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Releases: XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework

MyFbFramework 1.3.5

17 Sep 08:16
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  • Added: Web support
  • Added: Optional Drawing with GDI+ with Canvas
  • Added: ByRef Designer As My.Sys.Object parameter to all events
  • Fixed: TextBox MaxLength property
  • Added: SubString function to UString
  • Fixed: Returning values of Mouse events
  • Fixed: Compiling with GTK in Windows
  • Fixed: Canvas functions
  • Added: Canvas Cls method in Linux
  • Improved: Debug.Print function
  • Added: Contains function to UString
  • Added: LoadFromScreen function to Bitmap
  • Added: DecimalPlaces property to control NumericUpDown
  • Changed: FBMemCheck
  • Added: ReadProperty and WriteProperty functions to ToolPalette
  • Fixed: Redraw while move the control inside Container
  • Added: Operator [] to StringList, WStringlist, Dictionary
  • Fixed: Set StartPosition of Form on Design mode
  • Fixed: Compiling and Fixed: OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseWheel and OnMouseHover
  • Fixed: OnMouseMove event
  • Added: Sort method for Grid
  • Added: Idx parameter to PointerList Contains function
  • Added: DuplicateIndex parameter to Insert function of Grid control
  • Added: SaveToFile and LoadFromFile methods to Grid control
  • Fixed: Set the Default Color Of Cells
  • Added: CellEdited events to control Grid
  • Fixed: Collapsing TreeListView
  • Added: OwnerData Property to control Grid
  • Improved: Grid control
  • Added: StretchImage property to Picture control
  • Fixed: Update when label size changes.
  • Fixed: OpenFileControl
  • Fixed: OpenFileControl deleting
  • Fixed: Change image for Picture control
  • Fixed: Setting Style property of CommandButton
  • Fixed: Setting Style property of TrackBar control
  • Fixed: Setting an empty value to Bitmap property
  • Fixed: ReadProperty and WriteProperty function for Style property of CommandButton control
  • Fixed: ReadProperty and WriteProperty function for CenterImage, RealSizeImage and Style properties of Picture control
  • Added: onDestroy event to Android application
  • Fixed: Compiling for Android
  • Improved: Speed of Split function
  • Improved: Speed of StartsWith and EndsWith functions
  • Added: crDefault cursor definition
  • Added: Editable function for control Grid
  • Fixed: Compiling Panel without Form
  • Added: Animate function for playing all types of media.
  • Added: Reduce Code Example
  • Added: Examples of Forms
  • Fixed: Compiling examples with fbc 1.10.0
  • Added: Examples files: MDIForm, SDIForm, Canvas
  • Added: DarkMode property to Application
  • Fixed: Blink while resize control picture
  • Added: Stretch for Canvas image
  • Fixed: Compiling with fbc 1.10.0
  • Fixed: AutoSizing controls on Design mode

