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Merge pull request #47 from alexss200010/alexss200010-patch-9 #117

Merge pull request #47 from alexss200010/alexss200010-patch-9

Merge pull request #47 from alexss200010/alexss200010-patch-9 #117

name: Prebuilt repo + Snyk Security Scanning (OS, Code, Docker, IaC)
# Runs 4 Snyk Products (Code, Open Source, Container, IaC)
# Snyk installation via npm
# Node.js version: 18.4
# Outputs the results to the pipeline and in SARIF-format to the security tab
# Prerequisites:
# - Set a SNYK_TOKEN and a SNYK_ORG in the pipelines secrets
on: [push, pull_request]
#id-token: write # This is required for requesting the JWT
#contents: write # This is required for actions/checkout
#security-events: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: [other job]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js for installing Snyk
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 18.4
# Install & prepare Snyk
- run: npm install --location=global snyk
# Login to Snyk Cloud
- run: snyk auth ${{ secrets.SNYK_TOKEN }}
- name: Snyk SCA testing
run: snyk test --all-projects --severity-threshold=high
continue-on-error: true
- name: Snyk SCA results monitor
run: snyk monitor --org=${{ secrets.SNYK_ORG }} --all-projects --severity-threshold=high
continue-on-error: true
#- name: Snyk SAST Scanning
#run: snyk code test --org=${{ secrets.SNYK_ORG }} --severity-threshold=high --sarif-file-output=snyk-code.sarif
#continue-on-error: true
#- name: Upload results to GitHub Code Scanning
#uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
#sarif_file: snyk-code.sarif
#args: --severity-threshold=high
#- name: Build the Docker Image
# run: docker build . --file=Dockerfile --tag alexss200010/nodejs-goof:latest
#- name: Snyk Container Scanning
# run: snyk container monitor --org=${{ secrets.SNYK_ORG }} --severity-threshold=high --file=Dockerfile alexss200010/nodejs-goof:latest
# continue-on-error: true
#- name: Snyk Infrastructure-as-Code Scanning
# run: snyk iac test --org=${{ secrets.SNYK_ORG }} --severity-threshold=high --report
# continue-on-error: true