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Merge pull request #191 from ba-st/190-Support-reading-nested-JSON-ob…
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Allow using instance creation methods when reading NeoJSON objects
  • Loading branch information
mtabacman committed May 24, 2024
2 parents 0de69dc + db70c1b commit c0fbea3
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Showing 4 changed files with 201 additions and 29 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,15 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> createOrder [
within: self newHttpRequestContext

{ #category : 'private - support' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> createOverlyComplexOrder [

^ resourceController
createOrderBasedOn: ( self requestToPOSTAsOverlyComplexOrder:
'{"date":"2018-10-24T18:05:46.418Z","pet":{"alternativeName":"Fido","itsType":"Dog","theStatus":"happy"}}' )
within: self newHttpRequestContext

{ #category : 'private - support' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> getFirstOrderAndWithJsonDo: aBlock [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +126,12 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> requestToPOSTAsOrder: json [
^ self requestToPOST: json as: resourceController orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType

{ #category : 'private - HTTP requests' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> requestToPOSTAsOverlyComplexOrder: json [

^ self requestToPOST: json as: resourceController overlyComplexOrderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType

{ #category : 'private - HTTP requests' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> requestToPUTComment: aComment on: aSubresourceUrl at: aCommentIndex forOrder: anOrderId conditionalTo: anETag [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,6 +515,27 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> testOrderCreationWhenDecodingFailsDueToMissing
raise: HTTPClientError badRequest withMessageText: 'Missing required keys (#pet)'

{ #category : 'tests - orders' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> testOverlyComplexOrderCreation [

| response order |

response := self createOverlyComplexOrder.

assert: response isSuccess;
assert: response status equals: 201;
assertUrl: response location equals: '';
assert: response hasEntity;
assert: orderRepository count equals: 1.
order := orderRepository findAll first.
assert: order pet name equals: 'Fido';
assert: order pet type equals: 'Dog';
assert: order pet status equals: 'HAPPY';
assert: order date equals: '2018-10-24T18:05:46.418Z'

{ #category : 'tests' }
PetOrdersRESTfulControllerTest >> testRoutes [

Expand Down
93 changes: 64 additions & 29 deletions source/Stargate-Examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,32 +113,55 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulController >> completeTemplate [
{ #category : 'private' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> configureOrderDecodingOn: reader [

^ reader
for: PetOrder strictDo: [ :mapping |
mapInstVar: #date;
mapProperty: #pet
setter: [ :order :url |
LanguagePlatform current atInstanceVariableNamed: 'pet' on: order put: url asUrl ]
nextAs: PetOrder
reader for: #Url customDo: [ :mapping | mapping decoder: [ :string | string asUrl ] ].
reader for: PetOrder createInstanceUsing: [ :mapping |
mapProperty: #date;
mapProperty: #pet as: #Url.
mapping mapCreationSending: #for:on: withArguments: { #pet. #date }

^ reader nextAs: PetOrder

{ #category : 'private' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> configureOrderEncodingOn: writer within: requestContext [

for: Pet do: [ :mapping | mapping mapInstVars ];
for: ZnUrl customDo: [ :mapping | mapping encoder: [ :url | url printString ] ];
for: #Order
do: [ :mapping |
for: #Order do: [ :mapping |
mapProperty: #pet getter: #pet;
mapProperty: #name getter: #date;
mapProperty: #date getter: #date;
mapProperty: #status getter: [ :object | requestContext objectUnder: #status ];
mapAsHypermediaControls: [ :order | requestContext hypermediaControlsFor: order ]

{ #category : 'private' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> configureOverlyComplexOrderDecodingOn: reader [

reader for: #Status customDo: [ :mapping | mapping decoder: [ :string | string asUppercase ] ].
reader for: Pet createInstanceUsing: [ :mapping |
mapProperty: #alternativeName;
mapProperty: #itsType;
mapProperty: #theStatus as: #Status.
mapCreationSending: #named:ofType:withStatus:
withArguments: { #alternativeName. #itsType. #theStatus }
reader for: PetOrder createInstanceUsing: [ :mapping |
mapProperty: #date;
mapProperty: #pet as: Pet.
mapping mapCreationSending: #for:on: withArguments: { #pet. #date }

^ reader nextAs: PetOrder

{ #category : 'API - comments' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> createCommentBasedOn: httpRequest within: requestContext [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,23 +339,29 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulController >> initializeCommentsRequestHandler [
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> initializeOrdersRequestHandler [

