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I need to take the essense of the webauthn example of B1 and incorporate it into the webauthn example of the webauthn npm package that is running on I will then find the webauthn pubkey, use that to create a EosioSignatureRequest, let the user SHARE it with the friend which will use Anchor wallet to create the account for the user. Need to let the user choose who is the trusted account or pubkey, in the future - let the trusted friend send him a more advanced threshold based owner. Allow the user to check if the account name is valid, give hints with local messages, a-z1-5 12 characters. Once the user enters a legal account, make the "check if available" button on. Support EOS and Jungle3. Change background when using Jungle3 If account name is available, create the ESR and allow to SHARE.

Refresh, check if account is created Allow user to send EOS from the account Allow user to send other tokens from the account How to watch balance of any token on the EOS net? Keep all info in localstorage?

Main flows in the app

  1. Completely new? Create an account!
    • I will pre-populate the blockchain to be EOS
    • Please choose a 12 character name for your account, characters can be letters in range: a-z or digits in range 1-5, I (the app) will check validity and availability of the account
    • Choose who to trust with managing your account, enter their account here, I (the app) will check this account exists
    • Create the keys with your phone’s security, either fingerprint or face id
    • Almost done, here is the account creation info, send this to the trusted friend and they will create the account for you.
  2. Want to help a friend create an account?
    • What blockchain? EOS - the main net or Jungle3 - the test net? Soon we will support additional EOSIO compatible blockchains
    • Talk to them about choosing a legal and available account name
    • Who will be the trusted account in case they need to regain access to their account from another phone? The owner permission.
    • Send them this link which will pre-populate the info, they will need to create a key pair using their phone and, this will make it easier for them to create an account request which they will send back to you to sign.
    • You will be paying a little EOS to buy the RAM for the account creation.
  3. Regain access to an account
    • Choose the blockchain, I will pre-populate EOS for you as the default but you can change this
    • Enter the account you own and want to regain access to
    • Create new keys with your phone’s security
    • Almost done, here is the change key request, send it to the trusted friend and they will send the request to the blockchain.
  4. Send tokens from your wallet to another account
    • How much and what token?
    • Who to send to?
    • Want to add a short memo message?
    • Approve with your phone’s security
    • All done!
  5. Approve any transaction request
    • Copy-paste the ESR (EOSIO-Signing-Request) here
    • Approve with your phone’s security
    • All done!
  6. Delete account keys from this phone
    • Choose which account keys to delete, or choose “All”
    • Are you sure? This can’t be undone, you will need the assistance of the owner permission to regain access to the account keys you delete.


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W3C Web Authentication API Relying Party for Node.js and Express

WebAuthn is a W3C standard that enables web developers to replace passwords in their applications with FIDO authentication. This repository implements a NPM package for use in Node.js services. This package is in active development and not yet ready for production use. You can use it to kick the tires on WebAuthn. Please file issues to ask questions or provide feedback.

Table of Contents


This package is not yet ready for use in production software. For more information on security considerations see W3C Web Authentication and FIDO Security Reference.


$ npm install webauthn


See examples for a complete example. The package currently works on its own and we plan to support Passport.js integration in future releases.

const WebAuthn = require('webauthn')

// configure express and session middleware; see "examples" in this repository
// ...

// Create webauthn
const webauthn = new WebAuthn({
  origin: 'http://localhost:3000',
  usernameField: 'username',
  userFields: {
    username: 'username',
    name: 'displayName',
  store: new LevelAdapter(),
  // OR
  // store: {
  //   put: async (id, value) => {/* return <void> */},
  //   get: async (id) => {/* return User */},
  //   search: async (search) => {/* return { [username]: User } */},
  //   delete: async (id) => {/* return boolean */},
  // },
  rpName: 'Stranger Labs, Inc.',
  enableLogging: false,

// Mount webauthn endpoints
app.use('/webauthn', webauthn.initialize())

// Endpoint without passport
app.get('/secret', webauthn.authenticate(), (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', message: 'Super Secret!' })


import Client from 'webauthn/client'

const client = new Client({ pathPrefix: '/webauthn' })

await client.register({
  username: 'AL1C3',
  name: 'Alice',

// ...

await client.login({ username: 'AL1C3' })


Relying Party

new WebAuthn(options)

The main entrypoint for creating a new WebAuthn RP instance. options is used to configure the behaviour of the RP. Available options include:

