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Nor-Port - Open Source

Nor-Port is a Passenger Service System written for enterprise cloud environments with user interfaces tailored for PC, Web and Mobile. It is centered around Microsoft products like SQL Server, Azure, Visual Studio, C#, TypeScript and Powershell.


A major part of the code is produced by a Code Generator sql2x. The general idea is to use as few frameworks and dependencies as possible in order to make a product that will stand the test of time without having to be rewritten when technology shifts happens and frameworks and dependencies become incompatible and/or insecure. Refactoring will be limited to edge cases like the database engine or user interfaces and the core C# business layer will stay the same with SQL2X ready to help in case security issues are found in core code. If SQL2X is not available however all code that needs to adapt is available and there are no black boxes with outdated code that no-one knows how to deal with.

The remaining part of code mainly consists of user interface tweaks to support new user interface trends and fads, business layer code to interact with other systems, import/export, etc.

Test system

Test schedule is a "ping-pong" flight between Oslo and Stockholm and passenger data is randomly created at a rate of 10 thousands a day spread over 3000 bookings when the test engine is invoked.

The goal of Open Sourcing Nor-Port is to attract airlines to improve functionality and make user interfaces tailored towards more specialized businesses cases, while keeping the core sturdy enough to handle both small and large passenger bases as effective as possible on the infrastructure it runs on.

Currently Nor-Port runs on SQL Server using only Tables, Columns and Relations, no Stored Procedures or Functions. This makes Nor-Port easily adaptable to other databases. Same with the business layer where dotNetCore under Linux is in the pipeline. The business logic in the tailored code of Nor-Port is shared between dot net core's REST interface and dot net framework's SOAP interface. And the tailored user interface code stays the same as SQL2X provides the same client side proxy for REST interfaces as SOAP does.

Live Nor-Port running under Azure. In this configuration all 3 FrontEnds runs under one Azure App, SOAP/WCF & REST/ASP layer in separate instances ( with shared business layer code ) and finally a Azure SQL Database on a whichever Azure SQL server configuration suits the airline's needs.


Nor-Port is used for managing a fleet and a schedule with inventory which is either maintained manually or automatically through SOAP/REST interfaces to other systems.

Nor-Port provides full access to it's fleet, schedule and inventory with a fixed or customized API through SOAP and REST interfaces.

Nor-Port is a three tiered cloud based "Line-of-Business" system that features:

  • SQL Server database
  • Business layer through SOAP/WCF / REST/ASP
  • FrontEnd's consuming the SOAP/WCF layer :
    • Windows application ( Full Maintenance Capabilities )
    • Web Site ( Booking, Reporting, Charting & Maintenance )
    • Mobile Hybrid App ( Dashboard )
    • MS Test
  • FrontEnd's consuming the REST/ASP layer :
    • MS Test


Documentation level has been turned on High for this release, which means the following is included for all namespaces, classes and methods:

  • Header: sql2x internal documentation block
  • Level one comment: block comment, a high level one liner about the following code
  • Level two comment: in depth comment, comprehensive information about the following code
  • Level three comment: low level comments, meant for educational purposes
  • Links: Wikipedia and or Microsoft documentation links for in-depth study
  • DocGuid: SQL2X internal GUID used for debugging

Nor-Port uses no special frameworks outside of the dotNetFramework ecosystem in an effort to make it as scalable and maintainable as possible, this is made possible by using a tool to generate boiler plate code for efficient communication between layers ( SQL2X ). Since the code is bare bone C# and TypeScript it is easier to find developers to maintain / enhance the code.


Cost per booking is at below cent level with the current load of 10k passengers a day.

The 4 web apps run under Azure on a Windows Standard (S1: 1) App Service Plan with a monthly cost of 40 USD with an Azure SQL server tier speced at Standard S0: 10 DTUs with a monthly cost of 12 USD. The system could run on a lower spec but would obviously be slower than it currently is.

This is a development setup however and it would deliver a bad customer experience in terms of response time should the requests per minute increase beyond what the test engine currently delivers.

But scaling up is where Nor-Port and Azure shines. There are no legacy Virtual Machine software involved, no old software running behind some fancy API in a Microservice setup, just clean C# in dotNetCore and dotNetFramework running without expensive frameworks which is hard to beat performance wise on the same hardware specification.