ordersRequestHandler := RESTfulRequestHandlerBuilder new
handling: 'orders'
locatingResourcesWith: [ :order :requestContext | ordersRepository identifierOf: order ]
extractingIdentifierWith: [ :httpRequest | self identifierIn: httpRequest ];
[ :builder :order :requestContext :orderLocation | self affect: builder withMediaControlsFor: order locatedAt: orderLocation ];
whenAccepting: self orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType
decodeFromJsonApplying: [ :json :reader | self configureOrderDecodingOn: reader ];
whenResponding: self orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType
encodeToJsonApplying: [ :resource :requestContext :writer | self configureOrderEncodingOn: writer within: requestContext ]
as: #Order;
createEntityTagHashing: [ :hasher :order :requestContext |
include: ( ordersRepository identifierOf: order );
include: ( ordersRepository lastModificationOf: order )
directCachingWith: [ :caching | caching beAvailableFor: 1 minute ];
handling: 'orders'
locatingResourcesWith: [ :order :requestContext |
ordersRepository identifierOf: order ]
extractingIdentifierWith: [ :httpRequest | self identifierIn: httpRequest ];
beHypermediaDrivenBy: [ :builder :order :requestContext :orderLocation |
self affect: builder withMediaControlsFor: order locatedAt: orderLocation ];
whenAccepting: self orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType
decodeFromJsonApplying: [ :json :reader |
self configureOrderDecodingOn: reader ];
whenAccepting: self overlyComplexOrderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType
decodeFromJsonApplying: [ :json :reader |
self configureOverlyComplexOrderDecodingOn: reader ];
whenResponding: self orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType
encodeToJsonApplying: [ :resource :requestContext :writer |
self configureOrderEncodingOn: writer within: requestContext ]
as: #Order;
createEntityTagHashing: [ :hasher :order :requestContext |
include: ( ordersRepository identifierOf: order );
include: ( ordersRepository lastModificationOf: order )
directCachingWith: [ :caching | caching beAvailableFor: 1 minute ];

{ #category : 'initialization' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,6 +399,12 @@ PetOrdersRESTfulController >> orderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType [
^ self jsonMediaType: 'order' vendoredBy: 'stargate' version: '1.0.0'

{ #category : 'private' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> overlyComplexOrderVersion1dot0dot0MediaType [

^ self jsonMediaType: 'overly-complex-order' vendoredBy: 'stargate' version: '1.0.0'

{ #category : 'private' }
PetOrdersRESTfulController >> requestHandler [

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
I am InstanceCreationMapping, I'm equivalent to NeoJSONObjectMapping but require an instance creation method to build instances.
I will fail on reading properties of an object if some of the mapped properties are missing in the incoming JSON.
Class {
#name : 'InstanceCreationMapping',
#superclass : 'NeoJSONObjectMapping',
#instVars : [
#category : 'Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions',
#package : 'Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions'

{ #category : 'private' }
InstanceCreationMapping >> errorDescriptionForMissing: propertyNames [

^ String streamContents: [ :stream |
nextPutAll: 'Missing required keys';
nextPut: $(.
do: [ :propertyName |
nextPut: $#;
nextPutAll: propertyName
separatedBy: [
nextPut: $,;
stream nextPut: $)

{ #category : 'mapping' }
InstanceCreationMapping >> mapCreationSending: anInstanceCreationSelector withArguments: anArgumentCollection [

instanceCreationSelector := anInstanceCreationSelector.
argumentNames := anArgumentCollection

{ #category : 'mapping' }
InstanceCreationMapping >> mapProperty: aKey [

^ self
mapProperty: aKey
getter: [ :object | ]
setter: [ :arguments :value | arguments at: aKey put: value ]

{ #category : 'mapping' }
InstanceCreationMapping >> mapProperty: aKey as: aValueSchema [

( self mapProperty: aKey ) valueSchema: aValueSchema

{ #category : 'parsing' }
InstanceCreationMapping >> readFrom: jsonReader [

| argumentByName arguments missingArguments |

argumentByName := Dictionary new.
jsonReader parseMapKeysDo: [ :key |
( self propertyNamed: key ifAbsent: [ nil ] )
ifNil: [ "read, skip & ignore value" jsonReader next ]
ifNotNil: [ :mapping | mapping readObject: argumentByName from: jsonReader ]

missingArguments := OrderedCollection new.
arguments := argumentNames collect: [ :argumentName |
argumentByName at: argumentName ifAbsent: [ missingArguments add: argumentName ] ].
missingArguments ifNotEmpty: [
jsonReader error: ( self errorDescriptionForMissing: missingArguments ) ].

^ subjectClass perform: instanceCreationSelector withArguments: arguments
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions source/Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions/
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@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
Extension { #name : 'NeoJSONReader' }

{ #category : '*Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions' }
NeoJSONReader >> for: smalltalkClass createInstanceUsing: block [

| mapping |

mapping := self instanceCreationMappingFor: smalltalkClass.
block value: mapping.
^ mapping

{ #category : '*Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions' }
NeoJSONReader >> for: schemaName strictDo: block [

Expand All @@ -10,6 +20,16 @@ NeoJSONReader >> for: schemaName strictDo: block [
^ mapping

{ #category : '*Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions' }
NeoJSONReader >> instanceCreationMappingFor: smalltalkClass [

^ self mappings at: smalltalkClass ifAbsentPut: [
InstanceCreationMapping new
subjectClass: smalltalkClass;

{ #category : '*Stargate-NeoJSON-Extensions' }
NeoJSONReader >> strictMappingFor: smalltalkClass [

Expand Down

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