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Releases: angerson/tensorflow

Another DOI Test

22 Apr 22:13
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This is yet another DOI test.

DOI Test v1.0

22 Apr 22:08
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This is an experiment to see how easy it is to use Zenodo to publish a DOI alongside a code release.

TensorFlow 2.4.0

22 Apr 22:41
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Release 2.4.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.distribute introduces experimental support for asynchronous training of models via the tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy API. Please see the tutorial to learn more.

  • MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy is now a stable API and is no longer considered experimental. Some of the major improvements involve handling peer failure and many bug fixes. Please check out the detailed tutorial on Multi-worker training with Keras.

  • Introduces experimental support for a new module named tf.experimental.numpy which is a NumPy-compatible API for writing TF programs. See the detailed guide to learn more. Additional details below.

  • Adds Support for
    TensorFloat-32 on Ampere based GPUs. TensorFloat-32, or TF32 for short, is a math mode for NVIDIA Ampere based GPUs and is enabled by default.

  • A major refactoring of the internals of the Keras Functional API has been completed, that should improve the reliability, stability, and performance of constructing Functional models.

  • Keras mixed precision API tf.keras.mixed_precision is no longer experimental and allows the use of 16-bit floating point formats during training, improving performance by up to 3x on GPUs and 60% on TPUs. Please see below for additional details.

  • TensorFlow Profiler now supports profiling MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy and tracing multiple workers using the sampling mode API.

  • TFLite Profiler for Android is available. See the detailed guide to learn more.

  • TensorFlow pip packages are now built with CUDA11 and cuDNN 8.0.2.

Breaking Changes

  • TF Core:

    • Certain float32 ops run in lower precsion on Ampere based GPUs, including matmuls and convolutions, due to the use of TensorFloat-32. Specifically, inputs to such ops are rounded from 23 bits of precision to 10
      bits of precision. This is unlikely to cause issues in practice for deep learning models. In some cases, TensorFloat-32 is also used for complex64 ops.
      TensorFloat-32 can be disabled by running tf.config.experimental.enable_tensor_float_32_execution(False).
    • The byte layout for string tensors across the C-API has been updated to match TF Core/C++; i.e., a contiguous array of tensorflow::tstring/TF_TStrings.
    • C-API functions TF_StringDecode, TF_StringEncode, and TF_StringEncodedSize are no longer relevant and have been removed; see core/platform/ctstring.h for string access/modification in C.
    • tensorflow.python, tensorflow.core and tensorflow.compiler modules are now hidden. These modules are not part of TensorFlow public API.
    • tf.raw_ops.Max and tf.raw_ops.Min no longer accept inputs of type tf.complex64 or tf.complex128, because the behavior of these ops is not well defined for complex types.
    • XLA:CPU and XLA:GPU devices are no longer registered by default. Use TF_XLA_FLAGS=--tf_xla_enable_xla_devices if you really need them, but this flag will eventually be removed in subsequent releases.
  • tf.keras:

    • The steps_per_execution argument in model.compile() is no longer experimental; if you were passing experimental_steps_per_execution, rename it to steps_per_execution in your code. This argument controls the number of batches to run during each tf.function call when calling Running multiple batches inside a single tf.function call can greatly improve performance on TPUs or small models with a large Python overhead.
    • A major refactoring of the internals of the Keras Functional API may affect code that
      is relying on certain internal details:
      • Code that uses isinstance(x, tf.Tensor) instead of tf.is_tensor when checking Keras symbolic inputs/outputs should switch to using tf.is_tensor.
      • Code that is overly dependent on the exact names attached to symbolic tensors (e.g. assumes there will be ":0" at the end of the inputs, treats names as unique identifiers instead of using tensor.ref(), etc.) may break.
      • Code that uses full path for get_concrete_function to trace Keras symbolic inputs directly should switch to building matching tf.TensorSpecs directly and tracing the TensorSpec objects.
      • Code that relies on the exact number and names of the op layers that TensorFlow operations were converted into may have changed.
      • Code that uses tf.map_fn/tf.cond/tf.while_loop/control flow as op layers and happens to work before TF 2.4. These will explicitly be unsupported now. Converting these ops to Functional API op layers was unreliable before TF 2.4, and prone to erroring incomprehensibly or being silently buggy.
      • Code that directly asserts on a Keras symbolic value in cases where ops like tf.rank used to return a static or symbolic value depending on if the input had a fully static shape or not. Now these ops always return symbolic values.
      • Code already susceptible to leaking tensors outside of graphs becomes slightly more likely to do so now.
      • Code that tries directly getting gradients with respect to symbolic Keras inputs/outputs. Use GradientTape on the actual Tensors passed to the already-constructed model instead.
      • Code that requires very tricky shape manipulation via converted op layers in order to work, where the Keras symbolic shape inference proves insufficient.
      • Code that tries manually walking a tf.keras.Model layer by layer and assumes layers only ever have one positional argument. This assumption doesn't hold true before TF 2.4 either, but is more likely to cause issues now.
      • Code that manually enters keras.backend.get_graph() before building a functional model is no longer needed.
      • Start enforcing input shape assumptions when calling Functional API Keras models. This may potentially break some users, in case there is a mismatch between the shape used when creating Input objects in a Functional model, and the shape of the data passed to that model. You can fix this mismatch by either calling the model with correctly-shaped data, or by relaxing Input shape assumptions (note that you can pass shapes with None entries for axes
        that are meant to be dynamic). You can also disable the input checking entirely by setting model.input_spec = None.
    • Several changes have been made to tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental. Note that it is now recommended to use the non-experimental tf.keras.mixed_precision API.
    • AutoCastVariable.dtype now refers to the actual variable dtype, not the dtype it will be casted to.
    • When mixed precision is enabled, tf.keras.layers.Embedding now outputs a float16 or bfloat16 tensor instead of a float32 tensor.
    • The property tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer.loss_scale is now a tensor, not a LossScale object. This means to get a loss scale of a LossScaleOptimizer as a tensor, you must now call opt.loss_scaleinstead of opt.loss_scale().
    • The property should_cast_variables has been removed from tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy
    • When passing a tf.mixed_precision.experimental.DynamicLossScale to tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer, the DynamicLossScale's multiplier must be 2.
    • When passing a tf.mixed_precision.experimental.DynamicLossScale to tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer, the weights of
      the DynanmicLossScale are copied into the LossScaleOptimizer instead of being reused. This means modifying the weights of the DynamicLossScale will no longer affect the weights of the LossScaleOptimizer, and vice versa.
    • The global policy can no longer be set to a non-floating point policy in tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy
    • In, AutoCastVariables will no longer be casted within or ReplicaContext.merge_call. This is because a thread local variable is used to determine whether AutoCastVariables are casted, and those two functions run with a different thread. Note this only applies if one of these two functions is called within; if one of those two functions calls, AutoCastVariables will still be casted.

    • now takes a config tuple instead of individual arguments. Usages should be updated to
    • now takes a config tuple instead of individual arguments. Usages should be updated to
  • tf.distribute:

    • Removes tf.distribute.Strategy.experimental_make_numpy_dataset. Please use instead.
    • Renames experimental_hints in tf.distribute.StrategyExtended.reduce_to, tf.distribute.StrategyExtended.batch_reduce_to, tf.distribute.ReplicaContext.all_reduce to options.
    • Renames tf.distribute.experimental.CollectiveHints...
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Doi test 3

22 Apr 22:16
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Yet one more DOI test.