MyFbFramework 1.3.4

05 Mar 15:57
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  • Added: Event Code message to Animation control
  • Added: Property FullScreenMode for control Animate
  • Added: Add Property Volume, Balance, Position to control Animate
  • Fixed: Showing forms on different screen with different DPI
  • Fixed: Removing ListViewItem
  • Improved: StringList
  • Added: MyFbFramework CHM file
  • Added: Transparent property to Form
  • Added: ListItem parameter to IndexOf and Contains functions
  • Added: KeyPreview property to Form
  • Added: TransparentColor property to Form
  • Fixed: Updating Label's Graphic
  • Added: Graphic property to Panel
  • Added: DrawAlpha to Canvas
  • Fixed: Bitmap
  • Fixed: Cursor object
  • Fixed: TreeView control's Clear method
  • Fixed: NumbericUpDown and UpDown controls on Linux
  • Fixed: Control's Visible property on Linux, Added: NumericUpDown control on Linux
  • Fixed: NumericUpDown on High DPI
  • Fixed: CheckedListBox and UpDown On High DPI
  • Fixed: MenuItem's RadioItem property.
  • Fixed: Control Constraints property on High DPI
  • Fixed: Updating UserControl
  • Fixed: Compiling with fbc 1.10.0
  • Fixed: Application
  • Fixed: PageScroller
  • Added: AutoSize property for CheckBox
  • Added: InputBox
  • Fixed: ListView Add method when type with Index
  • Fixed: File number leak
  • Fixed: Tab messages
  • Fixed: IniFile Load method
  • Added: FullTypeName Export function
  • Fixed: Compiling with Pass All Modules to Compiler option
  • Added: RedefineClassKeyword macro
  • Fixed: Detach TabPage to another TabControl on Linux
  • Fixed: Compiling on Linux
  • Added: NumericUpDown control
  • Improved: UpDown dark mode
  • Added: Dark mode for UpDown and TabControl's UpDown
  • Fixed: Showing TabPage icon on moving to another TabControl
  • Added: OnTabAdded, OnTabRemoved and OnTabReordered events to TabControl
  • Added: Detachable property to TabControl
  • Added: IsSelected function to TabPage
  • Fixed: Form ShowModal method
  • Fixed: Blink on closing Modal Form
  • Fixed: ToolBar Enabled property
  • Fixed: Function Cls in High DPI
  • Added: bEnabled parameter to Menu.Add and MenuItem.Add functions
  • Fixed: Compiling on Android
  • Added: Off Defines for Application, Brush, Chart, CommandButton, Component, Control, DoubleList, Frid, Pen, TextBox, UString, StringParseCount and Match
  • Added: #define Application_Controls_Get_Off #define Application_ControlCount_Get_Off #define Application_Title_Get_Off #define Application_GetVerInfo_Off #define Application_GetControls_Off #define Application_Forms_Get_Off #define BitmapType_Height_Get_Off #define BitmapType_Let_HBITMAP_Off #define BitmapType_Let_HICON_Off #define BitmapType_Let_WString_Off #define BitmapType_LoadFromHICON_Off #define BitmapType_SaveToFile_Off #define BitmapType_Width_Get_Off #define Canvas_DrawTransparent_Off #define Canvas_Rectangle_Double_Double_Double_Double_Off #define Canvas_TransferDoubleBuffer_Off #define Control_IndexOf_String_Off #define Control_RecreateWnd_Off #define Control_ChangeControlIndex_Off #define Control_ChangeStyle_Off #define Control_StyleExists_Off #define Control_TopLevelControl_Off #define Control_Parent_Set_Off #define Cursor_LoadFromFile_Off #define Cursor_LoadFromResourceID_Off #define Cursor_LoadFromResourceName_Off #define Cursor_SaveToFile_Off #define Debug_Print_Off #define Dictionary_Add_Off #define Dictionary_Count_Get_Off #define Dictionary_IndexOf_Off #define Dictionary_IndexOfKey_Off #define Dictionary_IndexOfObject_Off #define Dictionary_Item_Get_Integer_Off #define Dictionary_Sort_Off #define Dictionary_SortKeys_Off #define Dictionary_Text_Get_Off #define Dictionary_Text_Set_Off #define DictionaryItem_Key_Get_Off #define DictionaryItem_Text_Get_Off #define Font_Color_Set_Off #define Form_ShowModal_Off #define GraphicType_LoadFromFile_Off #define GraphicType_LoadFromResourceID_Off #define GraphicType_LoadFromResourceName_Off #define Icon_Height_Get_Off #define Icon_LoadFromResourceID_Off #define Icon_LoadFromResourceName_Off #define Icon_ResName_Set_Off #define Icon_SaveToFile_Off #define Icon_Width_Get_Off #define ImageList_Add_WString_Off #define ImageList_AddFromFile_Off #define ImageList_Clear_Off #define ImageList_GetBitmap_Integer_Off #define ImageList_GetCursor_Integer_Off #define ImageList_GetIcon_Integer_Off #define ImageList_GetMask_Integer_Off #define ImageList_IndexOf_Off #define ImageList_Remove_Integer_Off #define IntegerList_IndexOf_Off #define MainHandle_Off #define Menu_Color_Set_Off #define Menu_IndexOf_WString_Off #define Menu_Item_Set_MenuItem_Off #define MenuItem_IndexOf_WString_Off #define MenuItem_Insert_Off #define MenuItem_Find_WString_Off #define MenuItem_Image_Set_BitmapType_Off #define MenuItem_ImageIndex_Set_Off #define MenuItem_Name_Set_Off #define List_Item_Set_Off #define LoadFromFile_Off #define Replace_Off #define SaveToFile_Off #define WStringList_Add_Off #define WStringList_IndexOf_Off #define WStringList_IndexOfObject_Off #define WStringList_MatchCase_Get_Off #define WStringList_Sort_Off #define WStringList_Text_Set_Off
  • Fixed: Showing last opened TabPage on recreate TabControl window
  • Fixed: Checking RadioButton
  • Added: ReadProperty_Off and WriteProperty_Off checks for ReadProperty and WriteProperty functions.
  • Added: Debug.AssertError and Debug.AssertWarning

