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A small rust and actix-web API to practice backend engineering

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What is Highscore API?

The Highscore API provides essential functions for our organization, including creating a game developer, creating a game for a specific developer, and managing high scores for games by a specific developer.

Project Structure



The script create-gamedev is responsible for creating a game developer that does not exist yet. If the developer already exists, the script will raise a DuplicateEntryError. See the examples below:

Remember to change <gamedev_name> to the GameDev's real name. $ cargo run -- create-gamedev <gamedev_name>

If the developer already exists:

Error to create a new GameDev: DuplicateEntryError

If the developer does not exist, the script returns a GAMEDEV_ID and an API_KEY. Example response:

GAMEDEV_ID: <gamedev_id>, API_KEY: <api_key>


If, for any reason, you need a new API_KEY for an already registered developer, you can use this script to generate a new key. Examples:

Remember to change <gamedev_id> to the GameDev's real id. $ cargo run -- refresh-api-key <gamedev_id>

If there is no developer with the specified ID:

Error to refresh gamedev api_key: NotFound

If the developer with the specified ID exists, only the API_KEY will be changed:

Successfully refreshed the gamedev api_key: <new_api_key>


The Highscores API includes useful handlers for daily needs. Below, we list and provide examples for each of them.



This handler is used to check the health of the API. Make a GET request to the URL/health. If the API is functioning correctly, a status 200 and a JSON will be returned, as shown below:

  "status": "pass"


This handler is used to check the health of both the API and the database. Make a GET request to URL/health/full. Depending on the situation, it will return a status 200 or an error, accompanied by a JSON. Examples:

If everything is OK:

  "status": "pass",
  "uptime": 60,
  "db": true

In the case of a database error:

  "status": "fail",
  "uptime": 60,
  "db": false



The create_game_handler is used to create a new game for a specific developer, provided there is no other game with the same name. To do this, send a POST request to the URL/games, where the header must contain a Bearer Token with a valid API_KEY, and the body must be a JSON, as shown below:

Request body:

Remember to change <game_name> to the Game real name.

  "name": "<game_name>"

Successful creation response:

  "id": "<game_id>",
  "name": "<game_name>"


This handler is responsible for returning all games created for a developer. Send a GET request to URL/games, where the header must contain a Bearer Token with a valid API_KEY. In case of success, the handler will return a JSON with an array of games, as shown below:

Success response:

  "games": [
      "id": "<game_id>",
      "name": "<game_name>"
      "id": "<game_id>",
      "name": "<game_name>"
      "id": "<game_id>",
      "name": "<game_name>"


Finally, the get_game_handler is responsible for returning a specific game for a developer. Make a GET request to URL/game/{game_id}, and the handler will respond with a status 200 and a JSON containing the found game, or a 404 if no games are created with the specified ID. See the success example below:

  "id": "<game_id>",
  "name": "<game_name>"




The create_gamedev function is responsible for creating the game developer. It receives a single parameter named NAME of type String. It uses the get_gamedev_by_name function to search the database for a game developer with the same name passed in the Name parameter. If it finds a developer, it returns a AppError::DuplicateEntryError. Otherwise, it creates the developer with the fields ID: Uuid, NAME: String, API_KEY: Uuid, and calls the get_gamedev_by_id function to return a GameDev.


The get_gamedev_by_id function uses a filter by ID of type Uuid to search the database for a GameDev. If found, the function returns the result. If no GameDev with the same ID is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound.


The get_gamedev_by_name function uses a filter by NAME of type String to search the database for a GameDev. If found, the function returns the result. If no GameDev with the same NAME is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound.


The get_gamedev_by_api_key function uses a filter by API_KEY of type Uuid to search the database for a GameDev. If found, the function returns the result. If no GameDev with the same API_KEY is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound.



