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An RSS/Atom aggregator with a web frontend.

Running Locally

cargo install --git --locked

Copy aw-rss.toml.sample to ~/.config/aw-rss/aw-rss.toml or ~/.aw-rss.toml and fill it out according to the instructions.

Run aw-rss and navigate to http://localhost:9092 or the port you configured to access the application. The process will shut down cleanly if killed with ctrl-C/SIGINT.

Remote Access

Aw-RSS does not handle any kind of security, authentication, or authorization so it is not safe to expose to the internet. At the minimum you'll need a reverse proxy like nginx with HTTP basic authentication to protect it.

If setting up some form of reverse proxy, you can more efficiently serve the static files by configuring your webserver to directly serve the dist directory while falling back to index.html. Example nginx config:

location /api {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:9092;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

location /index.html {
    alias /path/to/aw-rss/dist/index.html;

location / {
    alias /storage/src/awused/aw-rss/dist/;
    try_files $uri /index.html;
    expires max;

External Commands

I have support for running external commands that generate RSS or atom feeds on stdout in place of calling HTTP servers. Use this if you want to write your own scraper for a website that does not provide feeds.

You cannot add these using the web frontend, you must use the sqlite3 CLI to do it. In place of a url place a shell command prepended by an exclamation point.

Example: INSERT INTO feeds(url) VALUES('!my-command arg1 arg2 arg3');

If the feed produced has an aw-rss:etag extension, that will be passed back to the program using an appended --etag parameter. If the program prints "not modified" as its only output and exits normally it will be handled as an HTTP not modified response.

Local Development

You'll have to edit proxy.conf.json to match the server configuration.

Run docker-compose run --rm build to build and compress the frontend.

Run docker-compose run --rm dev for an angular dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ with the backend already running.


Shortcut Action
Middle Click Opens an item while marking it as read at the same time.
Right Click Marks an unread item as read or a read item as unread.
R Refresh.
N Open the add new Feed/Category dialog.
A Open the admin page.


I built this because I did not like any of the RSS readers, free or paid, I tried after Google Reader died.

Tiny Tiny RSS is the closest thing and I likely would have used it but I did not want to run PHP on my server. Since starting it I've been able to add niche features and workaround for broken feeds that wouldn't be appropriate in a large and widely used project like tt-rss.


Personal RSS reader







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