MyFbFramework 1.3.3

25 Sep 13:30
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Version 1.3.3 (September 25, 2022)

  • Fixed: WebBrowser Navigate method
  • Fixed: Compiling with gtk2
  • Added: HorizontalBox and VerticalBox container controls
  • Fixed: Opening multiple files with OpenFileDialog on Linux
  • Fixed: ActiveForm property of Application on Linux
  • Fixed: Application Run method
  • Fixed: Recreating OpenFileControl
  • Added: Undo, PasteFromClipboard, CopyToClipboard, CutToClipboard, SelectAll methods to ComboBoxEdit and ComboBoxEx
  • Fixed: the Index of Items for all Control
  • Fixed: Crashing IDE on Linux
  • Added: Ability to change properties of FolderBrowserDialog, FontDialog and ColorDialog through the Properties window
  • Added: Ability to change properties of OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog through the Properties window
  • Improved: Showing MDI Child Icon and Minimize, Restore and Close buttons in High DPI
  • Fixed: Image and ImageKey property of MenuItem
  • Added: ActiveMDIChild property to Application
  • Fixed: Showing MDI Child Icon and Minimize, Restore, Close buttons on Dark Mode
  • Added: HIDE_NO_MAIN_FORM_ON_CLOSE define
  • Fixed: RichTextBox TextRTF property and adding to Designer
  • Fixed: BitmapWidth, BitmapHeight, ButtonWidth and ButtonHeight properties of ToolBar on High DPI
  • Fixed: Set Colors in MDI forms
  • Fixed: Show, Hide And CreateWnd methods of ToolTips
  • Fixed: Drawing of the top menu when enabling and disabling elements of the top menu.
  • Fixed: WebBrowser designing
  • Changed: License to modifiedLGPL
  • Added: ControlRepaint Export sub for Control, ChangeIndex method for List, PanelIndex property to StatusPanel, ChangePanelIndex method for StatusBar, ButtonIndex property to ToolButton, ChangeIndex method to ToolButtons
  • Fixed: UpDown control
  • Added: AutoSize property to ContainerControl
  • Added: Vertical centering text of Label with CenterImage property
  • Fixed: Dark mode of MDI Client window
  • Added: OnColumnClick event to Grid
  • Added: NumbersOnly property to TextBox
  • Fixed: AllowDrop property of Control on Design mode
  • Fixed: Form Closing errors
  • Fixed: Dictionary IndexOfKey function
  • Improved: Setting the default property of a CommandButton sets or unsets the DefaultButton property of the parent Form.
  • Fixed: CommandButton Default property
  • Fixed: ToolPalette Remove tool buttons
  • Improved: Drawing checkboxes in CheckedListBox
  • Added: OnActivate and OnDeActivate events to MDI Child
  • Fixed: Tab on MDI Child
  • Added: Selected property to ListView Item
  • Fixed: MDI Form on High DPI
  • Updated: Canvas functions in Linux for Scale
  • Fixed: Crashing Chart control
  • Improved: MDI Form
  • Fixed: Set empty caption to MenuItem on Linux
  • Added: ChangeIndex procedure to Control
  • Added: ControlIndex property to Control
  • Added: ParentMenuItem property to MeniItem
  • Fixed: Form WindowState property on startup
  • Fixed: Closing and Showing MDI Child
  • Fixed: Showing MDI Child Form on Design Mode
  • Added: MouseWheel to ScrollControl
  • Added: ScrollControl on Linux
  • Added: ScrollControl
  • Added: OnLinkClicked event to ToolTips
  • Fixed: KeyPress event of Controls to get Unicode symbols
