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Deal with code that can throw.

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npm install settle-it


Most commonly I use try/catch, but in some cases it's great:

  • if you prefer a one-liner
  • when you want to ignore the error
  • to avoid nesting try/catch statements
  • when you prefer const, try/catch statements get in the way because you need to use let if you need the variable outside of the try/catch scope:
    let todos;
    try {
        todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos'))
    } catch {}
    return todos.filter(todo => todo.done)


  • err is always an Error object — great for TypeScript & unexpected cases when someone throw 'error'
  • Supports a fallback value.
  • fallback can be a function that accepts the Error — great for working with it


Safely parse JSON & specify the type (one-liner):

import settle from 'settle-it'

const [parsed] = settle<State>(() => JSON.parse(value))
// parsed is State | undefined

Prefer const:

const isOnline = settle(async () => {
    const response = await fetch('')
    const json = response.json()
    return json.isOnline
}, false)

Safely fetch & on error, send to error tracking service (one-liner):

import settle from 'settle-it'

const [response] = await settle(fetch(''), sendToErrorTrackingService)
// response is Response | undefined

Safely read a file & fallback to empty string (one-liner):

import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'

const [content] = await settle(readFile(path), '')
// content is string

Avoid nesting try/catch statements:

const user = settle(() => JSON.parse(json), () => showDialog('failed to parse'))
const contents = settle(fetch(`${}`), () => showDialog('failed to fetch'))

// to show different errors to the user you need to nest try/catch statements


I usually prefer source code or examples ↑.

settle<T, F>(
    value: Promise | (() => T) | (() => Promise<T>),
    fallback: F | ((err: Error) => F | void)
): [T, undefined] | [F, Error]
  • First parameter accepts either sync/async function or a Promise.
  • Returns [value, undefined] if no error was thrown while executing the function.
  • Returns [fallback, Error] is an error was thrown.