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Buy Custom Hardware Electronics

Miguel Tomas Silva edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 3 revisions


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Buy Custom Hardware Electronics

Is possible to own or licence any of the PCB designs publicly available here. Order custom made, design and assembled PCBs according to the byer specifiations.

Buyer will get a more porfessional PCB without usage of any fast deployment PCB modules available elsewhere on the internet, and instead, with all components built into the PCB.

Logos and markings are also delivered according to the buyer specifications.

All PCBs are CE ready, meaning the buyer can certify the PCB and use the CE certification watermark on its products and services.

PCB components include all sizes and dimensions. Nowadays the most requested and used is SMD sizes, QFN and BGA component sizes. Contact me for more info.


Below are the options for a buyer to choose from when considering owning or buying a PCB. For each option a buyer can order an already designed / made PCB or order a new PCB accroding to custom specifications and needs.

The table below is for custom PCB orders according to buyer specifications that use conventional SMD components and MCUs ( ESP32, Atmel, ST, etc). On the price listed is included 50 pcs (not assembled) delivered at the door. Contact me for other arquitecutes (for instance raspberry pi similar architectures), complexity, options and PCB sizes.

max PCB size (mm2) (1) max. n. components n. copper layers allow/has any ready made sub-circuit designs (2) Hardware Licensing (3) Price starts at (USD)(4)
2500 20 pcs 2 Y Open $300
2500 20 pcs 2 Y Closed $500
2500 20 pcs 2 N Open $400
2500 20 pcs 2 N Closed $3,000
2500 20 pcs 4 Y Open $400
2500 20 pcs 4 Y Closed $600
2500 20 pcs 4 N Open $500
2500 20 pcs 4 N Closed $4,000
2500 40 pcs 2 Y Open $600
2500 40 pcs 2 Y Closed $800
2500 40 pcs 2 N Open $700
2500 40 pcs 2 N Closed $3,600
2500 40 pcs 4 Y Open $700
2500 40 pcs 4 Y Closed $900
2500 40 pcs 4 N Open $800
2500 40 pcs 4 N Closed $4,600
2500 60 pcs 2 Y Open $900
2500 60 pcs 2 Y Closed $1,100
2500 60 pcs 2 N Open $1,000
2500 60 pcs 2 N Closed $3,900
2500 60 pcs 4 Y Open $1,000
2500 60 pcs 4 Y Closed $1,200
2500 60 pcs 4 N Open $1,100
2500 60 pcs 4 N Closed $4,900
2500 80 pcs 2 Y Open $1,200
2500 80 pcs 2 Y Closed $1,400
2500 80 pcs 2 N Open $1,300
2500 80 pcs 2 N Closed $4,000
2500 80 pcs 4 Y Open $1,300
2500 80 pcs 4 Y Closed $1,500
2500 80 pcs 4 N Open $1,400
2500 80 pcs 4 N Closed $5,000

(1) PCB size

Other PCB sizes are possible. Assuming similar complexity, to estimate a price for other PCB sizes the buyer can multiply by x2 everytime the size doubles. Contact me for more info.

(2) ready made sub-circuit designs

Usage of open hardware, ready made, sub-circuit designs has the advantage of already being extensivly tested and therefore requires much less prototyping and testing work time. As disadvantage, the buyer cannot patent those sub-cuircuit areas on the PCB.

(3) Hardware Licensing

  • open hardware licencing: uses creative commons share alike , this means your custom PCB design can be fabricated by someone else.

  • closed hardware licencing: uses traditional copyright licensing, this means your custom PCB design cannot be fabricated by someone else.

both, open and closed licenses can be protected with Patenting.

(4) Price

Price values are quoted in USD. All legal taxes must be added to presented prices and acording to country of delivery. Contact me for more info.

Delivery Time

Delivery time varies accoridng to the size and complexity of the PCB. Varies according to which country is going to be delivered. For reference consider delivery times on Fedex website. Contact me for more info.

other PCB options available

Other PCB otptions available at no aditional cost are:

  • PCB thinckness from 0.4mm to 3.0mm
  • PCB type: FR4
  • PCB finished color: White, Black, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue
  • Gold platted

contact me for more info.

Non disclousure agreements

Non disclousure agreements (NDA) are also available as an option. Contact me for more info.

Support, PCB errors and PCB changes

PCB errors will be corrected at not aditional cost delivered at the door. All ordered PCBs include basic one on one whatsApp or Telegram support. An aditional fee will be charged for dedicated video meeting support. Contact me for more info.

Buy an assembled PCB, tested and ready to use

An aditional price on assembled PCB must be added to prices above and varies according to quantity and number of components. Check PCBWay , ALLPCB or any other to get a good reference of assembled PCB costs. Contact me for more info.

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