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEx Text Limit
  • Fixed: Display of ComboBoxEx items with long text
  • Improved: ComboBoxEx events
  • Fixed: OnDblClick event of ComboBoxEx
  • Improved: OnDblClick event triggers also in TextBox for ComboBoxEdit & ComboBoxEx.
  • Added: ItemCount function and Clear method to ComboBoxEx (to extend the properties and methods of the base class)
  • Added: AddItem, RemoveItem and InsertItem methods, Item and ItemData properties, IndexOf, Contains and IndexOfData functions to ComboBoxEx
  • Fixed: Showing ToolPalette icons on High DPI
  • Fixed: Compiling on Android
  • Added: ByRef Idx parameter to WStringList Contains function
  • Fixed: Get and set inner and outer text and html in function GetBody/SetBody of WebBrowser
  • Added: ItemText parameter to IndexOf function of WStringList
  • Improved: Control RequestAlign method
  • Fixed: Showing ComboBoxEdit
  • Fixed: Drawing GroupBox on Dark Mode
  • Fixed: File number leak
  • Fixed: Control Margins property
  • Added: USE_GTK4 define
  • Fixed: Refresh ComboBoxEdit items after change item by Index
  • Fixed: LoadFromFile and SaveToFile functions of CheckedListBox, ComboBoxEdit and ListControl
  • Added: LoadFromFile and SaveToFile functions
  • Fixed: Showing EditControl Tooltip
  • Fixed: Showing ToolTip for Form
  • Improved: WLetEx function
  • Added: MatchFullWords optional parameter to IndexOf function of Dictionary
  • Improved: WStringList Sorted Add
  • Added: MatchCase and MatchFullWords properties to WStringList
  • Added: SortInsert parameter to WStringList Add function
  • Improved: The speed IndexOf functions of WStringList and Dictionary
  • Fixed: TextBox Left and Right Margins on High DPI
  • Improved: Set Images to Menu from ImageList
  • Fixed: Hang when changing IDE width at High DPI
  • Fixed: ToolBar on High DPI
  • Fixed: High DPI of ComboBoxEx, TabControl and ToolPalette controls
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEdit Item Height on High DPI
  • Fixed: ImageList on High DPI
  • Added: My.Sys.Registry namespace
  • Fixed: ToolButton State property
  • Added: Debug.Clear function
  • Changed: DebugPrint to Debug.Print
  • Added: Printing with Debug.Print to Debug Window
  • Added: Setting SelStart and SelEnd methods of TextBox in Constructor
  • Improved: Dictionary IndexOfKey method
  • Fixed: FromUTF8 function
  • Fixed: TabPage on Designer
  • Fixed: PopupMenu ParentWindow property (get)
  • Added: Index Parameter to Control Add Method
  • Added: Get and Set Menu and MenuItem Items by Key
  • Added: TabControl DeleteTab by TabPage Pointer
  • Fixed: Splitter update on moving

MyFbFramework 1.3.2

16 Apr 17:21
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Version 1.3.2 (April 16, 2022)

  • Fixed: Unable to register class message
  • Fixed: CheckBox Font in Dark Mode
  • Added: Game FiveInARow example
  • Added: Import Get function in Canvas like freeBasic Graphics function to grab an image
  • Added: DPI Change handling
  • Improved: AddRange control methods are available in gcc backend and 64-bit.
  • Fixed: Reorder TabPage on Windows
  • Fixed: GridData compiling
  • Added: Location and Size properties to Control
  • Fixed: Hanging in DoEvents Function
  • Fixed: FromUTF8 function