With this function, you can create a new game for a game developer. It receives a NewGame object with the fields NAME: String and GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid, calls the get_gamedev_by_id function. If there is no GameDev created with the same ID, it returns an AppError::NotFound. If it finds a GameDev, it moves on to the next step, validating the existence of a game with the same NAME. If it exists, it returns an AppError:DuplicateEntryError. If it does not exist, it instantiates a Game object with the fields ID: Uuid, Name: String, GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid, creates a new game in the game collection, and finally uses the get_game_by_name function to return the game directly from the database.


The get_game_by_name function uses a filter by NAME: String and GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid to search the game collection. If no game or game developer is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound. If it finds a game, it returns it.


The get_game_by_id function uses a filter by ID: Uuid and GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid to search the game collection. If no game or game developer is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound. If it finds a game, it returns it.


The get_games function uses a filter by GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid to search the game collection. If no game or game developer is found, it returns an AppError::NotFound. If it finds a game developer, it returns an array of games with all the created games.



Update_highscore is a function that receives a NewHighscore object: GAME_ID: Uuid, GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid, SCORE: u32, and USERNAME: String. It begins by checking the existence of a game using the get_game_by_id function. If found, it proceeds with the function flow; if not found, it interrupts the flow and reports an AppError::NotFound. The next step is creating a Highscore object with the fields GAME_ID: Uuid, ID: Uuid, SCORE: u32, UPDATED_AT: DateTime, USERNAME: String. After creating the object, it checks for the existence of a current_highscore. In the absence of a current_highscore, it creates a Highscore in the database and calls the get_highscore function, passing the new_highscore.game_id and new_highscore.username to fetch the value directly from the database. If there is a Highscore, it checks if the value of new_highscore.score is greater than the current_highscore.score in the database. If the check is negative, the flow ends without changing the value, but it calls the get_highscore function, passing the new_highscore.game_id and new_highscore.username to fetch the value directly from the database. If it is positive, the function uses a filter by GAME_ID: Uuid and USERNAME: String to update the value in the database with new_highscore.score, and finally, it calls the get_highscore function, passing the new_highscore.game_id and new_highscore.username to fetch the value directly from the database.


Get_highscore is the function used to retrieve a high score in the Highscore collection. It receives two parameters, GAME_ID: Uuid and USERNAME: String. With these parameters, it creates a filter by GAME_ID: Uuid and USERNAME: String. If there is a record in the database, it returns it.


To return all Highscores for a Game of a specific GameDev, we use this function. It receives two parameters, GAME_ID: Uuid and GAMEDEV_ID: Uuid. It uses the get_game_by_id function; if there is a game, it continues the flow. The next step is defining two filters, the first by GAME_ID: Uuid and the second by SCORE: u32 listing from the highest to the lowest and by the last update. Each value retrieved from the database is saved in an array of the cursor type Cursor<Highscore,> which is later transformed into a vector highscores of type Highscore, and finally, it returns the vector.

How to Run This Project

  1. To run this application, clone the repository Highscore-API.
  2. Install Rust by visiting the official Rust website and following the steps. 2.1. Linux may require the installation of GCC to run Actix correctly. Execute the command $ sudo apt install build-essential.
  3. Create a .env file and configure the environment variables. You can use the values from .env.example.
  4. Run the command $ cargo build to install the project's binaries and libraries.
  5. Now run the command $ cargo run, and the application will execute successfully. Enjoy!

Environment Variables

In this section, we will detail the environment variables and their roles in our API. These are the necessary environment variables to run the application successfully, and you can see example values in the .env.example file. They are as follows:

  • RELEASE_MODE: This variable is responsible for defining the execution level of the application, either in development (dev) or production (prod). Choose the option that best suits your scenario. Opting for dev sets the lowest log level to Debug, while in prod, the lowest log level is set to Info.
  • API_PORT: Specify the port on which the API will receive requests. Feel free to choose according to the most convenient scenario. By default, we set the value to 4000.
  • MONGO_URI: This variable should point to your preferred MongoDB database, whether local or in the cloud. Remember that this field is of type String.
  • TIMEOUT: Finally, the variable responsible for determining the timeout for requests. By default, this value is 75, but it can be changed according to your organization. This field is of type Number.


A small rust and actix-web API to practice backend engineering






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