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Go Agent for the Internet Computer

Go Version GoDoc Reference

go get

Getting Started

The agent is a library that allows you to talk to the Internet Computer.

package main

import (

type (
	Account struct {
		Account string `ic:"account"`

	Balance struct {
		E8S uint64 `ic:"e8s"`

func main() {
	a, _ := agent.New(agent.DefaultConfig)

	var balance Balance
	if err := a.Query(
		ic.LEDGER_PRINCIPAL, "account_balance_dfx",
	); err != nil {

	_ = balance // Balance{E8S: 0}

Using an Identity

Supported identities are Ed25519 and Secp256k1. By default, the agent uses the anonymous identity.

id, _ := identity.NewEd25519Identity(publicKey, privateKey)
config := agent.Config{
    Identity: id,

Using the Local Replica

If you are running a local replica, you can use the FetchRootKey option to fetch the root key from the replica.

u, _ := url.Parse("http://localhost:8000")
config := agent.Config{
    ClientConfig: &agent.ClientConfig{Host: u},
    FetchRootKey: true,
    DisableSignedQueryVerification: true,


You can find the documentation for each package in the links below. Examples can be found throughout the documentation.

Package Name Links Description
agent README DOC A library to talk directly to the Replica.
candid DOC A Candid library for Golang.
certification DOC A Certification library for Golang.
gen DOC A library to generate Golang clients.
ic DOC Multiple auto-generated sub-modules to talk to the Internet Computer services
identity DOC A library that creates/manages identities.
pocketic DOC A client library to talk to the PocketIC Server.
principal DOC Generic Identifiers for the Internet Computer
registry DOC A client to interact with the registry canister.

More dependencies in the go.mod file.


go install

Read more here


This repository contains two types of tests: standard Go tests and PocketIC -dependent tests. The test suite runs a local PocketIC server using the installed pocket-ic-server to execute some end-to-end (e2e) tests. If pocket-ic-server is not installed, those specific tests will be skipped.

go test -v ./...

Reference Implementations