MyFbFramework 1.3.1

31 Mar 17:45
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  • Added: OnMoving event to Splitter
  • Added: SeriesCount and AxisItemsCount functions to Chart control
  • Fixed: Chart UpdateSerie with animation
  • Fixed: Chart UpdateSerie method
  • Fixed: Control Parent property
  • Added: FillColor and FillMode property to Canvas
  • Removed: Picture Canvas field, Picture control gets Canvas field from Base type
  • Fixed: Drawing with BackColor on Canvas
  • Improved: Canvas Line function
  • Fixed: Add Circle function to Canvas
  • Fixed: WebBrowser Segmentation violation signal
  • Fixed: Compiling GridData control
  • Added: GridData control
  • Added: Canvas BackColor property for Cls method
  • Added: ToolTipsFormat property to Chart control
  • Fixed: LabelsPositions and LabelsAlignments properties of Chart control
  • Added: LabelsFormat property to Chart control
  • Added: Cell function to Grid control
  • Added: Tag Property to GridColumn
  • Added: Grid Example
  • Added: GridCell to Grid control
  • Added: ButterflyDraw example
  • Fixed: Hello Example compiling
  • Added: Scale and Cls function to Canvas
  • Fixed: Showing Double values in Chart control
  • Fixed: High DPI Chart, Grid, ListView and TreeListView controls
  • Fixed: Chart control without data
  • Added: Scale function to Canvas on Windows
  • Added: SelectedColumnIndex property to Grid control
  • Added: Dark mode for Grid control
  • Added: AxisMax and AxisMin property to Chart control
  • Added: CountOf function to WStringList
  • Added: CreateDoubleBuffer, TransferDoubleBuffer and DeleteDoubleBuffer methods to Canvas
  • Improved: Canvas SetPixel method and Changed: GetDevice and ReleaseDevice method visibility from Private: to Public:
  • Fixed: OpenFileControl crash on Design Mode

