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Updating Dependencies

Adrian Likins edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 5 revisions

Dependencies should be updated in and requirements.*.in, we have make commands that turn these into requirements.*.txt files for our deployment modes

Dependencies should also be updated for the CI, we use to manage the CI

Example to upgrade pulpcore:

  • Change the version pinned in
  • Run make requirements/no-pip-upgrade to update all the requirements/requirements.*.txt files (without asking pip for the latest version of any deps)
  • Update the pulp/plugin_template repo.
    • For stable backports, this will probably mean using an older revision of the template
      • To determine the revision of plugin_template that was used to generate the current tree, check the value in galaxy_ng/.github/template_gitref. The end of the value is the shasum for the revision of plugin_template last used.
      • For stable backports, you will likely stick with the same revision of plugin template referenced in template_gitref
  • plugin_template and galaxy_ng dirs should share same parent dir
  • Edit template_config.yml within galaxy_ng repo
    • NOTE: It's possible running plugin-template will add new files into galaxy_ng that are not currently included in git.
      • To help catch any new files, it helps to run plugin-template against a fresh clean checkout of galaxy_ng checked to correct branch.
    • Then run ./plugin-template --github galaxy_ng from the root of the pulp/plugin_template repo, which will regenerate all the CI files inside galaxy_ng
    • A git status -u in the fresh galaxy_ng checkout should show you any new files that the plugin template added.
      • The new files need to be git add'ed to the galaxy_ng repo and committed.
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