Functionality that includes SOAP and REST API’s with Windows and Web User Interface:

  • Flight Schedule
  • Booking
  • Check-in
  • Double-entry accounting principles
  • Car / Ferry & Hotel reservation on same booking
  • Package and Promotion
  • Coupon and Voucher
  • Reporting

Instructions for running Nor-Port

Visual Studio 2017

Nor-Port requires Visual Studio 2017 which can be downloaded here

You will need the following WorkLoad:

  • Azure
  • ManagedDesktop
  • NetWeb

PowerShell 5.1

Nor-Port uses PowerShell to switch environment between local development and publishing to Azure, download here

Git ( Source control system used by NorPort )

Download Git here

Download GitHub Command Line interface for Windows here


  • GitHub
    • GitHub CLI: gh repo clone aunebakk/nor-port
    • Git: git clone
    • Compressed zip file ( to unblock: Get-ChildItem -Path nor-port -Recurse | Unblock-File )

Folder structure ( first level )

Folder Name Comment
ASP REST (ASP) Business layer ( C# )
Business SOAP (WCF) Business layer ( C# )
Contract Contracts used by the Data, Business, Web and WinForm Layers ( C# )
Data Data Access Layer, used by the Business Layer ( C# / Ansi SQL )
Database Visual Studio testbed to SQL Server ( Ansi SQL ) & ErWin Schema
DatabaseManager Creates and Updates the database in SQL Server, Local and Azure ( C# / Ansi SQL )
Documentation Images / license file for this document
Information General information from the SQL2X creation process
Operational Scripts to Build and Deploy this product ( PowerShell and DOS )
Proxy WCF / SOAP client proxy used in WinForm and Web / ASP ( C# )
Web Hybrid / Web FrontEnd's ( C# / ASP & TypeScript / JavaScript / HTML / CSS )
WinForm Windows WinForm & Installer ( C# )
Test Unit, Integration and User Interface tests

How to run code on local computer

Use PowerShell to rename the sql server connection string for the various projects:

  • De-Sanitize Connection
Parameter Comment
connectionStringSQLServer ADO connection string to a SQL Server
toSQLServerLocalTrusted Create a trusted ADO connection string to a local SQL Server

From PowerShell

# this will insert ADO connection strings to a local trusted sql server, typical for a development environment

& '.\Operational\De-Sanitize Connection.ps1' `

& '.\Operational\Environment Switch.ps1' `

From Visual Studio 2017

  • Clean build
  • Run DatabaseManager to create the Database and populate it's tables
  • Select Business and Web as startup
  • Run

How to publish to azure


Name Comment
AzureRM PowerShell module needed for fetching publish profile
Azure SQL Server Minimal configuration
NorSolutionPortCore Azure Web App
NorSolutionPortBusiness Azure Web App
NorSolutionPort Azure Web App
Active Directory User Guest User

Use PowerShell to rename the sql server connection string and login information for the various projects:

Parameter Comment
azureActiveDirectoryLogin Azure Active Directory Login eMail
azureActiveDirectoryPassword Azure Active Directory Login password
connectionStringSQLServer ADO connection string to SQL Server
toAzure Create ADO connection string to a SQL Server
sqlServerName SQL server name
sqlServerUserName SQL server user name
sqlServerPassword SQL server password

From PowerShell

# this will insert ADO connection strings to an Azure sql server and Azure Web Apps

& '.\Operational\De-Sanitize Connection.ps1' `
  -toAzure:$true `
  -azureActiveDirectoryLogin:'**email**' `
  -azureActiveDirectoryPassword:'**password**' `
  -sqlServerName:'**name**' `
  -sqlServerUserName:'''username' `

& '.\Operational\Environment Switch.ps1' `

The Web and Window FrontEnd's

NuGet.exe restore .\SolutionNorSolutionPort.sln ( Download NuGet here: )
& '.\Operational\Restore packages.bat'
& '.\WinForm\Operational\Publish WinForm layer to ASP site install directory.bat'
& '.\Web\Operational\Get-Web-App-PublishingProfile.ps1' 
& '.\Web\Operational\Build package to disk.bat'
& '.\Web\Operational\Publish To Azure.bat'

At this point the FrontEnd can only be used to bring up the start page and the about box.