MyFbFramework 1.3.0

18 Mar 14:22
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Version 1.3.0 (March 18, 2022)

  • Improved: ReBar Dark Mode in Linux
  • Added: Object parameter to Dictionary IndexOfKey And ContainsOfKey functions
  • Added: Dark Mode for ToolTips
  • Improved: Dark Mode
  • Added: Changing from Dark Mode to HighLight Mode
  • Added: DarkMode For OpenFileControl
  • Fixed: TextBox DarkMode
  • Changed: GroupBox and TextBox Border Color on Dark Mode
  • Fixed: MenuItem.Visible property
  • Fixed: Compiling with USE_GTK
  • Fixed: Compiling for Android
  • Changed: DarkMode ReBar control to hide white line and ToolBar control to show separator
  • Changed: Numbering from L to _L macros
  • Fixed: Saving resource files (*.rc) end lines with CRLF
  • Fixed: Showing error message on closing IDE
  • Improved: The quality of some resources file
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEdit and ComboBoxEx ScrollBar Dark Mode
  • Fixed: Resources file for Dark Mode
  • Added: InStrMatch function
  • Fixed: Showing ListView GridLines in Dark mode
  • Changed: ListView and TreeListView GridLines Color on Dark mode
  • Fixed: StatusBar Erase Background
  • Added: DarkMode for ProgressBar
  • Added: DarkMode to MenuBar
  • Improved: TabControl and StatusBar Dark mode
  • Fixed: DarkMode on 64-bit
  • Fixed: CheckBox and RadioButton ForeColor property
  • Added: Dark Mode
  • Fixed: Controls Enabled function on create
  • Fixed: Twice OnClick event on the controls in GroupBox
  • Fixed: Set TrackBar Position property
  • Fixed: Saving ScrollBar Position on Design mode
  • Added: EditLabels property to TreeListView
  • Fixed: TreeListView Columns Width property
  • Changed: ComponentGetBounds procedure from Integer Ptr to Integer
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEx Style property and CheckedListBox BackColor property
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEx List Height
  • Fixed: CheckedListBox AddItem method
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEx Text property
  • Fixed: OnChange event on ComboBoxEdit
  • Fixed: Blinking of the close, maximize, minimize buttons of the form when the mouse over them in Windows 7.
  • Changed: Component GetBounds function
  • Added: Visible property to TabPage
  • Fixed: Activating another form on form activation event in Windows 7.
  • Added: Debug print function to save debug log
  • Added: InitialDir to FolderBrowserDialog
  • Fixed: Destructor on Windows GTK
  • Added: CheckBox, RadioButton, MonthCalendar on Android
  • Added: Form, Label, Panel, TextBox, CommandButton controls on Android
  • Added: Left, Top, Width and Height properties to controls in Android
  • Fixed: USE_GTK, USE_WINAPI and USE_JNI defines
  • Added: USE_JNI define for Android
  • Changed: Align property type from Integer to Enum
  • Fixed: TextBox LoadFromFile and GetSel method
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEdit Text property
  • Fixed: TextBox SelText and Control Visible property
  • Added: ParentMenuItem property to PopUpMenu
  • Added: Private keyword for all types and procedures
  • Fixed: TabControl RequestAlign (for TabPages)
  • Fixed: Rect and Point types on 64-bit
  • Fixed: Form Resizing on Minimized state
  • Added: TextBox LeftMargin and RightMargin on Linux
  • Added: TextBox LeftMargin and RightMargin properties
  • Added: OnDrawItem and OnMeasureItem events to TreeListView
  • Fixed: Bitmap and Icon LoadFromResourceName functions
  • Fixed: Set system color to RichTextBox
  • Added: AddImage function to RichTextBox on Linux
  • Added: SelPrint function to RichTextBox
  • Added: AddImage functions to RichTextBox
  • Added: AddImageFromFile function to RichTextBox on Windows
  • Added: RichTextBox SelAlignment, SelBackColor, SelColor, SelBold, SelBullet, SelCharOffset, SelCharSet, SelFontName, SelFontSize, SelIndent, SelItalic, SelProtected, SelRightIndent, SelHangingIndent, SelTabCount, SelUnderline, SelStrikeout properties on Windows and Linux
  • Added: RichTextBox Find, FindNext, FindPrev, GetTextRange functions on Linux
  • Added: RichTextBox OnProtectChange event on Windows
  • Fixed: ToolBar and ReBar
  • Added: ReBarBand
  • Improved: ReBar moved to Container controls
  • Added: ReBar on Windows
  • Fixed: Canvas GetPixel, TextWidth and TextHeight functions
  • Added: PageScroller on Linux
  • Added: PageScroller control on Windows
  • Removed: NativeFontControl
  • Fixed: HotKey and Form set text property on Linux
  • Fixed: Text property of LinkLabel
  • Added: Home, End keys, Control and Shift masks to IPAddress control on Linux
  • Fixed: IPAddress control Text property
  • Added: OnChange and OnFieldChanged events to IPAddress control on Linux
  • Added: IPAddress control on Linux
  • Added: OnChange event to IPAddress control
  • Fixed: IPAddress in Windows
  • Added: HotKey Control on Linux
  • Added: Resizable property to Header Control and HeaderSection
  • Fixed: Header Control Height on Linux
  • Added: OnChanging, OnChanged, OnTrack and OnSectionDblClick events to Header control on Linux
  • Added: Header control on Linux
  • Improved: Filled OpenFileControl Read and Write Property functions
  • Added: OpenFileControl
