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Trunk Lid Wiring harness

Miguel Tomas Silva edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 7 revisions

Main Page >> Wiring, Fuse Boxes and Relay Diagrams >> Trunk Lid Wiring harness

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Last update 23-04-2024

Figure 1 - Factory original wire hardness for the trunk lid (see wiring diagrams manual, page 120)

Trunk Wiring Connectors Pinout

The Wiring has 3 light gray connectors: 2x with 4-pin and 1x with 10-pin.

4-pin male connector to trunk button and license plate lights

PIN Function Wire colors connected to (wire color)
1 +5V DC Trunk Button Blue w/ Brown stripe Yellow
2 +12V DC License plate lights 1x light gray 2x light gray
3 DC Ground Black Black
4 #

PIN from top left to bottom right

4-pin female connector to trunk lock

PIN Function Wire colors connected to (wire color)
1 Brown w/ red stripe Blue w/ brown stripe
2 light gray w/ white stripe purple w/ black stripe
3 #
4 Ground Black + Black w/ blue stripe Orange + Black

10-pin male connector to main rear wiring

PIN Function Wire colors connected to wire colors
1 Brown w/ red stripe Trunk lock blue w/ brown stripe
2 #
3 light gray w/ white stripe Trunk Lock purple w/ black stripe
4 #
5 #
6 #
7 +12V DC light gray License Plate light gray
8 +5V DC brown w/ blue stripe Trunk Button Yellow
9 #
10 GND black w/ blue stripe Trunk lock & Button Black

main rear wiring 10-pin female connector

PIN Function Wire colors connected to wire colors REM PIN connected to
1 pink Trunk lock brown w/ red stripe 14-pin light gray male connector - front right-side wiring
2 #
3 light gray w/ white stripe Trunk Lock light gray w/ white stripe RM20
4 #
5 #
6 #
7 +12V DC light gray License Plate light gray RSH6
8 +5V DC blue Trunk Button brown w/ blue stripe D7
9 #
10 GND black Trunk lock & Button Black w/ white stripe chassis ground
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