  • origin - The origin of the deployed application.
  • rpName - The display name of RP. This will be shown in the WebAuthn consent interface.
  • [usernameField = 'name'] - The name of the field that uniquely identifies a user.
  • [userFields = ['name', 'displayName'] ] - One of:
    • An array of properties from registration request to be included in the saved user object
    • An object mapping, where the key is the name of a property from the registration request to be included in the user object and the value is the name of that property on the user object.
  • [store = MemoryAdapter] - The storage interface for user objects. Defaults to an object in memory (for testing only).
  • [attestation = 'none'] - the attestation conveyance preference. Setting this to anything other than 'none' will require attestation and validate it.
  • [credentialEndpoint = '/register'] - the path of the credential attestation challenge endpoint.
  • [assertionEndpoint = '/login'] - the path of the challenge assertion endpoint.
  • [challengeEndpoint = '/response'] - the path of the challenge response endpoint.
  • [logoutEndpoint = '/logout'] - the path of the logout endpoint.
  • [enableLogging = true] - Enable or disable logging to stdout.


Returns an Express Router with the mounted WebAuthn endpoints.


Returns an Express Middleware that will set req.user for subsequent middlewares, or produce a 401 Unauthorized error if the user is not authenticated. Available options include:

  • [failureRedirect] - If the user fails to authenticate then they will be redirected to the supplied URL.

Storage Adapater

Storage adapters provide an interface to the WebAuthn RP to store and retrieve data necessary for authentication, such as authenticator public keys. Storage adapters must implement the following interface:

async get (id)

Retrieves and returns the previously stored object with the provided id.

async put (id, value)

Stores an object so that it may be retrieved with the provided id. Returns nothing.

async search (startsWith, [options])

Returns a mapping of objects where the id of the objects return starts with the provided query value. Available options include:

  • limit: Return the first N results.
  • reverse: Return results in reverse lexicographical order. If used in conjunction with limit then the last N results are returned.

async delete (id)

Delete a previously stored object. Returns a boolean indicating success.

Browser Client

new Client([options])

Constructs a new client for handling interaction with the Web Authentication API and the server authentication endpoints. Available options include:

  • [pathPrefix = '/webauthn'] - A mounting prefix to all authorization endpoints.
  • [credentialEndpoint = '/register'] - The path of the credential registration endpoint.
  • [assertionEndpoint = '/login'] - The path of the challenge assertion endpoint.
  • [challengeEndpoint = '/response'] - The path of the challenge response endpoint.
  • [logoutEndpoint = '/logout'] - The path of the logout endpoint.

Returns a new client instance.

async client.register(data)

Completes a start-to-finish registration of a new authenticator at the remote service with the following steps:

  1. Fetch a register credential challenge from the remote server's credentialEndpoint.
  2. Prompt the Credentials Management API to generate a new local credential.
    • The Credentials Management API prompts the user for consent.
    • The challenge is signed using the user-selected method and returned.
  3. The signed challenge is returned to the remote server's challengeEndpoint.

Returns the response of the request to the challengeEndpoint.

async client.login(data)

Completes a start-to-finish assertion challenge on a previously registered remote service with the following steps:

  1. Fetch an assertion challenge from the remote server's assertionEndpoint.
  2. Prompt the Credentials Management API to get an existing local credential and sign the response.
    • The Credentials Management API prompts the user for consent.
    • The challenge is signed and returned.
  3. The signed challenge is returned to the remote server's challengeEndpoint.

Returns the response of the request to the challengeEndpoint.

async client.logout()

Destroys the current session on the remote server. Returns the result of the request to the logoutEndpoint.





Originally adapted from fidoalliance/webauthn-demo.



  • Please file issues :)
  • When writing a bug report, include relevant details such as platform, version, relevant data, and stack traces
  • Ensure to check for existing issues before opening new ones
  • Read the documentation before asking questions
  • It is strongly recommended to open an issue before hacking and submitting a PR

Pull requests


  • We're not presently accepting unsolicited pull requests
  • Create an issue to discuss proposed features before submitting a pull request
  • Create an issue to propose changes of code style or introduce new tooling
  • Ensure your work is harmonious with the overall direction of the project
  • Ensure your work does not duplicate existing effort
  • Keep the scope compact; avoid PRs with more than one feature or fix
  • Code review with maintainers is required before any merging of pull requests
  • New code must respect the style guide and overall architecture of the project
  • Be prepared to defend your work

Style guide

Code reviews

  • required before merging PRs
  • reviewers MUST run and test the code under review


Run the test suite with npm test.

Code of conduct


MIT © 2019 Stranger Labs, Inc.


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