  • Added: Grid control in Linux
  • Added: MonthCalendar
  • Fixed: DateTimePicker Text property on Linux
  • Fixed: Changing year and month in DateTimePicker calendar on Linux.
  • Fixed: DateTimePicker in Gtk2
  • Added: DateTimePicker in Linux
  • Added: ShowNone property to DateTimePicker
  • Improved: DateTimePicker
  • Fixed: Control SetBounds method in Linux
  • Fixed: Width and Height properties of Components in Linux
  • Added: ToolButton Width and Height property in Linux
  • Fixed: Chart sizing in Linux GTK2
  • Fixed: Showing Chart Control in Windows
  • Fixed: MenuItem Checked property
  • Improved: Animate Control supports all media file formats in Windows (including .gif, .mp4 and etc.)
  • Added: IsPlaying funtion to Animate control
  • Added: OnOpen event of Animate control on Windows and Linux
  • Added: OnStart, OnStop and OnClose events to Animate control on Linux
  • Added: Animate Control in Linux
  • Improved: Filled Animate Read and Write property functions
  • Fixed: Compiling with FreeBasic 1.09
  • Improved: TreeListView ListItems property and TreeListViewItem Items property names changed to name Nodes
  • Fixed: TreeView OnSelChanging event
  • Improved: ToolPalette Group collapsed style in Windows
  • Improved: Filled TreeListView Read and Write properties
  • Removed: SmallImages, GroupHeaderImages and View property of TreeListView
  • Fixed: Create TreeListView items in constructor in Windows
  • Fixed: TreeNode ImageIndex property
  • Fixed: TreeNode SelectedImageIndex property
  • Added: Get by index function to Dictionary, OnItemDblClick, OnItemKeyDown and OnSelectedItemChanging events to ListView in Linux
  • Added: Images, SelectedImages and EditLabels property to TreeView in Linux, DraggedNode function to TreeView in Linux, OnNodeClick, OnNodeDblClick, OnNodeCollapsing, OnNodeCollapsed, OnNodeExpanding, OnNodeExpanded, OnSelChanging, OnBeforeLabelEdit and OnAfterLabelEdit events to TreeView in Linux
  • Added: IsChild property to Control in Linux
  • Fixed: TreeView add nodes on Form constructor
  • Added: OnNodeCollapsing, OnNodeCollapsed, OnBeforeLabelEdit events to TreeView in Windows
  • Fixed: Form OnShow event
  • Added: ListView Sort property in Linux, Fixed: ListView View property in Linux
  • Fixed: TabPage ImageKey property, PopupMenu ParentWindow property and ListView View property in Linux
  • Added: View Property and OnItemClick event to ListView in Linux
  • Added: ListView CheckBoxes property and ListViewItem Checked property in Linux
  • Added: BorderStyle, AllowColumnReorder and GridLines properties to ListView in Linux
  • Fixed: ProgressBar ProcessMessage method
  • Fixed: StepBy and StepIt methods of ProgressBar in Linux
  • Improved: Filled ProgressBar Read and Write property functions
  • Added: TrackBar ClearTickMarks method
  • Fixed: ListView SelectedItemIndex property and ListItems.Add function in Linux
  • Added: OnScroll and OnChange events to TrackBar in Linux
  • Fixed: AddTickMark in tmBoth TickStyle in Linux
  • Added: tmManual TickStyle to TrackBar in Linux
  • Added: tmBosh style TickMark to TrackBar in Linux
  • Removed: Tick property of TrackBar.
  • Added: MinValue, MaxValue, Position, LineSize, PageSize, ThumbLength, Frequency, TickStyle and Style property and AddTickMark method to TrackBar in Linux
  • Improved: Filled TrackBar Read and Write property function
  • Added: BGR function in Linux
  • Fixed: BackColor and ForeColor property of Control in Linux
  • Fixed: ScrollarBar controls set MaxValue
  • Added: BringToFront and SendToBack methods to Control in Linux
  • Improved: Filled Read and Write property functions of ScrollBar controls
  • Fixed: Set Text property of GroupBox from Property Grid
  • Added: Registry functions
  • Fixed: TabIndex, TabStop and Text property of TabPage
  • Fixed: Text property of ComboBox and ComboBoxEx
  • Fixed: Form Constraints property in Linux
  • Fixed: Leaking GDI objects
  • Added: Contraints property to controls in Linux
  • Fixed: Get Top position of controls contained in GroupBox
  • Added: SelCount and SelItems properties to ListControl in Linux
  • Fixed: Check items of CheckedListBox in Linux
  • Fixed: Delete GDI objects
  • Fixed: MultiColumn in CheckedListBox
  • Changed: Columns property of ListControl and CheckedListBox to name MultiColumn
  • Fixed: Filled Read and Write property function of CheckedListBox
  • Fixed: CheckedListBox draw focus
  • Added: CheckedListBox in Windows
  • Added: CheckedListBox control in Linux
  • Added: SelItems and SelCount properties to ListControl in Windows
  • Improved: ListBox AddItem and InsertItem method
  • Improved: ListBox Read and Write property function
  • Added: Sort property to ListControl in Linux
  • Added: ListControl borders in Linux
  • Improved: ComboBoxEx Read and Write property functions
  • Removed: AddObject and InsertObject methods from ComboBoxEdit
  • Added: OnMouseEnter, OnMouseMove, OnMouseHover, OnMouseLeave events to ComboBoxes in Linux
  • Fixed: Control ShowHint property in Linux
  • Added: Sort property to ComboBox and ComboBoxEx in Linux
  • Added: OnSelectCanceled event t...
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MyFbFramework 1.2.9