The SOAP/WCF Business Layer

& '.\Business\Operational\Get-Web-App-PublishingProfile.ps1'
& '.\Business\Operational\Build package to disk.bat'
& '.\Business\Operational\Publish To Azure.bat'

The REST/API Interface Layer

& '.\ASP\Operational\extract-publishing-password-from-existing-web-app.ps1'
& '.\ASP\Operational\publish-create.bat'
& '.\ASP\Operational\dotNetpublish.bat'
& '.\ASP\Operational\publish.bat'

The Database

The web FrontEnd is responsible for creating and updating the database, so the FrontEnd needs to be published before the database can be created.

    • Database Management Create Database
    • Database Management Set Version Zero Database
    • Database Management Increase Version To Latest step by step
    • Database Management Version Object ( Should be 0.10.0 )


Open URL to the published Hybrid/Web FrontEnd, you will find the starting point for the Windows version under Applications Tile.

This ReadMe

Is an top-down view of Nor-Port, starting with all user visible aspects, going through the architecture from client proxies to business layer and the database.

The Repository

This repository ("Nor-Port") is where we ( NorGate ) develop the Nor-Port product. This source code is available to everyone under the standard MIT license.

Resources needed for further development of this Open Source project is:

  • Access to distributor of Flight Schedule data like Aviationstack, FlightAware, OpenSky, etc
  • Documentation writer for User Manuals, etc
  • Web Page developer for a customer facing booking site
  • Access to IATA Standards, Manuals, Guidelines & Test data for development of Gateways

DashBoard web

This is the starting page for the Web side of Nor-Port.

Nor-Port in action

DashBoard mobile

This is the starting page for the Hybrid Mobile side of Nor-Port. It supports portrait and landscape mode, so rotating a mobile device will change layout of tiles.

Nor-Port in action

Hybrid/Web Bookings view

This view is used for navigating bookings.

Nor-Port in action

Hybrid/Web Product view

This is the product selection view, it allows for "Selecting" a product into a "bucket", get Details about a product or Edit a product.

Nor-Port in action

Hybrid/Web Detail view

The detail page allows the user to see all essential information about a product in a Web page.

Nor-Port in action

Hybrid/Web Edit page

The edit page allows the user to edit all essential information about a product in a Web page.

The user will have to Login in order to save any changes

Nor-Port in action

Windows Product Preview

The windows version features it's own installation and has access to everything Nor-Port has to offer in terms of functionality.

Nor-Port in action

Windows Whiteboard

For editing all product data, including an all inclusive history of all changes done to the product. Support for Excel Copy and Paste.

Nor-Port in action


  • C#
  • TypeScript / JavaScript ( minimal usage of HTML5 / CSS )
  • Ansi SQL
  • PowerShell for DevOps tasks

Software architecture

System architecture

  • Azure
  • SQL Server
  • Internet Information Server
  • Windows Server


  • On FrontEnd and SQL Server level. SOAP/WCF and REST/ASP services level is in the pipeline.


Following is parts of Nor-Port's Database schema, there are more tables dealing with import and export, catalog structure, security and users.

Nor-Port uses a database handler that takes care of upgrading the database schema from one version to another, making having multiple databases at different versions manageable.

Nor-Port DB Schema


  • SOAP/WCF Security / Winter 2021
  • REST/ASP Security / Winter 2021
  • Replace jQuery and Bootstrap / Summer 2021



Nor-Port is in large part made by an Visual Studio Extension named SQL2X. Metadata and Code from this tool is found around the codebase, indications are:

  • SchemaTemplates folders, these are .json files that directly corresponds to database tables and have no influence on how Nor-Port runs but are used by the SQL2XLite extension for further development.
  • CRUDE ( Create Read Update Delete & Extras ) folders are the direct result of SchemaTemplates .json files, i.e. automatic code generated by SQL2x, feel free to modify this code as you see fit, there are no other dependencies on this code except other layers that interact with it's methods.
  • Durian folders comes from Ansi SQL Select statements in the Data tier.
  • Operational folders contain PowerShell and Batch scripts used to recompile and republish that part of the product, our approach to CI/CD.


Copyright (c) NorGate. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT license.