsonFor: resource
within: requestContext
applying: aBlock
writingResourceWith: [ :writer |
for: ResourceCollection do: [ :mapping |
( mapping mapInstVar: #items ) valueSchema: #ResourceCollectionItems.
mapping mapAsHypermediaControls: [ :collection |
requestContext hypermediaControlsFor: collection items ]
for: #ResourceCollectionItems customDo: [ :mapping | mapping listOfElementSchema: schema ].

[ writer nextPut: resource as: schema ]
unless: ( resource isA: ResourceCollection )
inWhichCase: [ writer nextPut: resource ]
self whenResponding: aMediaType encodeApplying: [ :resource :requestContext |
jsonFor: resource
within: requestContext
applying: aBlock
writingResourceWith: [ :writer |
encode: resource
toJsonUsing: writer
as: schema
within: requestContext

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