14 Jul 17:37
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Version 1.2.9 (July 14, 2021)

  • Fixed: Show windows on DPI sets
  • Fixed: CheckBox problem in GroupBox
  • Fixed: Default check property of CheckBox

MyFbFramework 1.2.8

16 May 14:00
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Version 1.2.8 (May 16, 2021)

  • Fixed: Control Destructor in Linux
  • Added: RadioButton Checked Property in Linux
  • Fixed: ToolBar Button Captions in Linux
  • Added: StatusBar Read and Write Property Functions
  • Fixed: Icon LoadFromFile
  • Added: ImageListClear Export function
  • Fixed: UString Len function
  • Fixed: StatusBar create crash
  • Fixed: Change ListView Column Text
  • Added: ImageList Read and Write Property functions
  • Added: ImageList Stretch images
  • Fixed: ImageList AddFromFile
  • Added: Text property to Dictionary
  • Added: Canvas Draw transparent
  • Added: Top menu separator
  • Added: ReadProperty and WriteProperty function to ToolBar
  • Added: Selected(Index) property to ListControl
  • Fixed: ShowModal
  • Fixed: Delete Component
  • Added: ToBitmap function to Cursor
  • Fixed: LoadIcon
  • Added: Form Show normal if is minimized
  • Added: Load icon to MenuItem image
  • Fixed: Compile without warning in Win64
  • Fixed: Reduced number of GDI objects
  • Added: Work with image files in Designer
  • Fixed: ListView Get SubItem Text
  • Added: Sort to ListView
  • Added: ToolButtonClick event to ToolBar
  • Added: Load from PNG file
  • Added: ExtMargins property to Controls
  • Added: WantTab property to TextBox
  • Fixed: Separator MenuItem Caption
  • Fixed: MenuItem Read and Write property function
  • Fixed: Form WriteProperty function
  • Fixed: Control Repaint function
  • Fixed: Panel Paint event
  • Fixed: Reallocate functions
  • Fixed: Canvas functions
  • Added: Object property to Dictionary items
  • Added: Chart in Linux

MyFbFramework 1.2.7

05 Mar 20:13
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  • Added: USE_WEBKITGTK definition
  • Added: Chart control
  • Added: MouseHover event to Control
  • Fixed: GTK window move on Windows
  • Added: TimerComponent on Linux
  • Fixed: RichTextBox crash
  • Fixed: ReadOnly property of RichTextBox in Design Mode
  • Improved: Replace function
  • Fixed: GTK critical warning messages
  • Fixed: MenuItem.Clear
  • Added: OnMessage event to Control
  • Added: Set ListView.ImageIndex And ImageKey
  • Fixed: ComboBoxEdit in Designer on Linux not Disabled
  • Fixed: Icons are now visible in Linux if the path to the editor is in Unicode
  • Fixed: Open and Close files
  • Fixed: GroupBox paint
  • Fixed: Font size
  • Fixed: Menu item icons draws without background
  • Added: Alignment property to controls Label, TextBox, CheckBox, RadioButton
  • Fixed: SetFocus with UI state
  • Added: TabIndex to Controls
  • Fixed: Type changing in SaveFileDialog

MyFbFramework 1.2.6

14 Dec 16:24
Choose a tag to compare

Version 1.2.6 (December 14, 2020)

  • Added: UserControl type
  • Changed: KeyExists function to Public
  • Added: Designer property to My.Sys.Object
  • Added: DraggedNode function to TreeView
  • Added: to check memory leaks
  • Fixed: MemLeaks
  • Fixed: ListView View property
  • Fixed: SaveFileDialog FilterIndex function
  • Fixed: Text Property of Control