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Campus Placement system is the project which is beneficial for college students, various companies visiting the campus for recruitment and even the college placement admin. The system allows the students to create their profiles and upload all their details including their marks onto the system and can apply for jobs which admin has updated.


  1. ReactJs
  2. NodeJs
  3. Express
  4. MySQL


  1. Any IDE (eg. VS Code , Sublime etc).
  2. Node JS
  3. NPM Installer


  • You can clone the repository

    1. Make sure your machine is having internet connection.
    2. Open shell (which ever your OS support) on your PC.
    3. Change drive to the location where you want your project to be copied
    4. Now type or copy-paste the below given commands.
    1. Press Enter and the project will be cloned in you system.
  • You can directly download the zip file and extract it

After extracting the zip file or after cloning the repository

  1. Open the folder Campus-Placement-Sys-master in terminal. In this you will find 2 folders.

    • Client
    • Server
  2. To run Client folder, type the following commands in terminal

    1. cd client
    2. npm install
    3. npm start Frontend port - 3000
  3. To run Server folder, type the following commands in terminal

    1. cd server
    2. npm install
    3. npm start Backend port - 8000

    Note: For running backend you need to do a few things

    • Connect your Workbench by writing this in the this file
        let db = sql.createConnection({ 
            host: "localhost",
            user: "root",
            password: <Your password>,
            database: "campus_placement",
      • Type this command in your workbench to create database.
          Create database campus_placement
      • Type this command in your workbench to use your database
          Use campus_placement
    • Then You need to create tables using these commands,
      • Students Table
          CREATE TABLE if not exists student(
            Enrol_num VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY,
            Pasword VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
            Email VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
            SName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
            Cur_sem INT NOT NULL,
            Cgpa DOUBLE NOT NULL,
            Course VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
            Mobile VARCHAR(11) NOT NULL,
            Gender VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
            S_resume VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
      • Company Table
          CREATE TABLE if not exists company(
                Com_Name VARCHAR(60) PRIMARY KEY,
                Com_Type VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
                Com_Desc VARCHAR(600) NOT NULL
      • Job Table
          CREATE TABLE if not exists job(
                Job_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
                Job_Name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
                Job_Desc VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL,
                Job_salary DOUBLE NOT NULL,
                Com_Name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
                FOREIGN KEY (Com_Name) REFERENCES company(Com_Name) ON DELETE
      • Job Apply Table
          CREATE TABLE if not exists jobapply(
                pid INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
                Enrol_num VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
                Sname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
                Job_id INT NOT NULL,
                Job_Name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
                Com_Name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
                FOREIGN KEY (Com_Name) REFERENCES company(Com_Name) ON DELETE
                FOREIGN KEY (Enrol_num) REFERENCES student(Enrol_num) ON DELETE CASCADE,
                FOREIGN KEY (Job_id) REFERENCES job(Job_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
      • Admin Table
          CREATE TABLE if not exists officer(
                aid INT PRIMARY KEY,
                admin_pass VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL
            INSERT INTO officer ( admin_pass)
  4. Your project will start running if you followed the instructions properly.

Brief Project Structure

|-- client/		
    |-- public/
        |-- index.html            #First webpage of the project
    |-- src/
        |-- components/           #Contains all the required components of project
            |-- Navbar/               #Contains UI for navbar
            |-- common/               #Contains UI for common coomon features of admin and student
            |-- admin/                #Contains UI for features of admin
            |-- student/              #Contains UI for features of student
        |-- images/               #Contains images used in the project
        |-- context/              #Contains context file
        |-- pages/                #Contains all the different pages
            |-- Authentication/       #Contains pages related to authentication
            |-- home/                 #Contains home page
        |-- services/             #Contains all the api functions used in the project
|-- server/
    |-- controller/          #Contains all the controllers of project
        |-- adminconroller.js     #Contains all the functions related to admin
        |-- companycontroller.js  #Contains all the functions related to companies
        |-- jobcontroller.js      #Contains all the functions related to companies
        |-- studentconroller.js   #Contains all the functions related to students
    |-- database/            #To establish connection between database and backend
    |-- route/               #Contains all routes used in project
    |-- server.js            #Main file of server folder


Routes parameters body Description
POSt /loginadmin password Take password as input and login admin if credentials are correct
POST /adminupdate password Updates password of admin
POST /addstudent name , email , password , enrolment no. , cgpa , semester , course , mobile , gender , resume Take the details as input and create student profile
GET /getallstudent Returns the array of all students
POST /updatestudent name , email , password , cgpa , semester , course , mobile , gender , resume Take the details as input and update student
POST /getstudent studentId Get student by given id
POST /deletestudent studentId Delete the student with given id
POST /addcompany name , type , description Allows admin to add company
GET /getallcompany Returns array of all companies
GET /getcompany companyId Get the required company having this id
POST /updatecompany companyId Allows admin to update the particular company having this id
POST /deletecompany companyId Allows admin to delete the particular company having this id
POST /addjob name , description , salary , company_name Take the details and allows admin to add a new company
GET /getalljob Returns array of all jobs
GET /getjob JobId Returns the job having this id
POST /deletejob jobId Allows admin to delete job having this id
POST /updatejob jobId Allows admin to update job having this id
POST /applyjob enrolment number , student name , jobId , jobName , companyName Allows a particular student to apply for a particular job
GET /viewapplyjob studentId Allows student to view the jobs he/she has applied
GET /getallapplyjob Allows admin to view which job has been applied by which student


Frame 84


No description, website, or topics provided.






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